Third-party software + Addons

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Third-party software + Addons

Post by Marklauten » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:23 am

Hello everyone!

I first off want to ensure that anyone that posts on this topic will be polite, respectful and open minded. When I posted a similar discussion/poll in discord there were several members of this server to use derogatory slurs and hate speech. I would encourage a polite and respectful conversation at this time.

Secondly I would like to discuss Third-party software and Addons (self built in this case). What is acceptable? What do the players of PkHonor want, and what are the thoughts of Owners, Admins and Staff. As a players standpoint, things to improve my gameplay experience is always welcome. We have to ensure we are not breaking any rules or ruining the gameplay experience of others. Below are a small summary of several add-ons that I created that have come to question in the recent past. I will label them and when discussing the please refer to how they are labeled so people can follow along.

1.) Hotkeys - Binding say 'left click' to the key 'enter'. So instead of having to use mouse to left click I could just press enter.
2.) Mouse Movements - Binding mouse movements to keys keyboard keys. 'Cursor move up' = 'Up arrow' Something like that.
3.) Add-ons. I have an addon developed to play a MP3 file (2 second *ding*) when it sees wcing xp AND then no longer see's woodcuting XP. (These addons have no input on the client) There are no actions taken within the client for this to work. If you are familiar to rune lite, its like the overlays that highlight tiles that monsters spawn on or overlays a timer when monsters spawn. My is just for audio.

What is everyone's thought? I highlighted the differences between botting, autoclicking and macroing in my video and want to reiterate everything I stated is not any of those things. It's the assignment of hotkeys and separately having addons to assist me play. Again, the add-ons have no impact on the client or gameplay experience, only on my personal side (a notification etc)
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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Iron adam » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:31 am

Any sort of third party software is against the rules. Don't use any.

Here are some past discussions on it:


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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Marklauten » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:36 am

Iron adam, Third Party Software is not against the rules. The rule states the use of third party software to bot, macro or autoclick, OR to gain xp while afk.
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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Iron adam » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:39 am

okay, you are right

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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Empty » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:24 am

as i commented on your video, i'm sure 1:1 "macros" are fine, and this has been said by a staff member (cant remember who), so yeah i do think that maximum of 1:1 would be cool since it's basically just remapping keys which is also not bannable offense

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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Pk gts » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:27 am

Iron adam wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:31 am Any sort of third party software is against the rules. Don't use any.

Here are some past discussions on it:

3/4 of those links i dont have access to :(

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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Iron adam » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:29 am

Pk gts wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:27 am
Iron adam wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:31 am Any sort of third party software is against the rules. Don't use any.

Here are some past discussions on it:

3/4 of those links i dont have access to :(
They are archived posts. you need to join the gravedigger usergroup here: ucp.php?i=176

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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Raj » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:44 am

Antonio wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:24 am as i commented on your video, i'm sure 1:1 "macros" are fine, and this has been said by a staff member (cant remember who), so yeah i do think that maximum of 1:1 would be cool since it's basically just remapping keys which is also not bannable offense
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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Marklauten » Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:12 am

So far we have Raj and Iron adam says Hotkeys are illegal. What is illegal about them and why do you think that? This is suppose to be a discussion not a dismissal. I have provided evidence stating what I am doing is no different. It shouldn't matter if Left click comes from the mouse or your keyboard. If you think differently explain!
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Re: Third-party software + Addons

Post by Marklauten » Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:25 am

Raj wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:44 am
Antonio wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:24 am as i commented on your video, i'm sure 1:1 "macros" are fine, and this has been said by a staff member (cant remember who), so yeah i do think that maximum of 1:1 would be cool since it's basically just remapping keys which is also not bannable offense
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Raj and Iron adam, If you read through those 4 quoted articles they all say 1:1 actions are fine. @church told me generally speaking it should be fine. Macroing if you don't know is when you string them together. AHK is only a macro when you have a 1:2 input to action or higher. I am asking if Clicking being assigned to the enter key is acceptable. Which is a 1:1 ration. AHK is misleading since you CAN make a script using it, but you can also have actions assigned to hotkeys. In my case single actions binded to keys should be an issue. If I had multiple actions assigned to 1 key that's when you get into the cheating/botting aspect.

If you disagree that is okay, but lets have a discussion! Give me a reason why 1:1 is not allowed. Or tell me that 1:1 is allowed but something else is of concern. This does not easy any tensions just by saying "No, Obey me!." It comes off as very disrespectful and dismissive! Thanks for your cooperation!
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