The Future of PkHonor

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Ahmed elrahi » Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:31 pm

hope mike and rapsey actually pay some attention to this one instead of utterly overlooking and ignoring it :)

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by The underdog » Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:13 am

You forgot the "or else we riot" part in this story.

Edit: the riot is scheduled march 30th as an all day event

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Kylo ren » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:15 am

Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm Role of the Staff Team

The lack of transparency and consistency from the staff team over the last few years has hurt the community’s perception of the staff team. There have been multiple instances of clear rule-breaking behavior that is not addressed appropriately. The Player-Made-Deals section has been used as an excuse by the staff to not get involved in certain situations. The fact is, a very small percentage of our players ever make it to the forums, let alone that specific section. Players should not be immune to punishment on scams/lures/etc. simply because a player made deal thread wasn’t created in advanced. Of course, proper evidence still must be provided. However, when we have situations in which the evidence is clear and punishment is not issued, the community loses faith in the judgement of the staff team. Common sense judgment must be an option for the staff team. Punishment guidelines are important, but at the end of the day they are just that: guidelines. We vote staff members in with the faith that they will have integrity and use their best judgement. There are 3-4 players on the server who are consistently breaking the rules and being toxic on yell. The worst these players get is a 12 hour mute. This level of toxicity needs to start being seriously dealt with by the staff team. Especially when it comes to the consistent use of racial slurs.
Common sense judgement is something that I've always envisioned for the staff team, especially when I was on the team myself. A lot of people thought that I was sometimes too harsh on the rule breakers, but I would only give out harsh punishments when it was warranted based off of previous incidents, or multiple warnings. I agree that having some guidelines on punishments for certain rules is definitely necessary, especially for new staff members that may not know what they can or should do in certain situations. However, I think that discretion is something that should be taken into account, and punishments should be issued based on the totality of the circumstances.

I think a big issue regarding punishments, is that people like to butt their nose into business that either 1) Does not affect them, 2) Has little-to-nothing to do with them, or 3) Because they like to see how much they can get away with, or how much drama they can stir up, all while not having all of the facts of the situation. While I agree with there being transparency, I also stand by the fact that not everything needs to be thrown out there to the public, and the public does not always need to know everything. There are, in fact, some things that are definitely on a need-to-know basis, and the public doesn't always fit in this category.

Some times, punishments need to be harsh to get the point across. Other times, punishments should be lenient. Again, it all should be discretionary, common sense, and based on the totality of the circumstances. I'm a firm believer of the phrase "Fuck around and Find Out" (FAFO) when it comes to people trying to cause unnecessary drama, and "Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes" when it comes to Player-Made-Deals. It's like the same thing in the Police world. If you willingly exchange items for other items, and the items you receive aren't exactly what you wanted, then it's a civil matter between you and the other party. Should there be some sort of reprimand, absolutely. But at the same time, the Staff Team can't, and shouldn't have to be babysitters for every single PMD that goes awry.
Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm The community wants better communication from the staff team as a whole. The current moderators have been doing an excellent job of communicating and interacting with the community in-game. However, communication needs to be better regarding changes to the staff team and major decisions. The community has expressed the importance of this over the past few years. The Staff News threads are great when they are used. However, this hasn’t been consistent since mid-2022.
I agree with this on just about every level. I've noticed that, with regards to the "Staff News" posts, they are incredibly inconsistent. There are several posts that were added in advance on the stickied thread to be reserved for future posts, that have not been utilized for additional hyperlinks to posts, and additionally, Staff News posts are very rarely done unless it's something incredibly major, like the last one that Ryan posted. This needs to be addressed and fixed. I understand that, at times, it seems tedious, especially when it's just a small post regarding a demotion due to someone's own request - which could be for a variety of different reasons - but realistically, if that's the case with one of the staff members, then a two second post about it with generic details (because the player base doesn't need to know every detail) isn't going to hurt anyone. It just keeps everyone informed.
Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm We should clarify staff members’ role in events. 026 has run many pking events over the last few years. We have had a few lottery events and 1-2 Titans. But other than that, staff members aren’t frequently holding events. We obviously have an event system/coordinator that covers a lot of things. Should staff members be expected to fill in the gaps with more Pking/Titan/Bingo/HnS/etc. events?
I don't think that the Staff Team should necessarily be "responsible" for hosting events, per se, but having their involvement is a major plus, as it shows the community that they enjoy the game just as everyone else does, and they want to get involved.

I remember hosting 1-2 HnS events every week or two when I was on the staff team. Seemed like the community really enjoyed it. The problem I always ran into though, is that I wouldn't always get a lot of participation from the community when I did them. I would get the same few people who would join in on the events, and other people couldn't be bothered. After a while, it seemed like I would get less and less participation, until eventually, I decided to stop doing them.

With regard to the Titan Events, I'm not sure if it has changed since we started doing them, or how much it's changed since we started them. So I'm not really in the loop on how it works at the current moment. - if anyone would care to enlighten me, that'd be great. However, I'd like to make a suggestion regarding them, and if I'm completely off base, or if this is something that already occurs, please let me know. What if the Titan's were no longer an "account" that the admins or event coordinator uses, but it's an actual randomized NPC that spawns in various locations once a week that has the HP and Damage output of Titans. Let's say it happens on Tuesdays for "Titan Tuesday", and a new Titan spawns in a new location every 4 hours or so (6 of them in total throughout the 24 hour period). If the Titan's don't receive any damage within the first hour of them being spawned in, then they'll disappear, and everyone will have to wait until the next one spawns in 3 hours later. A server message will appear on the chat box every time a new Titan spawns in, and if players want to participate, they'd be able to type the command

Code: Select all

to be teleported to the location that the Titan is in. Then, after the Titan is defeated, a calculation is made by the server, and the top 5 damage dealers are given rewards that they can claim from either a drop from the Titan, or a special Titan Rewards Shop NPC, where the rewards automatically deposit themselves into the shop. A server message could appear saying "The Titan has been defeated! The Top 5 Damage Dealers are: Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, Player5. Claim your rewards at the Titan Rewards Shop in CityNameHere!"
Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm Add more helpers. We made a lot of changes to the helper position then promoted/demoted most of the existing helpers. There are plenty of active helpful players ingame. The staff team should be actively recruiting these people as Helpers.
Not only should the Staff Team be actively recruiting Helpers, but they should be actively recruiting players to join the Staff Team. I used to be a Moderator on another RSPS before I joined PkHonor, and we used to have a Forums Thread that was stickied in the Staff Only section of the forums, where Staff Members would be able to nominate players to be promoted, and they'd have to list the reason(s) for their nomination, and then the Staff Manager(s) would do their due diligence and look into the players who were nominated. There were no actual Staff Applications on that server, and the Staff Manager(s) would actually have to do their own investigations into players to get a good idea of how the players act/interact with the community, and gauge their ability to think, etc. This system also made the staff incredibly more involved in the community.

Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm The staff team needs to update ::prices more frequently. Lots of suggestions have been made over the past few years and get shut down for various reasons. The current system we have is not working and hurts old and new players alike. The 50x limit on items in the Ge needs to be removed and replaced with a warning.
I agree with this to an extent. I think there needs to be a system in place where, for example, if a new price is updated by a staff member for a specific item, other staff members and players should have an option to accept or deny the new price before it goes into affect. I'm not exactly sure how this could work out though.

Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm Staff members should be expected to contribute to the Wiki. There are lots of gaps that still need to be filled. I put together a summary of the pages which needed to be updated on the wiki last year. If each staff member committed to updating 2-3 pages, we could make serious progress on finishing the wiki.
What happened to the group of players who were dedicated to Wiki Contributions? Didn't we have a small team of Wiki Contributors who would go through the Wiki and update the pages, and then the Staff Team would approve the changes if they were all accurate or deny the changes if there were inaccuracies?


Everything else mentioned in the post, I agree with, and I appreciate the effort you put into typing all of this. Great post Adam.

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Sorazery » Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:54 pm

Ahmed elrahi wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:31 pm hope mike and rapsey actually pay some attention to this one instead of utterly overlooking and ignoring it :)
dont say that outloud before the pkhonor tweaker goes ham on you... (not me)

anywho good ideas from adam and he has put effort and thoughts into this. Hope it will get some sorft of recognition. This will be the 500th time it gets said but mike needs to put some trust in the other devs, raj and niels be working their asses off for actually close to nothing since nothing gets through. in dutch we say: ''ai na!'.

Everyone wants to see pkh strive and be great but people need to have some trust and faith in each other so that their hardwork and efforts wont go to waste.

make juntow helper again or riot

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Iron podge » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:23 pm

Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm
The Future of PkHonor

Don’t add all OSRS content just for the sake of adding it.... We are a private server after all and it is okay if something is not 1:1.
I've been saying this shit since I started playing. The entire Nex update was needless as FUCK. I'm sure reading that as a coder who sunk massive amounts of time, it is frustrating, but true. To me there were literally hundreds of other updates that could've been more beneficial. Instead a boss that was already implemented and WORKED had to be 100% perfected. It's an RSPS- nobody cares. Sometimes goofy bugs, or differences from the live game are what give a RSPS its appeal.

I've played 1,200 hours on my iron and have only voted on it MAYBE twice because of the no iron rewards :lol:

Also at this point I cba to read the rest because it seems to get into some specific details and staff shit that I don't care about. I'm very close to moving on from this server and not looking back. I'm super casual on here and I'm not going to spend time reaching end-game on something that is going to be dead in 6mo.

Last couple times I've ventured to the game I've had the temptation to nuke my account because it's always the fun, final moments for my RSPS adventures. I've never returned to a server I've ended an account on.

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Ozymandias » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:04 pm

The main issue I had with pkh is how it doesn't really feel like it's own pserver, making me wonder why I wasn't playing OSRS instead so I did. There was more than enough content around my time but it wasn't really that different or engaging.

- Communication is key, really should be improved because from what I see it hasn't changed after many years. The bond between players and staff is essential for the growth of pkh.
- Guides on wiki are either outdated or can be way shorter (literally a 30 sec vid for most bosses is enough unless you gotta hold their hand)
- Ironmen should indeed be able to use vote points (idk why you would play iron tho nice life u got there LOL)
- Enforcement of rules is kinda weird, I can say bad things and I get permabanned but there's plenty of people I know who used to and/or still RWT, DDOS, hack etc. who have either been unbanned or given a slap on the wrist (yeah we still like to meme about this from time to time because it just makes no sense xD, and yes most of this will be swept under the rug or we get the "Nonsense. Rules are rules. You want us to punish someone who didn't break any rules because you don't like what he did. That isn't us selectively enforcing the rules, that's you trying to enforce rules that don't exist. That is justice of the mob, which isn't justice at all." and yes this is an official quote by a certain staff member)
- This one is a personal opinion but I think there's too many PvM events, it kinda oversaturates the items and the content itself if you ask me.
- Yeah we're not talking about PvP
-Pkhonor NEEDS unique selling points, like what makes pkh so outstanding compared to other rsps or OSRS? I can hardly tell besides that it's mostly OSRS on easy mode, but the server really needs a soul or something worth noting.
- 11 y/o me would say there's nothing wrong with the server back then, 24 y/o me now wouldn't be able to get into it right now.

As someone who can confidently clear all content there is on OSRS and pkh I'd like to see some unique twists to content rather than just recycling it from OSRS, like I tell some of my friends who actually develop some rsps, don't be afraid to fuck around with content to spice it up, rather experiment and maybe find a cooler way to represent a boss and it's fight. But pkh really started feeling like a budget OSRS without all the runelite plugins but faster progress.
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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Lykos » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:04 pm

Ozymandias wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:04 pm The main issue I had with pkh is...
Hard disagree on PvM events. Game eco is already stale with hoarders and weird people who get really touchy over their pixels. This isn't muh crypto or pokemons to the moon wallstreet bets investing. It's a private server. There needs to be more items in the game and PvM events solve that.

Everything else you said is pretty valid though. Especially the part about the rules.

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Patel » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:34 am

Iron podge wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:23 pm
Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm
The Future of PkHonor

Don’t add all OSRS content just for the sake of adding it.... We are a private server after all and it is okay if something is not 1:1.
I've been saying this shit since I started playing. The entire Nex update was needless as FUCK. I'm sure reading that as a coder who sunk massive amounts of time, it is frustrating, but true. To me there were literally hundreds of other updates that could've been more beneficial. Instead a boss that was already implemented and WORKED had to be 100% perfected. It's an RSPS- nobody cares. Sometimes goofy bugs, or differences from the live game are what give a RSPS its appeal.

I've played 1,200 hours on my iron and have only voted on it MAYBE twice because of the no iron rewards :lol:

Also at this point I cba to read the rest because it seems to get into some specific details and staff shit that I don't care about. I'm very close to moving on from this server and not looking back. I'm super casual on here and I'm not going to spend time reaching end-game on something that is going to be dead in 6mo.

Last couple times I've ventured to the game I've had the temptation to nuke my account because it's always the fun, final moments for my RSPS adventures. I've never returned to a server I've ended an account on.
A lil zooted right now, apologies if my post doesn't make sense.

I've felt this for a long time as well. There are many other osrs analogues out there and we don't need to be like them. It became clear in the 2010s that we were losing out on pace of development when it came to osrs features. Playing catch-up makes the to-do list entirely dependent on what jagex puts out, instead of inviting creativity and choice from devs.

We have a strong base community and once had a pretty unique identity. What if we leaned into the "rs2/osrs hybrid" thing more?

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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by Brant » Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:47 pm

Patel wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:34 am
Iron podge wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:23 pm
Iron adam wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:20 pm
The Future of PkHonor

Don’t add all OSRS content just for the sake of adding it.... We are a private server after all and it is okay if something is not 1:1.
I've been saying this shit since I started playing. The entire Nex update was needless as FUCK. I'm sure reading that as a coder who sunk massive amounts of time, it is frustrating, but true. To me there were literally hundreds of other updates that could've been more beneficial. Instead a boss that was already implemented and WORKED had to be 100% perfected. It's an RSPS- nobody cares. Sometimes goofy bugs, or differences from the live game are what give a RSPS its appeal.

I've played 1,200 hours on my iron and have only voted on it MAYBE twice because of the no iron rewards :lol:

Also at this point I cba to read the rest because it seems to get into some specific details and staff shit that I don't care about. I'm very close to moving on from this server and not looking back. I'm super casual on here and I'm not going to spend time reaching end-game on something that is going to be dead in 6mo.

Last couple times I've ventured to the game I've had the temptation to nuke my account because it's always the fun, final moments for my RSPS adventures. I've never returned to a server I've ended an account on.
A lil zooted right now, apologies if my post doesn't make sense.

I've felt this for a long time as well. There are many other osrs analogues out there and we don't need to be like them. It became clear in the 2010s that we were losing out on pace of development when it came to osrs features. Playing catch-up makes the to-do list entirely dependent on what jagex puts out, instead of inviting creativity and choice from devs.

We have a strong base community and once had a pretty unique identity. What if we leaned into the "rs2/osrs hybrid" thing more?
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Re: The Future of PkHonor

Post by The underdog » Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:41 pm

Brant wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:47 pm
Patel wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:34 am
Iron podge wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:23 pm

I've been saying this shit since I started playing. The entire Nex update was needless as FUCK. I'm sure reading that as a coder who sunk massive amounts of time, it is frustrating, but true. To me there were literally hundreds of other updates that could've been more beneficial. Instead a boss that was already implemented and WORKED had to be 100% perfected. It's an RSPS- nobody cares. Sometimes goofy bugs, or differences from the live game are what give a RSPS its appeal.

I've played 1,200 hours on my iron and have only voted on it MAYBE twice because of the no iron rewards :lol:

Also at this point I cba to read the rest because it seems to get into some specific details and staff shit that I don't care about. I'm very close to moving on from this server and not looking back. I'm super casual on here and I'm not going to spend time reaching end-game on something that is going to be dead in 6mo.

Last couple times I've ventured to the game I've had the temptation to nuke my account because it's always the fun, final moments for my RSPS adventures. I've never returned to a server I've ended an account on.
A lil zooted right now, apologies if my post doesn't make sense.

I've felt this for a long time as well. There are many other osrs analogues out there and we don't need to be like them. It became clear in the 2010s that we were losing out on pace of development when it came to osrs features. Playing catch-up makes the to-do list entirely dependent on what jagex puts out, instead of inviting creativity and choice from devs.

We have a strong base community and once had a pretty unique identity. What if we leaned into the "rs2/osrs hybrid" thing more?
Say less brother, Summoning is on its way
Summoning and #capes2presets2k18 then we've got a more popular game than osrs itself.

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