Construction development (14 October 2013)

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Mike » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:47 pm

Swing set wrote: Even though you're wrong, I mean no disrespect by my posts. I'm a very blunt person. Then again, you asking me what I'm still doing here is a bit contradicting when you're preaching about how you're trying to achieve a bigger player base.
I'm talking about a base of friendly players :P

And which one of us is wrong, I guess time will tell. If the update turns out not to be what PkHonor needed, then I will be proven wrong. But until then, I am confident that I am doing the right thing for PkHonor.
However, I do admit (which I have already stated in a previous thread) that I made a grave mistake with this update: construction was being added directly onto the code of the actual server (rather than in a side project), thereby making it impossible to do smaller (but much needed) updates in the meantime. I'm not afraid to admit this mistake, and will make sure not to make it again in the future. However, I will now finish what I've been working on all this time, then bring about more regular updates in the months to come.

One thing I am sure of: the update is needed to ensure PkHonor's future. We will soon be the only RSPS offering several features that no other RSPS has ever had, and which will be the reason why many people will pick us above any other RSPS. We already receive compliments from several of our players that PkHonor offers more than most, very soon we will be that one server that trumps all others feature-wise.

Once this is done, we will take the time to take a look at everything that could be improved about the server as it is, without many extra features, but perfecting everything until the players say it's as good as it can get.

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Rick » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:52 pm

Weekly updates pl0x <3

Any progress on Cons Mike?

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Mike » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:53 pm

Mila kunis wrote:Weekly updates pl0x <3

Any progress on Cons Mike?
I'm currently making Nomad the most boss boss in the game, but it's tricky and doesn't work entirely as intended yet. I'm currently working on fixing all this but I'm afraid it will cause a few days delay.

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Rick » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:06 pm

Mike wrote:
Mila kunis wrote:Weekly updates pl0x <3

Any progress on Cons Mike?
I'm currently making Nomad the most boss boss in the game, but it's tricky and doesn't work entirely as intended yet. I'm currently working on fixing all this but I'm afraid it will cause a few days delay.
Aww that sucks.. Will nomad be a POH boss? How can we acces him? Is it a singleplayer boss or a multi one?

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Mike » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:23 pm

Mila kunis wrote: Aww that sucks.. Will nomad be a POH boss? How can we acces him? Is it a singleplayer boss or a multi one?
I just figured out what was wrong - now I can continue working on the rest :)

You can build him in the treasure room of your dungeon, but requires a construction level of 99 and costs 500 million coins. You will need to defeat him in order to obtain the Level 8 key required to unlock the unique reward that can be found in the magic treasure chest (which also requires lvl 99 to build).
Other lower levels of treasure guardians and treasure chests can be built, and even though those will yield interesting rewards as well, Nomad will be somewhat considered as the 'final boss' of PkHonor along with Nex. The difference between Nomad and Nex is that you can solo Nomad - but it will be very tough.

The entire player-owned house dungeon is a multi-combat area, therefore other players can assist in killing the boss. Note that NPC's and treasure guardians will drop certain rewards to any players who kill them, but only the house's owner will be able to obtain a key drop from the monster. The key is untradeable and so is the unique reward. So the only way to get the reward is by putting Nomad and a magic treasure chest in your own house.
Also note that taking him on with a team might not necessarily be the best approach - his main spell is blood barrage, and if he has a lot of players to heal on, he can heal faster than you can damage him with a team. If you solo him, the amount of healing he can do is much lower.

What the reward is exactly will be revealed later.

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:31 am

It isn't hard to find a group of people with a chaos with the prices these

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:55 am

Omg hello wrote:It isn't hard to find a group of people with a chaos with the prices these

You, me, Momo, Danny, Purelized and Nolan.

Full void mele, divine, chaos whip.


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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:01 am

Blahblahdie wrote:
Omg hello wrote:It isn't hard to find a group of people with a chaos with the prices these

You, me, Momo, Danny, Purelized and Nolan.

Full void mele, divine, chaos whip.

Don't forget dem honors too (assuming we can use them there) ;P

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Rick » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:19 am

Hmm I still dont like the idea of pvming in a POH..

The bosses can be there but NO drops except the treasure chest key.

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Mike » Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:27 am

Mila kunis wrote:Hmm I still dont like the idea of pvming in a POH..

The bosses can be there but NO drops except the treasure chest key.
The drops will not be much special - at least not worth to PVM in a dungeon unless it's for a slayer assignment. The chest will hold much more valuable rewards.

And no, you will not be able to use honors against NPC's, unless the house belongs to the honor.
