Karambwans: yay or nay?

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Should karambwans (with no eating delay) be added?

Yes, add it like OSRS
Add karambwans but without the overpowered mechanic
No votes
Don't add them
I don't care
Total votes: 53

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Fungamer » Fri May 18, 2018 5:15 pm

Support. Would love to also have the raw ones to be fished the same way like Respire said. They'll be pretty much fully afk (could make people reclick after like 25 seconds) but the XP rate on them could be low to compensate for that.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Slap a ho » Fri May 18, 2018 5:32 pm

Kpnc wrote:
Mike wrote:
Troll n roll wrote:Only if we change the delay on eating pots\food to 3 ticks.
That's already the case for food, but not potions. A future update will change that, so they will both be 3 ticks.
would that change the way Karambwans work?
No. Karambwans would act as they do in osrs.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Pim » Fri May 18, 2018 5:52 pm

Counterret wrote:No. Takes all the fun away in edge pking. Brew shark is enough. This is intented on osrs for pvming while facing bosses that can hit huge amounts, but admittedly ruined pking. Remember where u just brought an ags as main weapon back in the days and just combo someone out cuz he only had sharks? Together with you having the most fun ever in a crowded wilderniss? Right. We have ss for pvm and it kills pking so do not do this.



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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Simon » Fri May 18, 2018 6:23 pm


We don't need more ways to out-eat combos.

On OSRS, people don't always bring brews when they PK because brews are expensive. On PKH, everyone has brews. Brews are enough, no more lol

60hp eating in one tick is just gonna be silly.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Slap a ho » Fri May 18, 2018 6:26 pm

Simon wrote:Noooooooooo

We don't need more ways to out-eat combos.

On OSRS, people don't always bring brews when they PK because brews are expensive. On PKH, everyone has brews. Brews are enough, no more lol

60hp eating in one tick is just gonna be silly.
They also don’t have curses.


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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 18, 2018 6:41 pm

Some info for those of you opposed. Just so you know what you would be voting for considering potions will be fixed.

Currently max healing rate is 39 per 2 ticks (rocktail+brew) or 19.5 hp per game tick. Making both of these changes would put the max healing rate to 57 per 3 ticks (rocktail+brew+karambwan) or 19 hp per game tick. This would be 0.5 health per tick slower, a very slight nerf. Sure, there is the concern of people eating a lot in one game tick. If potions are fixed, and karambwans are not added, then the max healing rate will be 39 per 3 game ticks or 13 hp per game tick. Going from 19.5 to 13 is a huge nerf.
Max healing for people tanking on brews would go down from 16 per 2 ticks (8 hp per game tick) to 16 per 3 ticks (5.33 hp per game tick). 33% slower healing.
Simon wrote:On OSRS, people don't always bring brews when they PK because brews are expensive.
Completely depends on the type of pking. Edge melee/range pking, sure people only bring one brew along with a main food and karambwans. Deep tribrid pking, almost all of your food is going to be brews. You have to outlast your opponent, and brews are the meta to do that. Brews arent even expensive on osrs. 6k is cheap.
Simon wrote:On PKH, everyone has brews.
The only reason people stack brews on here is because they are broken and you can heal ridiculously fast.
Simon wrote:60hp eating in one tick is just gonna be silly.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Troll n roll » Fri May 18, 2018 7:48 pm

Adamthalion wrote:Some info for those of you opposed. Just so you know what you would be voting for considering potions will be fixed.

Currently max healing rate is 39 per 2 ticks (rocktail+brew) or 19.5 hp per game tick. Making both of these changes would put the max healing rate to 57 per 3 ticks (rocktail+brew+karambwan) or 19 hp per game tick. This would be 0.5 health per tick slower, a very slight nerf. Sure, there is the concern of people eating a lot in one game tick. If potions are fixed, and karambwans are not added, then the max healing rate will be 39 per 3 game ticks or 13 hp per game tick. Going from 19.5 to 13 is a huge nerf.
Max healing for people tanking on brews would go down from 16 per 2 ticks (8 hp per game tick) to 16 per 3 ticks (5.33 hp per game tick). 33% slower healing.
Valid. But I don't think the issue is the rate of healing. I have almost never been koed from not eating quick enough. It's moreso that I can't eat high enough, atleast for edge pking.
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 18, 2018 9:13 pm

Troll n roll wrote:Valid. But I don't think the issue is the rate of healing. I have almost never been koed from not eating quick enough. It's moreso that I can't eat high enough, atleast for edge pking.
Well there are two different ways to look at the rate of healing. The overall rate of healing, and the 'instantaneous rate' of healing (think of this as a differential). The point I was making is that making both of these changes (fixing potions, adding karambwans) will not affect the overall rate of healing in edge pking, while it will provide a much needed nerf to the overall rate of healing to deep wilderness.
In regards to the instantaneous rate, right now a player can heal 39 on one game tick. At the start of the 3rd game tick (1.2s later), they will be able to perform this same action again. If both changes are made, a player will be able to heal 57 in one game tick. At the start of the 4th game tick (1.8s later), they will be able to perform this same action again.

I guess people can use that information to decide whether or not they think it is a positive change.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by Rgh » Fri May 18, 2018 9:14 pm

I'd love to see karambwans, mainly so I don't need to spam rocktails on my honor when taking serious damage from pvm or even pk.

Either way, I see this making an impact to pking as people like myself are tragic at it and have to use brews to tick eat. (im actually terrible at restoring or w.e) so having karambwans would mean i could actually get better at pking because at this time I just don't like it due to using brews and having to bring restores or more combat potions. This would make life so much easier, and actually enable me to pk in edge and enjoy it. IMO.

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Re: Karambwans: yay or nay?

Post by James » Fri May 18, 2018 9:29 pm

Can we test it out on the test server then re-vote on it?
