Construction development (14 October 2013)

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Construction development (14 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:41 pm

14 October update
The old random event has been replaced by 4 new ones: two on Bob's island (click the correct portal to leave), a sandwich lady (talk to her for a free sandwich) and a mysterious old man (talk to him for free coins or PkHonor Points).

12 October update
Bank sizes have been increased. Normal players will now have a bank size of 500, donators 700 and premium members 800!

11 October update
All furniture in the player-owned houses is now done, apart from the games room and costume room. These will be added later but construction will be released without them for now.
The last piece of furniture was the wardrobe in a bedroom. You'll be able to purchase unique and untradeable clothes from this:
- Shoe box: sells slave clothes
- Oak drawers: same as above, also sells robes of elidinis
- Oak wardrobe: same as above, also sells frog prince costume
- Teak drawers: same as above, also sells frog princess costume
- Teak wardrobe: same as above, also sells lederhosen outfit
- Mahogany wardrobe: same as above, also sells camo suit
- Gilded wardrobe: same as above, also sells skeletal costume

10 October update
The player-owned house dungeon has been finished:
-> Players can get caught in the oubliette if standing on a trapdoor in the throne room above it and the house's owner activates the trap (can only be done if the house is in pvp mode [safe])
-> Anyone standing in the oubliette will continuously take damage (if there are spikes/tentacles/flames/rocnar) until they die or have managed to pick the lock on they cage door. A higher level cage is harder to escape from, higher thieving level increases your chances of being able to pick the lock. The house owner can freely enter and leave the cage and won't take damage from traps.
-> Traps have been added: they are invisible to anyone (except the owner). When caught, you will take damage. Unless it's a teleport trap, in which case you get teleported to the oubliette (or a stair room if there is no oubliette). You cannot get caught by the same trap twice unless you log out in the meantime. A higher thieving and agility level helps to evade them.
-> Dungeon doors have been added: they will always be open since they serve no actual purpose and might cause bugs if closed. As of now they are purely decorative.

6 October update
Combat room has been finished:
-> Gloves rack has been added: here, players can purchase gloves at the same price as they're sold in the premium store
-> Weapons rack: same as gloves rack, but with the addition of a shadow sword. It's mostly for looks, but has decent stats (slightly better than a dragon scimitar), is cheap and doesn't require any level to wear it.
-> Extra weapons rack: same as weapons rack but with the addition of the Keris. Although not that cheap (11.5m coins), the keris is a very useful weapon to be used against kalphites. It can hit *very* hard and is the only melee weapon (apart from verac's set) that can hit through the kalphite queen's melee prayer.

Kitchen has been finished, beer barrels have been added. All ales you need for this can be bought at ::chill:
- Beer: get wasted for free, including guests
- Cider: adds +2 to your farming level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature cider which adds +4 farming
- Asgarnian ale: same as beer except you get drunk a lot faster
- Greenman's ale: adds +2 to your herblore level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature greenman's ale which adds +4 herblore
- Dragon bitter: same as beer but also heals 8 hitpoints, if you are the house's owner you can get mature dragon bitter which heals 16 HP
- Chef's delight: adds +3 to your cooking level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature chef's delight which adds +6 cooking

Parlour has been finished, bookcases have been added. These show the guests information about the house owner, including general information, all skills they have 2B of, when they completed quests or achievements, how many bosses they killed, how many rare drops they got and how many times they won the lottery.

Study has been finished, crystal ball has been added, which can be used to enchant battlestaffs and mystic staffs of air, water, earth, fire, mud, steam and lava (mud, steam and lava offer free runes of 2 types instead of one).

5 October update
-> Fountains can be added in the formal garden of a POH, refilling your health, prayer and special attack bar when drinking from it. Only the house owner or premium members who are a guest in the house can drink from the fountain. It's quite expensive to get so it doesn't really affect the current fountain that premium members already have in edgeville.

-> Fixed a bug with rugs in skill halls and quest halls

-> Fixed the spiral staircases in skill halls, quest halls and dungeon stair rooms

-> As of now, you'll need to have two bedrooms (with beds) in your house before you can hire a servant. Considering servants are very useful to use as bank, people will have to determine for themselves if sacrificing 2 rooms are worth the servant, especially non-donators who can only build up to 10 rooms.

-> An elf has been added which sells crystal seeds (building west of seer's bank). These crystal seeds can be used to build a crystal throne in your throne room.
The cost of a crystal seed is 1 crystal bow (of any charge). Crystal bows will as of now also break down into a crystal seed when used up (after 2500 shots), in the past it used to break down into ashes.

-> The traps in the throne room now also work, you can trap players or let them fall into to your dungeon. You can only let people fall in a dungeon in pVp mode, and players can always teleport out of a trap.

4 October update
The dungeon treasure room is done - there is a guardian that guards a treasure chest. If you manage to kill the guardian, it will drop a key which you can use to open the chest. Note that only the house's owner will receive the key as drop. Other players who helped to kill the guardian can still receive item drops, but not a key.
The higher the level of the guardian and chest, the better the items in the chest will be. The highest level guardian (called Nomad) and the highest level treasure chest (a magic chest) can only be added at level 99 construction. Nomad is the highest level NPC in the game, and the hardest one as well. He has devestating melee and magic attacks, hits often through prayer and uses blood barrage to heal himself.
If you manage to kill Nomad and open the chest with the key he drops, you can obtain the Morph ring.

The Morph ring is a unique and untradeable item. When wearing the ring, you will transform into an NPC.
There are a total of 16 different NPC's that you can choose from to transform into. However, each NPC requires the ring to have a certain amount of charges. These charges can be obtained by spending slayer points (1 charge per 50 slayer points) or by killing players in the wilderness with the ring in your inventory (1 charge per player you kill).
You can freely choose which monster to transform into, as long as you have the required amount of charges for that specific monster.

The following monsters are available for transformation:
- Kitten: 0 charges
- Cat: 10 charges
- Imp: 20 charges
- Goblin: 40 charges
- Unicorn: 80 charges
- Wolf: 100 charges
- Barbarian spirit: 150 charges
- Saradomin priest (can be used for The Last Journey quest): 200 charges
- Ork (can be used for The Last Journey quest): 250 charges
- Werewolf (can be used for The Last Journey quest): 300 charges
- Aviansie (can be used for The Last Journey quest): 350 charges
- Spirit warrior (fareed): 400 charges
- Ancient mage: 500 charges
- Ancient ranger: 550 charges
- Ancient warrior: 600 charges
- Nex: 1000 charges, must have completed the last journey quest

30 September update
The portal chamber has been added. Here, you can build three portals:
-> Portal to Bork (costs 100M coins): leads you to a cave where you can fight Bork (and some Ork legions). Killing Bork results in 8 slayer points and 2000 slayer XP. Bork is not assigned as a slayer monster but gives slayer XP and points nonetheless when killed. It will only respawn after you have killed all legions.
-> Portal to Slayer Dungeon (costs 50M coins): Donator-only, leads to a dungeon where you'll find Gargoyles, Abyssal Demons and Dark beasts.
-> Portal to Frost Dragons (costs 200M coins): Premium-only, leads to a dungeon where you'll find Frost Dragons. The most important thing about these is that they drop Frost bones which give 5x as much prayer experience as normal dragon bones.

29 September update
Update: I've hereby updated and restarted the test server. Any additions and fixes I mentioned in my earlier posts have hereby been applied to the test server!

Players can now choose who can enter their house and who cannot, in the same way they can choose who can enter their clan chat and who cannot. On default, everyone can enter your house.
A player can also choose whether to allow players in their house or not when they are offline. On default, guests are not allowed in your house if you're offline.
If a home owner goes offline and has chosen not to allow guests in their absence, everyone in the house will be kicked 60 seconds after the home owner went offline. In case the home owner comes back online within those 60 seconds, the guests will not be kicked. This will be save a lot of frustration for guests whose house owner has random disconnects, so they don't get thrown out all the time.

Moderators can overrule the privilege settings and enter your house at will, unless you are offline and do not allow anyone in your house while offline.
The reason for this is because there may still be bugs in the construction skill upon release. If players have the ability to abuse them in their house, and no moderators could teleport to him to check it out, it may have catastrophic results. There could also be flamers in people's houses, and if the home owner is absent (or he's the flamer), moderators wouldn't be able to punish them.

28 September update
I've hereby made the following work:
- Sir Renitee in Falador castle, who allows you to choose your family crest. This will determine the symbol you can paint on helmets, shields, banners and in-house decoration.

- Painting stand: Paint shields, helmets or banners
- Clockmaker's bench: Make clockwork, toy soldiers, toy dolls, toy mouses and toy cats (they can follow you around as if they were pets)
- Repair stand: Receive up to 60% discount on repairing barrows and chaotic equipment
- Tool store: Get all tools for construction, farming, firemaking and crafting
- Workbench: make planks from logs at a small discount (2% - 8% discount based on the workbench level)

- Telescope: When on a treasure trail, you can use this to see the area near your clue location, so you have an idea of where to go
- Lectern: Craft teletabs at a lower level than 99 (level 69 required at the highest level lectern) and get up to +30% runecrafting experience

- Altar: offer bones and receive up to +30% extra prayer xp. Note that the level of the altar and the level of the burners both determine your bonus (burners dont need to be lit).

Quest hall:
- Amulet of glory: rub to teleport to karamja or al kharid

Combat room:
- Boxing ring, fencing ring, combat ring, ranging pedestals: players can go 1v1 in a friendly fight with anyone

Throne room:
- Lever: can be used to switch the dungeon mode to pVm or pVp

23 September update

The following can now be used by players (as usual, not yet added on the test server):

- Kitchen larder (to get ingredients for pizza - the highest level pizza has 2 bites and heals 14 per bite, great for pVm trips)
- Beer barrel: free beer for everyone!
- Cooking ranges: lower burn rates and extra xp (-90% burns and +30% xp on the highest level cooking range)
- Kitchen sink: can be used to make soft clay from hard clay (like any other sink in the world), however a higher level sink will allow you to make soft clay 2x or 3x as fast.
- Kitchen shelves: you can get beer glasses here. Sadly, I could not think of any other useful items that higher level shelves could give. Pot, cake tin, tea, etc.. isn't used. Any suggestions are welcome.

Dining room:
- Bell pull in your dining room to call your servant
- Benches in a dining room to sit on

Throne room:
- Benches in the throne room to sit on
- Throne to sit on

22 September update
Le me, chilling at my house, in a rocking chair, warming my feet at the fireplace.
So we have that.

19 September update
It's been a while since I posted in the developer's blog. However, that does not mean there hasn't been any progress - rather the contrary.

I've been working a lot to fix the last bugs and add the last furniture into the construction skill, as well as to make some changes and additions to the slayer skill which will be released alongside construction.

What's left to do:
-> DONE: Adding NPC's to a player-owned house dungeon
-> IN PROGRESS: Adding the combat ring to the combat room
-> IN PROGRESS: Enabling players to use all furniture (chairs, bookcases, fireplaces, cooking ranges, shelves, etc.)
-> IN PROGRESS: Finishing the slayer revamp (adding some new monsters and adding items that cost slayer points to buy)
-> Making sure players can get everything they need to create furniture (molten glass, clockwork, stuffed animals, maps, paintings, etc.)
-> Adding Bork and frost dragons (both of which will be accessible only through the portal room in a POH)
Once these have been done, a new (final) update will be done on the test server so our players and staff can search for any remaining bugs. Once everything has been properly tested, the update will be released on the actual server.

I do not yet have a release date for the update. I was hoping for a release before the beginning of October, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done yet and I have a lot of other things to do for school as well in the meantime, so I'm not sure if I'll make that. Still, I'm doing everything I can to get things done as fast as possible.

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by B0rnt0b3pk » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:43 pm

Awsome, Mike!

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Lottery dude » Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:02 pm

Mike you need a cheerleader team,


Great job,I know you'll work your magic.

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Skiller fab » Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:09 pm

Kay cee You are the worst staff member EVER.

Thanks mike for making this post. Dont think it will bring us more players because evry1 is playing gta5, going to play fifa 14 and battlefield4 gf pkhonor.


See how Adam get unbanned [ ]
See how Dreamz get cleaned [ ]

RIP HAMADE 2013 29 August.:(

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Rawr » Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:20 pm

I came.

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Ziaw » Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:30 pm

great updates man. gonna motivate me to come back when this is released. looks really good.
but botting is bad and you should NEVER do it

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Rick » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:17 pm

Kay cee wrote: PureRickforheadcheerleader
WAT!?!? Okay fine!

Thanks for the post Mike it's good to keep us updated with the stuff you do :)!

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Megumin » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:20 pm

Its not weird if I have a boner right now right?

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:27 pm

Skiller fab wrote:Kay cee You are the worst staff member EVER.

Thanks mike for making this post. Dont think it will bring us more players because evry1 is playing gta5, going to play fifa 14 and battlefield4 gf pkhonor.
Keith's the worst staff member, and gf pkhonor?
Why are you still here, honestly.

OT: Good job, Mike. Look forward to doing some Frost dragon slaying.

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Re: Construction development (19 September 2013)

Post by Nolan » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:30 pm

Sounds great, looking forward to it.
