Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Fungamer » Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:41 am

Thoby wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:07 am
Do you mean Prayer flicking? To be honest I think we kind of covered this by adding in insane prayer bonusses (salve amulet and such). Which preserve prayer quite well.

I personally don't mind adding it in, but I'd hate to write in a bug on purpose, especially with the super prayer potions and insane prayer bonusses.
Well, that's kind of the issue and reason why the game becomes too easy and really boring once people hit a certain point.

Prayer flicking might sound tedious to do, but it's part of the game (OSRS) now. If flicking was added I'd support nerfing the prayer bonusses and points healed by supers. PKH having those instead of flicking to me sounds like a very mini-feature that takes away some of the fun and grind, like when you play a spawn server and can literally get every item instead of having a shop that sells them for points or w.e.

I know it sounds contradictory to 'add' a bug, but honestly it was poorly optimized code which resulted into a beloved feature. I don't think anything was wrong with the logic itself, just that it had unforeseen (positive) consequences. By all means, write the best code there is, but I firmly believe that mechanics like that should be ingame for the skilled players to take advantage of.

Afterall, we're not advertising the server for new OSRS players. A majority will be people who have seen and done a lot of stuff on/about OSRS and who are looking for a game with all the OSRS mechanics, better XP rates and then the custom stuff. Might be disappointing to some to see that the widely known 'trick' cant be done anymore :/

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Kenneth » Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:50 am

Thoby wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:33 am Verzik in P2 has a bit weird bouncing mechanics at the moment. What exactly are you referring to? Wrong timing? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it should stun you if you stand near it when it bounces, correct? I think it currently is just after/before the animation.
The safe point to attack during phase 2 is while she bounces, the timing is just off.

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Thierryu1 » Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:30 pm

Korasi and Doge Hunter2 have both done a solo run I believe.
I almost did it but ran out of ppots. But It's doable.

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Thearlygamer » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:34 pm

Thoby wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:33 am Prayer switching seems fine to me. The only thing is that the Nylocas Vasilis seems to attack JUST after switching. So we might want to make a change there to give an additional tick to switch prayers. Can anyone confirm how it is on OSRS?
please do
Being the best player on PkHonor is hard, I just make it look easy

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:51 pm

Thearlygamer wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:34 pm
Thoby wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:33 am Prayer switching seems fine to me. The only thing is that the Nylocas Vasilis seems to attack JUST after switching. So we might want to make a change there to give an additional tick to switch prayers. Can anyone confirm how it is on OSRS?
please do

Yes, it’s literally quite impossible right now to switch in time to not get attacked, unless your hovering your mouse over the next attack style it’s very very difficult.


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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Iron ruby » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:31 am

it's impossible atm

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Iron adam » Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:22 am

Lets clear some things up. There are two main types of "Prayer Flicking" on OSRS.
  • There is 1 tick flicking, where you turn a prayer on and then quickly double click it on every game tick. The game will provide you with the benefits of the prayer without actually charging you prayer points. This is most certainly a bug which we dont need in our game. You can still save some prayer points on PkHonor by turning on a prayer for the game tick that you need it on, and then turning it off immediately after. Ex: Flicking piety on right before you hit with a whip, and then immediately turning it off once the hit has been calculated. This way you are onl;y "charged" the prayer points required for that game tick, and not the whole 2.4 second cycle in this example.
  • The other type of prayer flicking is when you switch your overhead prayers in order to block different types of incoming damage. This is especially useful in places like GWD, multi pk tanking, Dagannoths, and anywhere else where multiple attack styles are being used on you on separate game ticks. This works the same in PkHonor as it does on OSRS. Some people claim that it is delayed by a tick on PkHonor, but that is simply not true. The only latency you are feeling is the latency to the server that you have with any other type of action. This latency is not specific to the prayer code.
To be very clear, you need to have your prayer on at the point that the accuracy, damage, and defence calculations are performed. This means they have to be on when the animation is starting, as that is when the calculations are done. This means that you need to turn it on before the animation starts. So if you are putting protect from ranged on when you see a projectile in the air, you are already too late..

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Re: Theatre of Blood - Lets discuss

Post by Raj » Sat Dec 14, 2019 6:14 am

Iron adam wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:22 amTo be very clear, you need to have your prayer on at the point that the accuracy, damage, and defence calculations are performed. This means they have to be on when the animation is starting, as that is when the calculations are done. This means that you need to turn it on before the animation starts. So if you are putting protect from ranged on when you see a projectile in the air, you are already too late..

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