Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

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Should there be junior and senior moderator or just moderator?

Keep as it is: juniors and seniors
Merge the two and just have one rank 'moderator'
I don't mind either way, as long as it is properly organized
Total votes: 48

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Subtle » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:53 am

I haven't had the chance to read this properly and thoroughly.. so all I am going to do is state my opinion on the ranks and current system.

I feel as if there is nothing wrong with the current 'ranks'. What I do find is the issues though, is the following:

- There's no real distinguishing line between the ranks.
- Juniors should have place in training trials. Why? because they are only individuals who have passed the trial rank.They have no real experience to train anyone. I feel as if seniors should be training the trials and the head moderator and 1-2 more senior moderators, who show promise and potential, should be training and assisting the juniors with cases, as juniors seem to be left alone, really.
- Everyone needs to come to the same level of understanding when it comes down to 'moral' rules. I think a guideline on how to moderate nerds to be added to the staff section. Whenever a moral law or a punishment with unusual circumstances occur, it needs to be updated and added onto the list, WITH the correct procedures to follow. You may think that that is unnecessary, but you have a team at your disposal that don't always seem to agree with the way things are done.
- Exposing all loopholes and showing you don't tolerate the exploitation of loopholes, should aid you with the aforementioned.

I know what I have stated is most likely too extreme or.too huge of a task, but you're in a dark time. You need to maur no room for errors, you need to get everything 'under wrap'. I the trial and error method, just make sure you point out all pros and cons of.implementing anything before you actually do. And I know you're smart enough to think of that yourself. I'm not here to tell you how to do your job or to follow my advice/suggestions, because mine have flaws just like any others. I offer suggestions to help, nothing more and nothing less.

Goofd luck, Mike.
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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:56 am

I2aw origins wrote: What I mean is, you said you'll demote current help mods to trial mods. Well they passed trial mod once, why should they be put back into that rank?

Trial mods should just be Moderators on a seperate account than they are now, same crown, same permissions. Having 2 different ranks for trial and reg mod will be the same as having PvP and help mod.
Simply a misunderstanding. All of our current trial mods (who have a help mod crown) will be 'demoted' to trial moderator, while all help moderators who passed their trial will receive the 'moderator' rank along with the pvp moderators.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Pls senpai » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:57 am

I'm more interested on how Helper rank will be handled more-so than Mods. .-.

It went to shit last time, and I personally don't see a difference in how it's being handled this time.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Rick » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:59 am

Mike if you just Change the PvP Crown into the Silver Crown. I do believe that Moderators should have the rights of the current PvP mods. Including ::iv (only difference)

And change the Help Mod crown into a Trial crown it's fixed :)? Or will you edit rights of the Trial rank also?

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:03 am

Rick wrote:Mike if you just Change the PvP Crown into the Silver Crown. I do believe that Moderators should have the rights of the current PvP mods. Including ::iv (only difference)

And change the Help Mod crown into a Trial crown it's fixed :)? Or will you edit rights of the Trial rank also?
Trial moderators will probably not have a few commands that normal mods do have. Yet at this time I can't really think of what they would be.

As for the rights that help mods don't have (but pvp mods do have), if we were to merge the two ranks, then the new moderator rank will obviously have all the commands that pvp mods used to have.

Maybe the command restrictions on trials should be the ones that are currently on help moderators, such as no ::iv access.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Rick » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:05 am

Mike wrote:
Rick wrote:Mike if you just Change the PvP Crown into the Silver Crown. I do believe that Moderators should have the rights of the current PvP mods. Including ::iv (only difference)

And change the Help Mod crown into a Trial crown it's fixed :)? Or will you edit rights of the Trial rank also?
Trial moderators will probably not have a few commands that normal mods do have. Yet at this time I can't really think of what they would be.

As for the rights that help mods don't have (but pvp mods do have), if we were to merge the two ranks, then the new moderator rank will obviously have all the commands that pvp mods used to have.

Maybe the command restrictions on trials should be the ones that are currently on help moderators, such as no ::iv access.
If it's just that way. Then you can just change the crowns? And change the rankname serversided?

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Legit nukes » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:05 am

In all honesty you are all looking at this the wrong way..

Maurit's explained the basics of what my system was but not the technicality's of it...

Trial's would be their own rank and would be UNDER junior moderator's in case of banning spree's or any of those problems.. They would also be evaluated after a 3 week Trial and then evaluated and put into a department either PvP or Help moderator.

Junior PvP / Help moderator's would be assigned a senior to teach them the basic's of how to moderate in the department they have been put into.

Senior PvP / Help moderator's would be trusted and loyal staff members (2-3 month experience to earn the rank) and should be trusted with the responsibility of teaching the junior moderator's the basic's.

Head moderator.. There would be ONE head moderator he or she would watch over both department's and get reports from the senior's about the Junior's.. if there is a problem with a senior then ask for information from a Junior.. etc.. The head moderator's main job will be to promote and demote staff that are either cut out for the job or not.. this mean's that when promoting trial staff member's there will ALWAYS be a someone who fails among the rest of them..

The head moderator will also be the one to teach the Trial's the basics of the staff team thus giving him "Staff manager" feel and giving the head moderator responsibility over his staff team (this also get's rid of shitty judgement.. hopefully.. depends on the head moderator)

The new rules of this system:

The system should have a difference between the two department's.. One ONLY does PvP moderator cases and one ONLY does help moderator cases.. This is the current problem with the current staff team because it turns out that help moderator's do 75% of the PvP moderator's work thus rendering PvP moderator's an excuse for a "senior" and "Trusted" rank.. Bullshit... its a rank to laze off and do shit all but reports on the forums and do a few scam cases here and there.

When evaluating staff there WILL NOT be an evaluation on how many command's they have done.. THIS EVALUATION SYSTEM IS SHIT, you are evaluating off of someone's effort not how well they work nor how much they work.. you are doing quantity over quality which is the wrong way to go about things when choosing staff.

I think there are so many things you can adjust with this staff system to your liking's because in all honesty it is a very flexible system.. so is the one we have now..

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by I2aw origins » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:13 am

Mike wrote:
I2aw origins wrote: What I mean is, you said you'll demote current help mods to trial mods. Well they passed trial mod once, why should they be put back into that rank?

Trial mods should just be Moderators on a seperate account than they are now, same crown, same permissions. Having 2 different ranks for trial and reg mod will be the same as having PvP and help mod.
Simply a misunderstanding. All of our current trial mods (who have a help mod crown) will be 'demoted' to trial moderator, while all help moderators who passed their trial will receive the 'moderator' rank along with the pvp moderators.

I may have misread that, if it goes like this I do support, just not Helpers.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Tom brady » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:49 am

Keep it the same, I don't want it merged, it's something that makes us unique.
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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Patel » Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:00 am

Tom brady wrote:Keep it the same, I don't want it merged, it's something that makes us unique.
Not sure why I wrote a long post when I could've said this.
