Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mike » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:08 pm

All of the reported bugs should now be fixed, aside from a few minor bugs (these have been added between parenthesis next to the awarded points) and a few things are not considered bugs (to which I have replied to in this post). Please let us know if you find any other bugs, the bughunter contest is still ongoing for more than a day and we may still decide to extend it with a couple of days if new bugs are being reported before the deadline.
Just so you know, players with the same amount of points will get a shared spot in the contest and receive the same reward.

The following points have been awarded:

@Empty - IGN: Empty pot - 115 points
3 - Skeletal mystics don't hit back
1 - Ice demon item spawns are not on the minimap (has not yet been fixed, but is only minor anyway)
2 - Ice demon hits the wrong attack based on your active prayer
1 - Meat tree has no hitpoint indicator in the top-left corner of the screen
2 - Farming patches only show for the player who planted it
2 - Great Olm doesn't turn its head as much as it shouldd (has not yet been fixed, but doesn't appear to be a major issue)
3 - Great Olm poison attack hits everyone in the room
2 - The clickboxes of Great Olm's claws are too large (sadly we do not know any way to fix this)
3 - Great Olm and its hands have incorrect stats
2 - Vespula doesn't drop any items on death
2 - Vanguards have a max hit of 1
3 - You can hit NPC's with ranged or magic through the tendrils, such as Muttadiles and Lizardman shaman
3 - Lizardman spawns don't deal any damage upon exploding
3 - Your stats do not regenerate when completing the chamber and leaving through the exit
3 - Glowing crystals at Vasa Nistirio can be hit with any combat type, not just melee
1 - You cannot use the flower in the tightrope chamber as safespot
3 - The room layout remains the same for subsequent raids until you explicitly choose to regenerate the layout
1 - The Great Olm and its claws don't always show up properly upon spawning
2 - When one player is still in an active raid and someone in the same clan starts a new raid, you become bugged
4 - You receive duplicate Olmlets if you get an Olmlet pet
2 - The Olmlet is not included in the collection log
4 - Multiple raids interfere with each other
2 - You can't note or unnote items at the bank chest outside CoX
2 - You don't receive any thieving XP in the thieving room
2 - You can't leave the Great Olm room through the barrier after the fight is over
3 - You cannot reclaim your loot if you disconnect before collecting it
4 - Honor players can enter the Chambers of Xeric to help out with killing NPC's
1 - A few walls are visually bugged in one of the scavenger rooms (sadly we do not know any way to fix this, but this is only very minor anyway)
2 - You lose any bats you catch with a net if you have a full inventory
2 - You can still attack the last glowing crystal at Vasa Nistirio even after Vasa Nistirio has already died
3 - You do not walk up to the Deathly rangers or mages in the tightrope room when clicking to attack them
2 - Incorrect pricing of rigour+ scroll, augury+ scroll and dragon claws (i)
2 - Lizardman shaman room doesn't have two lizardman spawns at the exit of the room
3 - Lizardman shamans don't poison or jump to players
4 - You can skip Vasa Nistirio's first teleport attack with proper timing
2 - A boulder to push with strength is in the wrong location at the scavenger room
2 - Ice demon follows its target, rather than staying in the middle of the room
3 - You can walk through the Great Olm's wall of fire
1 - Seeds dropped in the chambers are dropped as several items instead of a single stack
2 - You cannot unpack the ancestral robes set by left-clicking it
1 - The point reward interface is in the middle of the screen on the resizeable/fullscreen client
1 - The iron pickaxe spawn at Guardians has a weird examine text
4 - Morphed players can participate in the Chambers of Xeric
2 - Great Olm attacks still deal damage and drain your prayer points after you're already dead
3 - Shadow warriors from the Whip of shadows special attack cannot attack NPC's inside the Chambers of Xeric
3 - You can receive two elite clue scrolls at the same time from the loot chest
4 - In the final phase, one of the Great Olm's claws may become unattackable, leading to not being able to finish the raid
3 - Guardians can be killed with vemon

@Mvpranger - IGN: Mvpranger - 71 points
3 - You can walk up to the Vespula portal
2 - You can glitch into the wall when walking through tendrils
3 - Muttadiles can hit you when you stand behind tendrils
2 - You only receive one cavern grub per chest in the thieving room, no matter your thieving level
2 - The amount of cavern grubs needed to put the Corrupted scavenger to sleep is too low, this is 15 - 20 in a solo raid but should be around 30
2 - In the thieving room, when you get poisoned by a chest, you get hit for 1 - 5 damage, while this should be 1 - 3 damage
2 - In the thieving room, the poison chests should be in a fixed location, rather than always being completely random
10 - You can keep depositing cavern grub in the thieving room after the Corrupted scavenger is already put to sleep, you can easily receive a large amount of raid points this way
3 - Tekton checks if someone is next to him on every game tick, instead of every attack which is every 3 game ticks
10 - You can keep burning kindling in the braziers at the Ice demon once the Ice demon is free, you can keep gaining lots of raid points this way
1 - A puff of smoke should appear above the braziers once the Ice demon is unfrozen
2 - The Ice demon's attack range is too short, allowing you to safespot it
2 - The amount of kindlings you get when chopping saplings should depend on your woodcutting level (this was done on purpose as we also wanted to make better axes also chop faster, but it needed some more balancing)
3 - The generated room layout is often displayed incorrectly (3 points awarded, although this was a visual bug, it does have quite an impact and is more important than most other visual bugs)
2 - You receive 5 - 10 seeds from the Guardians as drops, instead of 3 - 5
2 - The aggro range of the Big muttadile is too low
3 - A crystal is missing at the muttadiles room exit, also allowing you to safespot the big muttadile in certain layouts
1 - The passages between rooms don't show as red lines on the minimap (sadly we do not know any way to fix this, but this is only very minor anyway)
1 - If you steal ore Cavern grubs from a chest in the thieving room than you can hold in your inventory, the last grub(s) are invisible in your inventory
2 - When you do not have any prayers active, then the prayer draining sphere from the Great Olm should not drain any prayer points
3 - You can spamclick flames from the flame wall at the Great Olm to quickly extinguish them
2 - Poison pools at the Great Olm should deal 3 - 6 damage instead of 3 - 9
2 - The poison you get from standing on a poison pool at the Great Olm should deal 2 damage instead of 6
3 - You can only drop up to 15 kindlings or cavern grubs on the same floor tile, any extra of these items simply vanish (this is an intentional mechanic to prevent large stacks of inexpensive items such as fishes or logs to clog up the server, but we have disabled this mechanic in the Chambers of Xeric)
1 - You get a really big HP bar if you have your prayer enabled during the first teleport attack of Vasa Nistirio
1 - You can make the Corrupted scavenger briefly look into your direction when using an item on it
3 - You cannot combine doses of the same Chambers of Xeric potion into one potion

@Iron adam - IGN: Iron adam - 28 points
2 - The appropriate music tracks do not play in the dungeon.
2 - Falling crystals at the Great Olm do not target players
1 - The Creature keeper at the thieving room has a weird examine text
2 - The flying sparks at Tekton only have 1 hitsplat per 2 sparks
3 - The flying sparks at Tekton will target and damage you even if you are in the safe zone outside Tekton's room
3 - You cannot inspect the herb patch
3 - The Energy well does not restore run energy
3 - Creating an antipoison potion at 99 herblore still results in creating an antipoison (-) instead of antipoison (+)
3 - Making potions with Golpar or Buchu leaf does not give you a choice of what potion to make
1 - The potions in the inventory have white pixels on them (sadly, we do not know any way to fix this, but this is only very minor anyway)
2 - Raking weeds at the end of the second level with a fully inventory gives no items but gives no error message either
3 - Kodai wand does not provide infinite water runes

@Snapzhot - (Unknown IGN) - 22 points
1 - Dying when an overload potion is active does not reset its timer visually
5 - Putting a rune pouch with runes in private storage and teleporting out allows you to cast those runes throughout the game
5 - You can smuggle items out of the chambers by teleporting out and picking them from the ground during the teleport animation
5 - You can deposit more items in your bank than you have space when you use the "Bank all" option from the private storage
1 - The Guardians have a weird examine text
4 - Dihn's bulwark resets the hitpoints of NPC's, rather than damaging them
1 - When you loot Cavern grubs from chests in the thieving room with a full inventory, some show up as if they drop on the floor, but you cannot pick them up

@Eye of ra - (Unknown IGN) - 10 points
3 - Vengeance doesn't work on Vasa Nistirio's special attack
2 - You cannot use the humidify spell to douse the flame wall
3 - The Great Olm continues to drop crystals and heal itself even when nobody is in the room
2 - The Corrupted scavenger in the thieving room doesn't go to the hay pile when going to sleep

@Andrea love - IGN: Andrea loves - 4 points
1 - Prayer potions are too large visually
3 - Tekton does not attack

@The underdog - (Unknown IGN) - 4 points
3 - Dropped items in raids disappear far too quickly, not just CoX supplies but gear as well
1 - No cutting animation is shown when cutting the meat tree (the cutting animation is in fact shown, but is interrupted by your character's block animation when being attacked by the muttadiles. We haven't fixed this yet, but it's only a minor bug anyway)

@Silliekill - (Unknown IGN) - 3 points
3 - Vanguards get bugged out when you attack them at the moment they want to rotate

@Ur free asf - (Unknown IGN) - 2 points
2 - Potions dropped on the floor in raids disappear

@Theearlygamer - (Unknown IGN) - 2 points
2 - The spellbook interface does not indicate that you have infinite water runes when having a kodai wand equipped

@Optiklukas - (Unknown IGN) - 1 point
1 - The creature keeper has a "search" option

Not considered bugs:

Andrea love wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:54 pm vanguards can all be damaged by all combat types and should only be hurt specifically by 1 type
Other combat types do harm Vanguards, just very inefficiently. This is not a bug.
Empty wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:58 pm You can not heal with soulsplit when muttadiles are healing on the tree.
You can't deal any damage to the Muttadiles as they are healing on the tree (same as in OSRS), so it seems logical that you can't heal on them either during this phase. I don't think this is a bug, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Empty wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:35 pm
Empty wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 7:35 pm Fishing or cooking the fishes at farming rooms do NOT give points
Or eating them
You do receive points when eating food, but only if it actually heals you (eating food at full HP does not give any points). Hunter, fishing or cooking does not award points. As far as we know, this is the same as in OSRS.
Empty wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:28 pm skeletal mystic safespot & unaggro spot AbsX 408 AbsY 6483
Empty wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:45 pm Melee vanguard safespot, ::mypos in chat. (if it next goes to the middle spot in the northern side of room, it will try to diagonally move there, and gets stuck on the edge of lava. automatically fixes itself eventually.
Empty wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:56 pm Vespine soldier safespot, ::mypos in chat
These safespots appear to be intended, so we won't classify these as bugs. Please correct me if I'm wrong (and let me know how they should be different if I am indeed wrong).
Empty wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:20 pm Tekton's aggro range is way too far from tekton himself!
It's supposed to be 3 tiles more east for tekton to aggro a player.
This does not appear to be the case, as far as we can tell, the aggro range is exactly the same as in OSRS. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Snapzhot wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:38 pm Searching the creature creeper should give a journal
This was done on purpose, as nobody really seems interested in them anyway. We had to choose to either not add them in, or spend additional time adding the lore.
Empty wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:06 pm I'm not sure how to say for sure but doesn't seem like dwh lowers melee hand defence
always hitting low and inconsistent even with scythe and lance and what not
We were unable to confirm this bug so I'm afraid we cannot award any points for this. the Dragon warhammer special attack always seems to work exactly as it should.
Optiklukas wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:54 pm the range atk from the guardians is bugged hits one square more than it should
According to the OSRS wiki: "[...] occasionally stomp the ground, dealing moderate to heavy damage in a 3x3 area". Therefore, this does not appear to be a bug. Please correct me if mistaken.
Mvpranger wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:11 pm 2 Visual bugs at ice demon:

#1: If you pick the bronze axe up and you drop it onto the bronze axe is shows like this lol:


#2: Same for the tinderbox, also the tinderbox that you picked up and dropped is a different colour don't know if that is intended tho:


The white tinderbox is the one that is already on the ground, the grey one is the one I've picked up and dropped.
I would think this is the same in OSRS as well. I know it may look a bit odd, but I won't classify this as a bug since I'm going to blame Jagex for this inconsistency.
Mvpranger wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:38 pm If you die at mutta's and come back into the room they don't aggro you anymore.
We were unable to reproduce this bug, so sadly we cannot award any points for it. If someone can confirm this, please let us know. Unless this was fixed in another, unrelated bugfix around the same time.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mvpranger » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:24 pm

Mike wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:08 pm All of the reported bugs should now be fixed, aside from a few minor bugs (these have been added between parenthesis next to the awarded points) and a few things are not considered bugs (to which I have replied to in this post). Please let us know if you find any other bugs, the bughunter contest is still ongoing for more than a day and we may still decide to extend it with a couple of days if new bugs are being reported before the deadline.
Just so you know, players with the same amount of points will get a shared spot in the contest and receive the same reward.
Thanks a lot for allowing us to test CoX and getting a reward from it! Cant wait for all the bug we find at day 1! :kekw:

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mvpranger » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:29 pm

Don't know if this is intentional or not:

You cannot use shift-click to store stacks of items into the storage crates

Will be ok2
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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Will be ok2 » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:35 pm

@Mike could we get an approx release date if all goes well with bugs and fixing/patching any inefficiencies? Do you think we can expect it on the 21st approx 1 week post bug hunter contest ends?


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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by The underdog » Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:18 am

I see a form of storage I see a dupe.

buggo uno: can have more than 1 looterman bag
buggo 2: can dupe shit by random. only tested and had it happen to looting bags in the 30min i looked for dupes. Camel mask went antidupe for a moment too.
buggo 3: can bring stuff into cocks by destroying looting bag there (also )

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by The underdog » Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:27 am

oh ye can't edit, just another clip of above. I like to post then edit 20 times in the 3min after I post.

Yall can look for the bigger possible things that can roll out of it, or maybe it's limited to baggers idk. The bagger itself seems aight dupe tested it before pre cocks. Kinda odd respawn stuff thooo.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Empty » Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:33 am

Mike wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:08 pm
Empty wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:58 pm You can not heal with soulsplit when muttadiles are healing on the tree.
You can't deal any damage to the Muttadiles as they are healing on the tree (same as in OSRS), so it seems logical that you can't heal on them either during this phase. I don't think this is a bug, please correct me if I'm wrong.
You can heal with blowpipe spec when muttadile is healing, so i just thought it would make sense if soulsplit had the same effect

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mvpranger » Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:05 pm

Was in a duo raid and opened the chest with bats in the thieving room, the chest didn't stay open and closed like every single other chest.


The chest where the bats were in is the chest I'm standing in front of.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mvpranger » Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:20 pm

Muttadiles can aggro you before you enter the room.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric bughunter contest

Post by Mvpranger » Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:21 pm

You can attack the muttadiles while standing behind the tendrils.

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