That is correct. Easily getting loads of cash ≠ enjoying a game. It completely devalues the progress-curve, something PkHonor drives on.
Its the same as getting a load of cash from a friend when you just started. You won't have to grind barrows, you won't have to try to earn some cash from skilling, etc.
At the end of the day you don't find any motivation to enjoy the things that earn you a lower amount of cash, cause well- why would you?
Troll n roll wrote:As a new player, godwars is not that easy to solo. The minions hit pretty hard and you would be lucky to get double digit kills in mid tier gear in a trip. I'd wager that barrows, regardless of elites, is probably better gp per hour than godwars are a newer player. Having elites there is just an added bonus.
I agree with that completely. Godwars is hard, until you get some better barrows gear, maybe a rapier and are able to venture into the godwars dungeon (alone or with a friend).
But finding out that, "
Hey, Bandos is about 400m an hour but I might as well just do Frost dragons for 1.5b an hour- because it has low requirements and earns me way much more cash".
It's an underwelming feeling, and a reason to completely put content aside. Not to mention it saturates the game as a whole.
Troll n roll wrote:As for making elites tradeable, is it too far gone at this point? I know some merchers who have a lot of elites and master clues saved up that they bought rather than earned. Just my rambling two cents.
It's not about the caskets in the game, those can simply be opened without any problems.
It's about new caskets coming into the game. Players always get told to sell the caskets, but why not change that and make it so they don't feel like they wasted their money when opening one.
Nazuths wrote:Elites are the greatest money sink ...
I personally don't agree that Elites are a
money sink. No money is going out of the game. They're a
money divide, something completely different- and something that isn't per definition healthy for the game:
For example, If we have two players, player X and Y.
Player X has to play through the game without any support, and earns his way up to full torva and a custom whip, by grinding the game and bossing.
Player Y has a friend with a 1T bank, who gives him some starting out cash so he can buy himself a custom whip and grind towards Torva.
Which of these players will enjoy their time more? Might be an exaggerated example, but hopefully you get my point.
Nazuths wrote:... and incentivize players to step into the Wilderness to make some cash with the risk of getting PKed, which the general drop tables of wildy NPCs don't do.
This is probably best arguments against making them untradeable. But players will still be able to hunt clue scrolls in the wilderness: their droprate won't be changed at all.
Players will still need them for achievements, selling their rewards, etc. I am, however, a fan of spicing up the wilderness npcs a bit to compensate for lost incentivize.
Nazuths wrote:Assuming players don't bring near BiS gear in Wildy, I take an average of 150 kills an hour (that might even be high), I've averaged 1 Elite casket every 170 Frost Dragons so that'd be 68 minutes per elite for other players, not taking into account that someone might get PKed 20 times during the grind, but on average that would take around 566 hours to finally obtain the Magic stone.. I don't know the conversion of Wildy clue rates of Ironmen vs Regular players but it might even be worse than this..
If people really want to grind General Graardor for a Bandos set, they will, or they will make an ironman on which they do this. If they don't want to do that and make a quick cash then Frost dragons in Wilderness is the way to go and I don't think that needs to be changed.
The magic stones will still be coming into the game at the same rate. Players will still get clue scrolls, solve them, and open the caskets for rewards. The amount of clue caskets opened will remain the same.
But the idea of earning roughly ~1.5b an hour, for a new player that started an hour ago, is insane.
Why would anyone even bother to ever look at any other potentional pieces of content when they could just earn that kind of solid cash from an npc that has minimal risk associated?
If the clue scrolls would be untradeable, receiving one every hour would still be extremely nice (and an incentive to ironman players). You can solve them, open it and you might still get a good reward.
From my own perspective, as an older player, I love to be able to sell my elites. Simply cause I know I will regret it if I don't.
But I've grown quite skeptical of their contribution to the health of the game.