11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Skiller » Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:23 pm

Lahutatude wrote:
Topics in the Feedback section can now only be viewed by their authors...
Why so m8?
I disagree @Rapsey, this removes one of the best features of Feedback, that players who have experienced similar things can respond to the thread as well. Like (this is a negative example, works positively too), if a player has been abused by a mod, they could say that in the feedback section, and others can explain their similar situations. They might not have felt comfortable bringing it forward alone, but once they see others have the same experience, this will help them.

Great in-game updates, especially the ::item lookup one! Does it work for normal players though? I know we're not allowed to spawn (thank god), but if I want to know the item id, can i do ::i dragon dart and it'll show me the id? If not would love to have that available!

thanks Mike!

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Ozymandias » Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:50 pm

The builder wrote:
Lahutatude wrote:
Topics in the Feedback section can now only be viewed by their authors...
Why so m8?
I disagree @Rapsey, this removes one of the best features of Feedback, that players who have experienced similar things can respond to the thread as well. Like (this is a negative example, works positively too), if a player has been abused by a mod, they could say that in the feedback section, and others can explain their similar situations. They might not have felt comfortable bringing it forward alone, but once they see others have the same experience, this will help them.

Great in-game updates, especially the ::item lookup one! Does it work for normal players though? I know we're not allowed to spawn (thank god), but if I want to know the item id, can i do ::i dragon dart and it'll show me the id? If not would love to have that available!

thanks Mike!
Basically can only view your own topics on the forums soon. Great idea to make reports/appeals/STAFF REPORTS XD and now FEEDBACK XD
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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Rapsey » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:16 pm

The builder wrote:I disagree @Rapsey, this removes one of the best features of Feedback, that players who have experienced similar things can respond to the thread as well. Like (this is a negative example, works positively too), if a player has been abused by a mod, they could say that in the feedback section, and others can explain their similar situations. They might not have felt comfortable bringing it forward alone, but once they see others have the same experience, this will help them.
Well most people were suggesting we simply remove it altogether so when someone said we should make it private it seemed like a good idea. Nothing is permanent so feel free to discuss and I'll listen to what people have to say about it.

EDIT: Here you go.
The ravi wrote:Basically can only view your own topics on the forums soon. Great idea to make reports/appeals/STAFF REPORTS XD and now FEEDBACK XD
For you I should probably add an exception that you can't see anyone's topics anywhere.

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Iron adam » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:33 pm

Cannon setup looks great. Might be worth looking into this thread too: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=67355

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Nickrock234 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:15 pm

Thanks, Mike!

Side note, if you don't have enough charges on morph ring to transform into Death, the text that appears in the chatbox says nex, not death.
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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Lahutatude » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:46 pm

Rapsey wrote:
Lahutatude wrote:
Topics in the Feedback section can now only be viewed by their authors...
Why so m8?
Someone suggested it and it seemed like a good idea. Gives the section more of a purpose. Before it was basically General Discussion 2.0, now Feedback is a place where you can peacefully interact directly with the staff team and have them focus their full attention on what you are trying to tell them (rather than it being diverted by other people throwing their 2 cents on the topic) and if you want to have the full community input you can still do it in General Discussion. Seems way more practical than sending massive reply-to-all group PM's to the entire staff team.
Mkay, i see your point and it makes sense. I'm just a bit worried that you guys are turning all the sensitive sections to private.
The efficienty (purpose?) of these sections might fall in that case. As mentioned by Builder, people might want also community's input to theyr feedback topics.
But then again, there are positive sides also, as you already mentioned.
Will see how it goes.

Almost forgot, thx for update :thumbsup:
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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Grave22 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:00 pm

Great updates as always! Looking forward to the wilderness bosses/demi-bosses being completed! :thumbsup:

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Stoikva » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:06 pm

if people want to post feedback then they still can do. if a problem is effecting others too then it would make sense that more feedback would be given on those topics. it just takes a slight shift in how feedback is read to work out what's hot and what's cold. if such threads where creating dissonance then that would discourage people from posting so i only see this having an overall positions impact on how this is managed
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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Isaac » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:12 pm

Great updates.

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Re: 11 January Updates - Bugfixes & QoL

Post by Ozymandias » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:04 am

Rapsey wrote:
The ravi wrote:Basically can only view your own topics on the forums soon. Great idea to make reports/appeals/STAFF REPORTS XD and now FEEDBACK XD
For you I should probably add an exception that you can't see anyone's topics anywhere.
You'd be a legend if you were able to do that.
Just saying though, important things are being hidden from others and I wouldn't expect less than having the jokes and other funny content section hidden too
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