Ultra rares again?

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Fungamer » Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:32 am

Will be ok2 wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:59 am There are prob less then 15 active legends in game. I’m hoping that there actually only 7 legends added to retain the street value of them.
Unlikely the value would be retained if the active supply is essentially doubled. Could auction like 3 off for donator points. Makes the server some money and keeps the price/rarity somewhat stable along with rich freaks both ingame or irl being able to get it.

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Feston » Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:59 am

Since a Legends Cape is about 1,5 T... and other players own it... making it at 175k would be like
175,000 x 2,500,000 = ~450 B... which really fucks up the regular price...
People ain't buying credits for 10m each... merching over shops was never a part of Runescape.

Other Rares should be calculated for atleast the actual price into donator credits of 4-5m each maximum

Grain 600b = (600,000,000,000 : D Cred 4,000,000 = 150k Credits for GRAIN, not 50k)

Dropping Grain wealth to 50k would make it actual price realistic to 200B

Unfair for the actual guys which already have it, and unfair for the guys which stacked Donator credits over all overpricing them just to make a big win over Ultra Rares while they maybe get far way tooo underpriced...

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Will be ok2 » Sat Dec 21, 2019 3:18 pm

Feston wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:59 am Since a Legends Cape is about 1,5 T... and other players own it... making it at 175k would be like
175,000 x 2,500,000 = ~450 B... which really fucks up the regular price...
People ain't buying credits for 10m each... merching over shops was never a part of Runescape.

Other Rares should be calculated for atleast the actual price into donator credits of 4-5m each maximum

Grain 600b = (600,000,000,000 : D Cred 4,000,000 = 150k Credits for GRAIN, not 50k)

Dropping Grain wealth to 50k would make it actual price realistic to 200B

Unfair for the actual guys which already have it, and unfair for the guys which stacked Donator credits over all overpricing them just to make a big win over Ultra Rares while they maybe get far way tooo underpriced...
This is all wrong, donor credits are currently being bought for upwards for 7M ea. Only “rich” people are buying them which means more then likely they will not be willing to sell for much cheaper then what the current price is, just because you get a deal on an item doesn’t mean that it’s all of a sudden devalued every one of those items, I.e. I bought a torva set for 28B last week off a player who hasn’t logged in for over 2 years, doesn’t mean that I’m not going to sell it for the full current market price, or that johns 50 sets of torva is now worth less?


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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Rapsey » Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:43 pm

Bloodywolf wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:53 pm Although, they are still there, if someone with loads of 'm decides to rejoin, and drop all of 'm (just an really bloke example), It'd mean that there is going to be an overload already, so no, 10 doesn't add up to a lot, depends on the way of adding them I suppose.
That's very true. Although in practice if someone with a bunch of legends were to return the price wouldn't crash. It is highly unlikely that this person would choose to sell their capes for like 100B a piece. They would try to sell them at 1T+ and if no one is buying, either hold onto them and revel in the knowledge that they have a 10T+ bank, or try to use them in trades or stakes as the equivalent of 1T+ cash.

No one wants to sell their prized possession for way less than it's known to be worth. Heck, if all else fails, they're desperate for cash and no one wants to take it off their hands, they would still just high alch it and get 600B. With the current price setting legends simply cannot drop below 600B. If anyone sold it for less you could just buy it and alch for profit. So that means if you buy a legends cape for 150K credits you are guaranteed to get 4M/credit at the very least, even if no one is buying.

Slap a ho wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2019 12:06 am I know for a fact most are on inactive accounts. I was hinting at the fact that there might be 100 legends in game still, but there’s <10 that are on active players.
Will be ok2 wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:59 am There are prob less then 15 active legends in game.
Depends on how you define active.

There's about 200 legends in total. Excluding banned accounts that leaves 100 on both active and inactive accounts, but some of those banned accounts were active fairly recently so take that into account, it is likely that some of those will be unbanned again before long. Looking at accounts that were active in 2019 there are still 30+ around. I think taking the past year as "active" is a good measure of which people have not completely left PkHonor yet and are likely to drop by again in the future.

But yeah, there's several people who have 5 (even active players), 8, 10 and even one guy who has 23 of them (although he's definitely inactive). Any one of them could suddenly decide to sell their stack. I doubt it would do anything to the prices. After all, this has already happened at least a dozen times over the years and it has never ever dropped the prices so much as a coin.

Will be ok2 wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2019 3:18 pm This is all wrong, donor credits are currently being bought for upwards for 7M ea.
That does beg the question... If everyone has been building up their credit wallet at 4-5M/cr in the past few months, and now that the sale is right around the corner one guy suddenly starts buying them for 10M/cr, does that mean we should now treat credits as being worth 10M and adjust all credit prices accordingly? Sure would be nice for everyone who bought them for 4-5M or by donating, instantly doubles their value.

Personally I think we should not react so quickly to spikes in the eco. If donator credits were being traded for 7M+ over the course of 1-3 months then perhaps you could consider them as actually being worth that much, but in the last-minute rush before the sale I don't think we should let overbidding dictate their value for everyone else.

In addition it's also not very likely that someone is going to buy the full credit pricetag @ 7M each. More likely it's someone who already has 90% of the credits they need and is only (over)paying 7M to get those last few ones in time.

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Will be ok2 » Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:58 pm

@Rapsey i think the prices now are fit, there has been several people buying credits for a reasonable/normal price of 4-5M a credit since you’ve originally posted on this thread saying ultra rares would be coming back again soon.

Also that’s not the case, people are currently buying 100K+ credits for 7M ea. I ended up donating last night aswell then was offered 7M ea for my entire stack. Ofcourse donator credits are not valued at 7M each during a regular time but because of a sale like this there will be inflation and profit margins will become slimmer and slimmer.

I was saying feston was wrong due to him comparing donator credits @ 2.4M each and not fully understanding the was an economy works or that just because somthing goes on “sale” doesn’t mean it’ll effect the price of the item down the line, just because 3-5% of the specific item was bought at a deal does not mean the remaining 95% of those items are suddenly devalued.


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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Rapsey » Sat Dec 21, 2019 9:53 pm

Then I guess the 7M is actually determined by the relatively low credit price of legends. Now that we've posted how much it will cost people know that even at 7M/cr they will make a profit.

Fenton is right though. Credits are normally 2.4M each and every item in the donator store other than these rares is worth approximately 2.4M * their credit price. The 4-5M that people are now starting to think of as the normal credit value is the main benefit of these sales for donators. That's how we think of it anyway: rare sales enable donators to get double the value for their credits, and double seems about as high as we should go with that.

It is kind of a pickle though, because as people get used to being able to sell their credits at this double value they start expecting the rare sales to give them even more value than the 4-5M they can "normally" get. But that's just an endless feedback loop: the more profitable you make those rare deals, the more credits will be worth. It's like trying to outrun your own shadow.

So now we've said the 1T+ legends costs 150K and 150K * 7M = 1050B so yeah, up goes the credit price. I think it's fine just this once, but this shouldn't become the new standard. The 4-5M double value should remain the norm so in the future we should probably just choose all credit prices according to that.

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Will be ok2 » Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:01 am

@Rapsey only the newer items are valued at 2.4M a credit, like bandos, and tanz etc.

Custom whips would be valued closer to 4M a credit 4Mx7K 28B
Dwh valued 4M a credit = 4Mx3K = 12B
And couple more that I can’t think of this moment but the average cost of credits has and most likely will always be between 3.5-4.5M maybe even 4-5M at given points like right now when there is such big inflation on items.


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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Rapsey » Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Will be ok2 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:01 am @Rapsey only the newer items are valued at 2.4M a credit, like bandos, and tanz etc.

Custom whips would be valued closer to 4M a credit 4Mx7K 28B
Dwh valued 4M a credit = 4Mx3K = 12B
And couple more that I can’t think of this moment but the average cost of credits has and most likely will always be between 3.5-4.5M maybe even 4-5M at given points like right now when there is such big inflation on items.
Heh, that's interesting, I didn't realize custom whips had gone up quite that much. Maybe it's time to go over the entire shop again and adjust the prices for inflation. The 2.4M/cr dates back to the good old days when even the richest players barely had more than 100B so it might not be a bad idea to gently increase credit value across the board.

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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Will be ok2 » Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:16 pm

Rapsey wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:21 pm
Will be ok2 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:01 am @Rapsey only the newer items are valued at 2.4M a credit, like bandos, and tanz etc.

Custom whips would be valued closer to 4M a credit 4Mx7K 28B
Dwh valued 4M a credit = 4Mx3K = 12B
And couple more that I can’t think of this moment but the average cost of credits has and most likely will always be between 3.5-4.5M maybe even 4-5M at given points like right now when there is such big inflation on items.
Heh, that's interesting, I didn't realize custom whips had gone up quite that much. Maybe it's time to go over the entire shop again and adjust the prices for inflation. The 2.4M/cr dates back to the good old days when even the richest players barely had more than 100B so it might not be a bad idea to gently increase credit value across the board.
I definitely think it’s time for a rework, I believe I also said this previously, I’ll make a suggestion post on it later with my input and will tag you in it.


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Re: Ultra rares again?

Post by Purex666 » Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:23 pm

can we get the wooden taken out of D shop just killed the wooden eco to many in game not one has ben even bought yet = retire it till 10-15 left in game.
swap it with bug-lit lantern or Demon kite..
add 10 of each.
also as for pricing would
start it at 150k D cred like leg cape.

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