The Future of Pkhonor

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Taylor gang
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The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Taylor gang » Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:51 pm

What is the future with pkhonor? This thread is for productive feedback only no negative behavior.
In my opinion Pkhonor has been here for 11 years and has been everything I could have personally asked for in a private server. It reminded me of playing the old runescape but with its custom features that made it unique and fun to play, but unfortunatly everything comes to an end.. and as it seems pkhonor's player base has been on a steady decline for the past few years but is now at an all time low getting 30-60 players only which IS counting people playing multiple accounts. The last time I seen numbers like this was when hydro was ddosing the server causing many to quit. This thread is to get the communities opinions on what should happen in order to keep pkhonor alive.
My personal suggestions:
Everyone knows the private server scene is going downhill but there will ALWAYS be a market for it no matter how big or small it is. Regular xp rates are not for everyone, but I do believe that a few changes could repopulate pkhonor.
Pkhonor being up for 11 years is great and terrible at the same time. Great that the server we all love is still up and running and stable. Terrible because that is 11 years of people bringing items into the game and hardly any leaving. This being said the eco is insane and it is practically irreversible as to where it is going.
I personally believe there should be a full reset of the game and this is coming from someone who has comped 3 times and currently has an enchanted comp so there is no bias towards me not wanting to achieve that. This would tie into the updates of TOB and COX to give people a reason to start grinding to be the first with these items. I believe that the people who vote no to a reset are the people who truly do not give a shit about the server but only to them selves. I do think that there should be some way of showing the achievements they have achieved on the old version of pkhonor if there was a reset though. I have noticed on world 45 on 07 multiple 2277 accounts that are asking jagex for a reset of the world just to get more players to play. That in my head is so pure on the fact that they love the game they play and are more interested in the game being alive than their own personal agendas.

Secondly I think there is no doubt a market to hit on with RS 07 gold. I personally think that Mike opening up donations via RS 07 gold would help increase player base of pkers on "pkhonor" because of the influx of tournaments being able to be held with 07 gp rewards this would draw players in with an interest in both rsps and rs07 because of how easy it could be to obtain rs gold. This would be mostly if the Eco reset did not happen but could be used afterwards.. To keep the rate of pkgp/$ ratio that mike serves for donations it could easily be made the same 6c/1m 07 and its around 2.5$/1b 07 meaning the rate would be around 4m 07/1b pkh, with how big the economy is already this would not hurt one bit.

Thirdly my suggestion is that Mike give power to the developers to go ahead and go through the updates that they can pour out without having to have every single little thing checked by you in order to get things added. Most updates on pkhonor are months too late and the hype is pretty much gone by the time we get it, Christ it took 4 years for a rune pouch. I get there are updates that can wait but realistically the longer you wait the more people you turn away from potentially trying the game. After the developers have proven themselves to make it out of trial developers they should have the ability to update the game when they finish content in order to keep the game flowing and alive. I know pkhonor is mikes baby and he does not want the game to turn in the wrong direction but right now the only direction pkhonor is going is downwards.

Overall I believe that in order to keep pkhonor alive, losing the fair few players that may leave if there is a reset is a far smaller fair than what it will gain in new members. You guys should be proud to have sustained as long as you did
If you can restart and run for at least 5 years again that would be amazing. All of the successful servers have resets, I am not saying resets every few months ect but after 11 years the economy and player base is pretty dated.

Id like to open this topic up to any other comments and suggestions for the people who can have constructive feedback for the pkhonor team/owners to see.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Dr phyll » Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:56 pm

I agree with you, I think the server is in dying need of a reset to bring in mass amounts of new players, TOB and a new PvP revamp update along with a reset would be the best thing that could happen to the server. I also agree to the fact that people who are against this idea are selfish and would rather continue their own accounts and progress then to see the server thrive again.

I agree developers should be able to implement things into the server now as they have passed their “trial”

I agree the eco is fked with 11years worth of items and a small # of people

If the server could reset and be open without a reset for the next 5 years that would be absolutely amazing.

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Slap a ho
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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Slap a ho » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:14 pm

It’d be great if we could have one collective location with every "How to fix PKHonor" type post. It’s like you guys all want to create your own topic and create 30 different posts detailing what’s wrong and how to fix it. It doesn’t do any damn good to create a new post every day.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Fungamer » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:43 pm

Y'all asking me for TLDRs while these posts are daily? Smh lads

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:46 pm

Slap a ho wrote:It’d be great if we could have one collective location with every "How to fix PKHonor" type post. It’s like you guys all want to create your own topic and create 30 different posts detailing what’s wrong and how to fix it. It doesn’t do any damn good to create a new post every day.

PS. Fuck outta here with the eco reset.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Slap a ho » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:46 pm

Natte droom wrote:Y'all asking me for TLDRs while these posts are daily? Smh lads
These are just payback.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by The underdog » Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:06 am

People quitting is taking out trillions upon trillions out of the economy every month.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Nazuths » Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:11 am

Economy Reset - An Eco Reset will simply never take place, under any circumstances, so don't suggest it.

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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Thierryu1 » Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:15 am

Nazuths wrote:
Economy Reset - An Eco Reset will simply never take place, under any circumstances, so don't suggest it.
::thread 14

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Iron adam
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Re: The Future of Pkhonor

Post by Iron adam » Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:40 am

mods need to learn to code
thats a good idea

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