Out-of-game Moderation (cont.)

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Out-of-game Moderation (cont.)

Post by Raj » Mon Jul 01, 2024 12:33 am

Don’t lock my posts unless there is an actual resolution to the situation, thanks. Not trying to get got by staffs mind games of locking posts for seemingly reasonable reasons and saying “we’ll post an update” and then never posting an update so they can avoid the heat. If people are turning it into a shitshow, and ironically these are the people who cause issues in the Discord, you would think the solution would be quite obvious.

This is PkHonor though, where the staff will do literally anything except remove someone from the Discord or forums, so I understand the appeal of sticking two fingers in your ears and acting like nothings wrong by locking threads and then letting them be forgotten as we have always been trained to do when the staff team is accused of being braindead and we want the situation to go away, but I disagree with the methodology completely this time.

By the way, let’s talk about some of those old threads that were locked by staff to be forgotten. I do hope the players realize you’re being played. No one on the staff team cares about your opinions, they care about the path of least resistance. I am questioning my endorsement of Jayden as staff manager. Having a mediocre one is fine sure, but definitely not preferable

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Re: Out-of-game Moderation (cont.)

Post by Jayden » Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:36 am

You're acting more childish and toxic than anyone who ever came at you, if it was my call you'd be gone first.

Once again, locked.
May the Big tiddy goth bitches surround you forever, Fly High my friend.<3
