pre-eoc related content

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pre-eoc related content

Post by Diskid » Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:24 am

i've noticed that the pre eoc era content is very butchered compared to content that has been from prior years.
with nex not having proper phases Smoke, Shadow, Blood, Ice and zaros phases. nex not being in the correct area. nex should not be a boss that you can solo given the gear you can get from it.
chaotics being treated as low tier gear being inexpensive and disposable when in pre eoc they took time to get and was something you didn't want to lose
korasi being nerfed to what is essentially useless.
pvp armors and weapons being treated the same as chaotics, pvp armors were not cheap in pre-eoc as they basically functioned as cheaper versions of nex armors for use in pvp without the health point bonus.
the defence requirement for curses is 20 when it is supposed to be 30
tormented demons being in a place that is completely wrong.
glacors being in a place that is wrong as well.
zuriel's staff having no use other than to be a staff ( no miasmic barrage and blitz with their effects)

i do understand that this server has gone into the direction of copying everything osrs does (no problem with that)
but i do hope the dev team can get around to cleaning up the rough edges that is the pre-eoc era content in pkh.

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Re: pre-eoc related content

Post by Raj » Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:04 am

As for nex not being soloable, because of ironman mode, I don't think it should be buffed. But make the phases work properly or whatever sure, though I heard they do, unless one or two specific effects are missing (never did Nex on RS so you'll have to fill me in).

Chaotics -> Lost souls, PVP weapons -> lost souls. Both with low rates. Chaotics are bad for PvM progression as well (like why did we even add the DCB or bludgeon/dagger) but also for PvP it's a bit of a meme really. Similar to the PvP gears before being moved, it's an obvious meta, and everyone uses them. Gear diversity is low because BiS is in a shop. Moving PvP gears to lost souls was a good compromise. They're not used widely but you can get them for a reasonable price off the GE.

Make Korasi relevant again it's the only true dead content quest reward we have.

See above for PvP gears


I don't mind the wrong locations. I think the devs would have preferred to put them in the proper spots but problems might be map related. Could be wrong though. If it's just something that was done arbitrarily a really long time ago then yeah put them wherever sure. The Glacor cave is pretty bugged rn anyway.

As for Miasmic Barrage, the spell was entirely removed recently (though I'm sure you know that). So I'm gonna say it's doubtful anything gets worked on for that. Maybe an alternate use for the Zuriel's Staff would be nice.

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Re: pre-eoc related content

Post by Lykos » Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:28 am

Raj wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:04 am Make Korasi relevant again it's the only true dead content quest reward we have.

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Re: pre-eoc related content

Post by Monys » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:54 pm

Raj wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:04 am As for nex not being soloable, because of ironman mode, I don't think it should be buffed. But make the phases work properly or whatever sure, though I heard they do, unless one or two specific effects are missing (never did Nex on RS so you'll have to fill me in).

Chaotics -> Lost souls, PVP weapons -> lost souls. Both with low rates. Chaotics are bad for PvM progression as well (like why did we even add the DCB or bludgeon/dagger) but also for PvP it's a bit of a meme really. Similar to the PvP gears before being moved, it's an obvious meta, and everyone uses them. Gear diversity is low because BiS is in a shop. Moving PvP gears to lost souls was a good compromise. They're not used widely but you can get them for a reasonable price off the GE.

Make Korasi relevant again it's the only true dead content quest reward we have.

See above for PvP gears


I don't mind the wrong locations. I think the devs would have preferred to put them in the proper spots but problems might be map related. Could be wrong though. If it's just something that was done arbitrarily a really long time ago then yeah put them wherever sure. The Glacor cave is pretty bugged rn anyway.

As for Miasmic Barrage, the spell was entirely removed recently (though I'm sure you know that). So I'm gonna say it's doubtful anything gets worked on for that. Maybe an alternate use for the Zuriel's Staff would be nice.
I agree with all things you said.

As for Zuriel's staff, maybe it could have a passive effect like Tstod but instead of venom it poisons the opponent

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Re: pre-eoc related content

Post by Diskid » Tue Nov 03, 2020 9:48 pm

Raj wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:04 am As for nex not being soloable, because of ironman mode, I don't think it should be buffed. But make the phases work properly or whatever sure, though I heard they do, unless one or two specific effects are missing (never did Nex on RS so you'll have to fill me in).
i was around for pre-eoc and did nex so i'm very familiar with what mechanics are missing while some do infact exist alot of them don't

nex is missing alot of mechanics per phase.

smoke phase: Smoke Bullet - Nex will stop attacking, while yelling "There is..." as she raises her wings, before "NO ESCAPE!" as she flies down one of the four corridors to the center of the room (her spawn point) damaging any players who stand in her way for up to 500 typeless damage and disabling their protection prayers. is unattackable during this attack

Drag - Nex's magic attack has a chance to drag a player towards her, stun and bind them for three seconds, and disable their protection prayers

shadow phase: Shadow Smash - Nex will yell Fear the shadow!, causing a shadow trap to appear underneath all players in attack range. The traps go off two ticks after being set, and will deal 50% of the player's maximum health as damage.

Embrace Darkness - Nex will yell Embrace darkness!, plunging the room into shadow for all players within 15 spaces of her. The closer players are to Nex, the darker the room will be. Players within melee range of Nex for at least five seconds will receive a message saying The shadows start to engulf you! and be dealt 4-7 soft typeless damage every tick. If this darkness damage is triggered, the player must remain outside of Nex's melee range for 10-15 seconds to avoid taking damage while next to her.

Blood phase: Blood siphon - Nex will yell A siphon will solve this!, summoning two blood reavers and performs a summoning animation. If attacked in her summoning animation, any damage dealt will instead heal her for the same amount. Nex's blood reavers will also heal her for 9 life points for every successful attack they make. If there are any reavers in the chamber, the previous set is killed off for the current set, and the health they had left is transferred to Nex.

Blood Sacrifice - Nex will yell I demand a blood sacrifice! and select a random target who will glow red. If the target does not move at least seven spaces away from Nex within four seconds, she will heal equal to the player's maximum health while damaging them for 10% of their maximum health. All other players will have their current prayer points cut in half.

ice phase Ice Prison - Nex will yell Die now, in a prison of ice!, shooting an ice projectile at her target. Upon impact, the targeted player will be stunned, bound and have their protection prayer/curse disabled for 6 seconds as a small prison of ice surrounds the player. If the prison is not broken in this time frame, the ice will shatter, dealing 600-800 hard typeless damage to the trapped player

Zaros phase:
Upon the start of this phase, Nex activates Turmoil, yelling "NOW, THE POWER OF ZAROS!" and heals herself for 333 (1/6) of her health to boost it up to 733, she also can pray melee.

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Re: pre-eoc related content

Post by Scrap iron » Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:06 am

Nex is fine as is

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