The sales of bank space must be crazy high

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The price before I even CONSIDER (not buy) bank upgrade is:

2500 credits (current price)
2000 credits
No votes
1500 credits
1000 credits
750 credits
500 credits
250 credits
100 credits
No votes
50 credits
No votes
25 credits
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10 credits
Total votes: 45

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The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by The underdog » Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:31 pm

Because it hasn't been lowered in price yet, what do el big devs even gain from keeping the price so high?
Extremely low demand for a product that doesn't really cost anything to make. 18 euro's is just wild for 50 bank space while there's plenty free alternatives at least for regular players. like instead of 2500 donator credits, make it 500 or 1000. You don't really lose anything and gain a 100x increase in bank spacers bought.

Is there a reason or aren't yall deliberately keeping the profit from this feature and sales opportunity super low?

Who all bought a ton of bank space upgrades?
Last edited by The underdog on Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Iron adam » Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:36 pm

There is zero chance I buy any at current prices. If it was like $5 for an extra 200 slots, I might.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Jousi » Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:05 pm

I can sell you bank space. The process is simple: let me get on your account, so I can ::empty your bank.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Rapsey » Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:00 pm

If we're talking about the optimal pricing point to maximize sales, I suspect you are right that the sweet spot is cheaper than it is now. However:
The underdog wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:31 pm instead of 2500 donator credits, make it 500 or 1000. You don't really lose anything and gain a 100x increase in bank spacers bought.
I highly doubt that.
Iron adam wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:36 pm There is zero chance I buy any at current prices. If it was like $5 for an extra 200 slots, I might.
This seems far more plausible. For it to sell to the broad public it would have to be dirt cheap, which would again mean not a lot of money is made from it.

I think the unfortunate truth is that bank slots can never be a major source of revenue. It can either bring in a small amount of money by having a small handful of people occasionally spending thousands of credits on it, or it can bring in that small amount of money by having a large number of players spending a few hundred credits.

So rather than trying to squeeze a little bit more out of a small source of revenue we figured it would be better to keep it as it is. The goal isn't to make as much money as possible, it's to have things in the game you can still do with your money when you already have 100 of every item. Most rich people don't want to do it because wealth is everything to them so they never want to spend any wealth, only invest it into something they can sell again later. That's fine, like you said there are plenty of alternatives for storage space. But for the few who do actually want to spend their wealth to max out their account we like having a few things you can do with it other than just this:


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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by The underdog » Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:37 pm

Unfortunately there's a difference between irons and regular players on this subject. Endgame irons sure have benefit with extra bank space and also have not many alternatives. You could indeed say that's maxing the account. But a regular player, would just put the odd collected items on an alt for free and doesn't look back.

The point is, it's unreasonably expensive to the point it's excluding almost everyone out of it. This is a feature that many players would have great QOL from and now it's legit targeted at 10 players in the entire game. It might not matter to you as income source, but don't you want to have a bigger part of the community benefit from this? If it doesn't matter to you income wise or performance wise. Targeting it only at the super rich is pointless. Just introduce another sink that they can mess about with.

Nearly every game would also bring a storage expansion with the first couple ones free, we also didn't get that. Or a bonus for having a donator/premium status. You're not trying to squeeze out more from a small income source maybe, but it just looks like you're squeezing out the invested players more even if that's not the idea behind it.

I'd buy it for what 1k each and maybe a couple times. But with these prices I just think, 'what a greedy/scummy move teasing ppl with overexpensive bank space' and proceed to place my crystal shield 7/10, crystal shield 9/10 and mystic earth staffs on another account. Repeat every 4 months or so.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Iron adam » Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:07 pm

Yeah I just use alts for extra bank space as I'm sure everyone else does. On a regular account I would only be willing to spend like 5$ for 200 extra slots for convenience. Even with plenty of disposable income irl, I would rather trade between 3 accounts than buy bank spaces at current prices.

If I were an endgame ironman, I might be tempted to buy for the current price. but my ironman suck

Do we have data on how much has actually been made from this feature? Maybe have a poll to see how many players would be interested in buying for a reduced rate and compare potential profit to past profit?

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Supertuppers » Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:15 pm

Iv got to say I would be interested in buying more space if it was cheaper but as a regular account player I agree with Adam I just transfer my items onto my alt currently. If it was to become ‘affordable’ would be very nice to cut out having to clear items onto a alt every now and then.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Rapsey » Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:25 pm

The underdog wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:37 pm Unfortunately there's a difference between irons and regular players on this subject. Endgame irons sure have benefit with extra bank space and also have not many alternatives. You could indeed say that's maxing the account. But a regular player, would just put the odd collected items on an alt for free and doesn't look back.
Irons are also the ones for whom having excess wealth is useless seeing as they can't do anything with it. Or rather they shouldn't be able to do anything else with it.

I would have less trouble buying this "poor late-game irons can't afford it" argument if I hadn't seen so many irons suicide-trading hundreds of billions to their mains, before complaining about how expensive bank slots are.

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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by Thoby » Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:36 am

Hmm, I certainly understand the issue. And I am curious about the exact number of upgrades that have been purchased since release (# of credits that were spent).

It might be beneficial to look at the price/demand comparisons. For example (hypothetical numbers):
If the price is 2,500 credits, and 100 upgrades are bought, it would yield 250,000 credits.
If the price would be 1,000 credits, and in return 500 upgrades are bought, it would yield 500,000 credits.
However, if the price would be 500, and only 700 upgrades are bought, it would only yield 350,000 credits.

I am not saying it should be dirt cheap, but maybe changing it a bit will yield more credits at the end of the day.

So I agree that trying to find a sweet spot would be good. Especially since it doesn't really hurt anyone if the upgrades become cheaper, and we developed the ability to have more items in your bank for a reason. But maybe the numbers are already good, and we don't want to change anything. I am not familiar with the actual numbers.

EDIT: I realized that the price also increases (first upgrade is 2,500 credits, second upgrade is 5,000 credits, third one 7,500, etc). A single upgrade is just shy of the same price of both the donator + premium status upgrade (its shy by 500 credits). Maybe it isn't too bad of an idea to scale the prices down to a bit more reasonable price. I'd be really surprised if anyone has upgraded their bank by more than 200 spaces - which would already roughly cost 160B.
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Re: The sales of bank space must be crazy high

Post by The underdog » Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:34 am

Ye didn't even consider the upgrades in this discussion given the starting point is already wild.

Could also make it to be starting off cheap and it'll increment anyways so you'll have about everyone paying to their maximum. Though the need for bank space is only in the first few upgrades I suppose. We've also been getting new items in the game, but till now that also came with storage options like stasher.

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