Ingame Name: Whiist
Time Played: 2123 hours
Do you have any experience pking?: Yes I've grown quite fond of DHing and I do have some (but not a lot) of experience with NHing.
Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: A little bit, yes. This is something I'd be willing to learn more about.
Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Niels, Nimer, Antonio.
Why do you want to join: I would like to branch off from being exclusively DH as a pker and get my foot in the door as an NHer. Building a reputation of someone who can fight in multiple styles of PKing is something that I am interested in. I am hoping you guys would be willing to help me get get started as a beginner NHer. I cannot guarantee I am the best you've ever seen, but I am devoted to learning and will bring a positive attitude to the clan with me. Should you accept me as a member, I will do my best to learn and help out in any way that I can.
Timezone or country: U.S.A. EDT timezone
Previous clan: GGLSP
(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes ofc. My discord info is Whiist#5604