Why mw3 wrote: ↑Mon May 31, 2021 9:10 pm In-game username: Why Mw3
Do you meet the requirements?(max cape, 100b wealth, and 100 hours ::timeplayed): I do not have 100b wealth, but I have acquired 30+b in a week and have dumped over 15b into max cape and 5b in construction in the last two days. I also do not have Max cape, but I only need the prayers and pkhonor points to get it. I have also played for 1243 hours, and have been a member of pkhonor since 2011, next week will be my 10 year anniversary I will have max cape this week if not in the next couple of days.
Total xp:4,906,987,730 - My total level is 2,277 I also have 283 kills in wildy.
Who Recruited you? if anyone?: Nope, I just don't like roddycc.
What was your previous clan? (If any): I had one way back in the day named Sinister, but has obviously dissolved.
Honor Name(If you have One): N/a
Death or Comp cape?: No.
*Optional* Your discord info to join clan cc: Manimtheman#3289
both are accepted. thanks!Pk prado pk wrote: ↑Sat May 29, 2021 6:03 am In-game username: Pk Prado Pk
Do you meet the requirements?: I have Max cape, 155 Wealth and 1181hrs
Total xp: 3,627,671,129
What was your previous clan? (If any): PkHonor
Death or Comp cape?: No
*Optional* Your discord info to join clan cc: ElLegend#0071