Advertisement for Pkhonor

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Raj » Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:18 pm

Slap a ho wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:58 am You put money into a business when you expect it to be a career. Maybe I’ll be wrong, but I’m doubtful that RSPS, including pkhonor, will be around long enough to consider it a career. I don’t expect to see RuneScape around for another 40 years.
Ok true let's just let the server carry on and die then, it won't cost money and no bad investment can happen. It's so strange that players log on to yell "dead server" and then when people suggest things to bring in new players it's like "no the server has no future let it keep going" and then they log back in, server's still dead, and they whine "dead server". Like really what were you expecting when you made it sound like there's zero hope to turn things around on a thread about advertising.

I also wonder where the 500,000 donor creds or whatever it was from aprons went and what exactly it is that's stopping us from doing something similar in the near future and using the money for ads. And how do people have trills in donor credits (they came out a couple months ago) and we don't have enough money for ads, at the same time?

Is YouTube the only place to post ads? I know he said it in the post, but for some reason people here have a weird tendency to attack posts word for word instead of taking an idea and running with it. But whatever suit yourself, just know that in terms of the server and future investment active players are good and advertising brings in players, financials aside. If you wanna get caught up in the details of it all because you don't think RSPS will be around ok, but I'm sure the guys over at some other top RSPS with a sponsored toplist spot will gladly take our players and donations when they leave to start fresh somewhere else, regardless of whether or not RSPS have a future 40 years from now.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Slap a ho » Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:14 pm

Look man, if you want to spend money to advertise, then do it. Telling others to spend their money is ignorant.

There needs to be emphasis on updating our current marketing literature and pushing out more quality updates that compete with the other top list servers. You want to spend $2k on a YouTuber that’s not going to take PKHonor seriously? Be my guest. The guys got 21k subs and primarily plays the #1 top list server where they have both raids 1 and 2, all raids items, platinum tokens, an economy, hundreds/thousands of players, etc. PKHonor is gonna be a joke to him.

Want to spend hundreds of dollars per week to get a banner on the front page of RuneLocus? Feel free to.

Not trying to be negative Nancy, but reality is knocking on the door bub. PKHonor is on a massive decline and it’s not because lack of marketing. Why would players come play a server that’s far behind the top 10 servers? People want Tbows. People want ancestral. People want Kodai. Yeah, cool we have Torva and Pernix and Virtus and curses, but we’re missing the content people enjoy and want.

You want to see PKHonor thrive like it used to? Then it needs to get with the times and catch up to the other servers and THEN spend the money to market accordingly. PKHonor isn’t in a good state to market it effectively to increase player count. There’s a lot of work to be done still.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Iron adam » Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:47 am

I agree advertising is not a priority. Everyone who knows about rsps know to check the toplist sites. Just do your part to ::vote..
If money should be spent, it should be spent on more devs to help.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Pvm onor » Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:53 am

Pkhonor is on a decline because there are no new players coming into the game, because people dont know about the server. 10 years ago rune locus was the main source of advertising and youtube was no where near as big 10 years ago as it is now. For a business to work you got to spend money to make money, maybe the £2000 was a bit much but I it was just to exaggerate my point. Like Adam said advertising isnt the main priority but its one of them, even if we spend the money and new devs that are actually commited to pkhonor I think that would be just as good. We need a good balance of content being released and advertising. 5 years ago we didnt need to advertise because pkhonor back then was pretty much as updated as you were going be, sure it could of done with a bit more content but it was enough, but now we are years behind and when we release new content the drop tables are just not good enough. If we had a a system in game where I can donate irl money that would go straight to advertising ( Correctly ) I think players would be down for that.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by The underdog » Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:01 pm

Jeez just get a bunch of spam bots on osrs and done.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Iron blazin » Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:47 pm

This game is not gona be anything in a view months.
The only thing that keeps this game going is the 10 year old veterans, honestly; no advertisment, no updates, yea this wont take long before it’s going to shutdown, anyone thinking else is just plain stupid.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Church » Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:05 pm

Iron blazin wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:47 pm This game is not gona be anything in a view months.
The only thing that keeps this game going is the 10 year old veterans, honestly; no advertisment, no updates, yea this wont take long before it’s going to shutdown, anyone thinking else is just plain stupid.
You know people have been saying stuff like this for quite a long time?

The no updates thing is simply not true, people just tend to have slightly unrealistic expectations for the updates. I can't really say much about the advertisement we do have but I can say it wouldn't help much to have more, who's looking for a new server to join right now when so many people are content with OSRS?

I'm about 99% sure the server will be just fine in a few months. If you want to contribute to the continued life and growth of the server, saying "it's gonna die soon" is as opposite of that as you can get.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Slap a ho » Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:38 pm

Church wrote:The no updates thing is simply not true, people just tend to have slightly unrealistic expectations for the updates.
It literally took 3 years for rune pouch.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Dr phyll » Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:55 pm

I think any extra advertising is a positive, however I feel like the server is in an awkward state currently, with not sought after updates like skitozo already released but still don’t have raids 1, also with the constant banter of people saying dead server etc. I think more then anything we need either @Mike or @Rapsey to come out and make a public statement in regards to the status of the server, with a definitive answer in regards to how long they are going to guarantee the server to be online or if they are open to the idea of a 2nd world, if they plan on investing money into advertising etc. I don’t recall either of them putting their input in on this which could shift the entire community into a better direction, PKH hasn’t been #1 RSPS since I’ve started and probably never will be, however it is still a fantastic server with great people, I also believe that NOT having every osrs update is a positive, not everyone likes all the new osrs content, some people like myself enjoy 08 runescape the exact way it was before all the raids etc. But that’s just my 2cents. I’m in hopes that the server will remain online for at least a few years to come regardless if we add a 2nd world, eco reset, or just keep it online how it is now.

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Re: Advertisement for Pkhonor

Post by Fungamer » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:03 pm

Ain botted on PKH and even let it slip on stream, exposing a bot client to everyone who still wants to search for it. He was a douchebag in general because he felt entitled to everything because he made 5 low quality videos of him standing around and 1 high quality video that explained stuff before cycling back to the 5 low quality vids. #RegularVideos!

Not to mention that his videos have been out for over half a decade in some cases. No wonder it has 5k views.

Giving popular figures pretty much everything so they can make vids about it is a bad idea IMO. It makes some of these people potentially even more entitled and it misrepresents the server if a "lets play pkhonor part 1" or w.e has a guy in full torva and customs.

Instead I'd suggest publically endorsing and acknowledging the current youtubers while not giving them loads of shit that makes unique from any other player. Of course, I don't think Whiprealgood, the best PKH streamer/youtuber that the server has ever seen is excited to still make content in the current atmosphere of the server ('dead server!", people being rude in general, small playerbase = low viewcount)
I doubt he even still plays regularly.

::vote doesn't do much as you said because toplists sell some top spots. A big issue here with the "oh use $500-2000" is that the server barely gets enough players donating to pay for its upkeep as it doesn't milk its players. Sure, you could see the $500-2000 as an investment, but I wouldn't personally invest that if I were Rapsey or Mike. High risk, since it's a fair chunk of money, and low chance on reward since while it's true social media marketing is important and can pay for itself, it is far from being tried and tested in our obscure niche.

Everyone talking as if the big time donations when grains etc are dropped is going straight into mike & rapseys pockets as profits are ignorant as fuck. Nothing could be less true. They might get no donations for a long time, pay stuff out of their own pockets and then get bigger donations which just pays back what they've put into it. I live 30 min from both Mike and Rapsey and I 100% know that the cost of living in flanders in general is definitely above what donations are netting as a profit with out current playerbase.

I know it's a kind of annoying to know that low playercount = more demand for content that cant come out due to the little money (AKA time) earned from that low playercount, but it's reality. PKH can still come out on top, don't get me wrong. It's just that some suggestions towards how money should be spent on PKH is usually extremely risky or counterproductive because those suggesting it have 0 experience with owning/starting an online business/platform and what the expenses are. Following some of the advice some people give on here will lead to the certain death of PKH in the near future rather than an uncertain death in x months/years. Threads like these are already counterproductive. Don't judge over another mans wallet unless you're looking straight into the wallet. Especially if you don't have any experience in the field where said wallet is located in.

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