
For your PkHonor-related aspirations and accomplishments!
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Post by Thearlygamer » Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:11 pm

Phase 1:
Spoiler: show
Here's what I've been up to on my normie since I started. I plan on making 25k brews, 3k overloads, and 5k super prayer potions to get me set for the rest of my game play, this will also bring me really close to 2b herb xp and I'll finish it with whatever I think is best afterwards.

Just to note, I farmed all the herbs necessary and also created the potions from scratch, including the ones that could be bought in the store. It probably took a lot longer because of this, but I wanted to set this challenge for myself.


Phase 2:
Finished making my pots to PVM

Also did a majority of the wilderness PvM tasks

Last updated XP
Spoiler: show
Runecrafting: 2,000,000,000 xp
Herblore: 483,665,695 xp
Mining: 423,947,485 xp
Crafting: 501,655,140 xp
Firemaking: 1,402,476,970 xp
Woodcutting: 1,398,540,285 xp
Magic: 462,314,244 xp
Fletching: 517,257,820 xp

What 2b's I plan to have for comp:
Runecrafting: 2,000,000,000 xp
Herblore: 2,000,000,000 xp

Mining: 438,160,735 xp
Crafting: 2,000,000,000 xp
Firemaking: 1,421,495,470 xp
Woodcutting: 1,416,844,785 xp
Magic: 499,271,323 xp

Fletching: 2,000,000,000 xp

Next goals: Finish wilderness PvM, Finish the last 200m's I need for regular completionist cape (slayer/agility), and finish the boss kc req for comp


Being the best player on PkHonor is hard, I just make it look easy

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