PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Amount » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:34 am

It sounds lovely.
Mike wrote:
What would make the items untradeable is that they're a different item ID. They are simply a copy of the original, so they wouldn't stack in your bank (but I see no problem with that). Implementing copies of a few items shouldn't be too much work.
One query... what happens when players PK these items?

Part of the fun of PKing is the chance at some loot...
I know I'd feel cheated if I found out that no loot dropped because my opponent's gear is untradable.

Problem is, I can't think of any simple fix.
If you give those items a GP value equivalent on death, then nothing is stopping players from PKing themselves for that GP.

Ahh, think I've got it.
Maybe if you allow the copied versions to be dropped as loot.
There won't be any boosting for those items because those items aren't tradable. Just usable. And that's ok.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Pajama treee » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:08 am

Amount wrote:It sounds lovely.
Mike wrote:
What would make the items untradeable is that they're a different item ID. They are simply a copy of the original, so they wouldn't stack in your bank (but I see no problem with that). Implementing copies of a few items shouldn't be too much work.
One query... what happens when players PK these items?

Part of the fun of PKing is the chance at some loot...
I know I'd feel cheated if I found out that no loot dropped because my opponent's gear is untradable.

Problem is, I can't think of any simple fix.
If you give those items a GP value equivalent on death, then nothing is stopping players from PKing themselves for that GP.

Ahh, think I've got it.
Maybe if you allow the copied versions to be dropped as loot.
There won't be any boosting for those items because those items aren't tradable. Just usable. And that's ok.
money dropped, with a chance of it being doubled or tripled against those items.
you start out with enough at the start to get going pking regardless.
they can go back into the refund box, and you pay a good price for them, depending on the item.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Blahblahdie » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:02 am

Give them the bare minimum to get a taste of how the pking is.

1× Mystic set
100 barrage casts
Ancient staff
Book of zamorak

Berserker Helm
Dragon scimitar
Dragon gloves
Rune boots
Rune defender (debatable)
1× Every dragon spec weapon from the store
×10 recoils

×1 black dragonhide set
500 rune arrows
Archer helm
Rune crossbow
100 dragon bolt (e)

×100 sharks
×25 brews
×25 restores
×15 Super sets
×100 veng casts
x10 extreme range potions

90 att
97 Str
90 def
94 Mage
90 Range
70 prayer

Nothing about this is over powered, money abusive, or inefficient.
With those stats, they are able to test out the combat such as veng and barrage and see if this server suits them.

With the items above, they get the bare jist of what the server has to offer, and do not have to waste time browsing shops (once they find them) to buy the gear needed.

Also, I see no reason why a new player doesn't recieve %50 pks boost for PVP only during the first hour of their timeplayed.
At best, (this is without events obviously) you get like 15-30 pks per kill on average. Getting 24 pks for a kill, plus an additional 12 pks will give a little incentive to continue pking to reach the rewards you wish to purchase.
Many new players want to be able to use a Vesta or Statius item, perhaps even chaotic weapon relatively soon while pking on a new server, to stand a chance against other players. This will give them a chance to do so, without basically handing them a free pkp item.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Hayden » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:12 am

I would honestly just make HP easier to get 99 in general. Same with prayer. Free 99hp isn't an issue at all, prayer however, maybe give them 52 or 70 for free but also I would raise xp of dragon bones to maybe 5k or 6k.

In addition, when doing ::pure (x), give people the option of what level they want to set it at, because some people are, well, pures. Make it so when you type ::pure (x) a box comes up or something explaining 'this command lets you set your attack level to whatever you want, type the level you want below - can only be used 3 times' or something.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Grizzly mint » Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:35 am

you guys are sort of missing the point. ask yourself, what's fun about pking? it's obviously not dying. Fighting is fun, but we all know the feeling of countless rematches because no one dies.. pkers want the kill.

this gear you're suggesting is literally stuff you can buy in the shops with the starting cash we're already given. Tell me, when was the last time you died to a dds, d mace, or d long? they're literally going to go out there, spec a bunch of zeros with those dragon weapons, and die to claws and ags. Then there going to do exactly what they do now, say "fuck this." and log out to find a different server.

I spend most of my time pking, I know the combat (not a fan of the accuracy), and I know what works and what doesn't. kills come from spec, or a slow high damage weapon. Rarely do I get combo kills, And never do I get kills with a dds, mace, or a long. I've tried, trust me. If you're in say, torags with a whip and claws, and you fight someone in rune with a d scim and dds. 10/10 times, you will kill him if you keep re-matching until someone dies. You might be thinking, "well duh, his gear is 10x better than the new player." Exactly my point. These new players are going to be going against that.

little rant, but the point is, they need a good special attack weapon. that's the only way to give them a chance. How to implement something like that without abuse would be tricky though.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Pajama treee » Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:00 am

Grizzly mint wrote:you guys are sort of missing the point. ask yourself, what's fun about pking? it's obviously not dying. Fighting is fun, but we all know the feeling of countless rematches because no one dies.. pkers want the kill.

this gear you're suggesting is literally stuff you can buy in the shops with the starting cash we're already given. Tell me, when was the last time you died to a dds, d mace, or d long? they're literally going to go out there, spec a bunch of zeros with those dragon weapons, and die to claws and ags. Then there going to do exactly what they do now, say "fuck this." and log out to find a different server.

I spend most of my time pking, I know the combat (not a fan of the accuracy), and I know what works and what doesn't. kills come from spec, or a slow high damage weapon. Rarely do I get combo kills, And never do I get kills with a dds, mace, or a long. I've tried, trust me. If you're in say, torags with a whip and claws, and you fight someone in rune with a d scim and dds. 10/10 times, you will kill him if you keep re-matching until someone dies. You might be thinking, "well duh, his gear is 10x better than the new player." Exactly my point. These new players are going to be going against that.

little rant, but the point is, they need a good special attack weapon. that's the only way to give them a chance. How to implement something like that without abuse would be tricky though.
buff the dds

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Jonas » Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:11 am

I quite love this idea. How about we add Pk'ing box sets to the PK store for a little amount of coins? For example: Melee\Range\Mage\Hybrid

My original suggestion:
viewtopic.php?f=73&t=52281&p=494912&hil ... et#p494912

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Aux cord » Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:24 am

barrows gloves should be way easier to get - maybe connect it to a quest and make it cost pc or pkp. Or just make it 20-50 pkp.



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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Volume pure » Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:40 am

Yeah but fix the bounty hunter system as well

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Azu rite » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:23 pm

60-75 attack
99 str
45 def
99 range
94-99 magic
52 pray
99 hp

Change ::pure to give you maxed pure stats
60-75 atk
99 str
99 range
94-99 magic
99 hp
Prayer is debatable but 52, just allow free resets of skills

All 99s except prayer, make it 52 or 70

Give the zerkers a rune set, zerker helm, recoil, maybe a rune defender, rune boots, recoil, dds, d scim. Mystic, 100 barrages 100 venges, avas, 100 rune arrows, 50 dbolts, rune crossbow, msb, Dragon gloves (make them get barrows), black dhide, ancient staff.

I'll edit this when I got time...
