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by Keiler05 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:23 am
B0rnt0b3pk wrote:Always nice to see some updates to keep the community happy. However I have a point of concern.
You're putting one of the best fishing/cooking xp in the wilderness, same with the previously added black chinchompas. I dislike the fact you're trying to revive the wilderness by forcing skillers to enter the wilderness for best xp possible. That is no fix for reviving the wilderness. You might increase the how many people enter the wilderness, but you will also increase the tention between actual Pkers and other parts of the community that doesn't like that aspect of the game. Everyone has their method of playing, and those increasingly added bosses and best skilling methods ruins it for those players. You and other people might say "No one is forcing you to the wilderness", well you are. First of all if people play for effiency, you are indeed forcing them into the wilderness for the best xp rates. You're forcing pvmers to risk their items to get boss pets becuase they like collecting all pets (not nessecarly they do it becuase they like the wilderness). What about turning around the argument of "no one is forcing players to the wilderness" by making requirements that pkers do need to enter or use several escape spots in the wilderness? Since it's already easy to get 99 skills, why not make stepping stone require 300m+ agility xp? Skilling area requires 1b+ xp in all the skills you can find? Well, n no one is forcing them to pk in that one area, are we?
Bottom line is you are making it worse for skillers and forcing them to the wilderness. If you want to force them to said areas, pkers should have same reqs as skillers do to use certain stuff for either escapes or enter resource areas. That way it would be most fair.
I agree with you. All this does, as I call it, is add pk bait to keep the few pkrs happy. I don't think there will be a new source of ppl pking... Just the same teams and pkers hunting their easy baits. I like your idea on having a requirement to enter a place, thus limiting the amount of ppl pking you. #NomorepkBait! lol
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by Keiler05 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:25 am
B0rnt0b3pk wrote:Counterret wrote:B0rnt0b3pk wrote:Always nice to see some updates to keep the community happy. However I have a point of concern.
You're putting one of the best fishing/cooking xp in the wilderness, same with the previously added black chinchompas. I dislike the fact you're trying to revive the wilderness by forcing skillers to enter the wilderness for best xp possible. That is no fix for reviving the wilderness. You might increase the how many people enter the wilderness, but you will also increase the tention between actual Pkers and other parts of the community that doesn't like that aspect of the game. Everyone has their method of playing, and those increasingly added bosses and best skilling methods ruins it for those players. You and other people might say "No one is forcing you to the wilderness", well you are. First of all if people play for effiency, you are indeed forcing them into the wilderness for the best xp rates. You're forcing pvmers to risk their items to get boss pets becuase they like collecting all pets (not nessecarly they do it becuase they like the wilderness). What about turning around the argument of "no one is forcing players to the wilderness" by making requirements that pkers do need to enter or use several escape spots in the wilderness? Since it's already easy to get 99 skills, why not make stepping stone require 300m+ agility xp? Skilling area requires 1b+ xp in all the skills you can find? Well, n no one is forcing them to pk in that one area, are we?
Bottom line is you are making it worse for skillers and forcing them to the wilderness. If you want to force them to said areas, pkers should have same reqs as skillers do to use certain stuff for either escapes or enter resource areas. That way it would be most fair.
High risk = high reward. You're wrong here fam, this is good for the wilderniss.
More pvmers to kill for pkers, will invite pkers to enter the wilderniss cuz they can get loot and that's appealing. More pkers that enter the wild will then run into each other and have fights. This total image = active wild eventually.
Log in sometimes, its actually working, theres alot more activity in the wilderniss lately on both pvmers and pkers aspect.
Higher traffic doesn't equal better wilderness. It creates only more tention between the playerbase. Only time will tell tho but I'm certain that's what is going to happen. OSRS is a living example of that.
and lets be real, its not much of a higer reward, but it is high risk. lol
Grizzly mint
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by Grizzly mint » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:31 am
If it's not a higher reward then don't go. Its pretty simple. ^ Your posts make me facepunch.
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by Keiler05 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:46 am
Is the price of the potion Decanter going to be lowered or no?
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by Grave22 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:36 am
Keiler05 wrote:Is the price of the potion Decanter going to be lowered or no?
Iron adam
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by Iron adam » Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:16 am
Keiler05 wrote:Is the price of the potion Decanter going to be lowered or no?
You mean unfinished potions maker??
Make a suggestion with a compelling argument.
Slap a ho
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by Slap a ho » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:55 am
Keiler05 wrote:Is the price of the potion Decanter going to be lowered or no?
What does that have to do with anything related to the original topic of this post? Nothing.
Unfinished potion maker cost is fine. It's not meant to be profitable.
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by Keiler05 » Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:38 am
Slap a ho wrote:Keiler05 wrote:Is the price of the potion Decanter going to be lowered or no?
What does that have to do with anything related to the original topic of this post? Nothing.
Unfinished potion maker cost is fine. It's not meant to be profitable.
too expensive imo.. maybe 100k would be nice. God forbid something is nice and easy around here... lol
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by B0rnt0b3pk » Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:09 pm
Rapsey wrote:B0rnt0b3pk wrote:I dislike the fact you're trying to revive the wilderness by forcing skillers to enter the wilderness for best xp possible.
No one is forcing anyone. We are trying to make the Wilderness a
viable skilling option, not the undisputed best option.
It's not really fair to compare just the XP. There's way more overhead involved in using the Wilderness resource area: you have to get over there, you'll probably want to do banking trips every so often, and every time a PK'er shows up you lose several minutes. All in all you may find that despite the XP rates, skilling there isn't any faster than it is outside the Wilderness.
To play devils advocate you are indeed forcing skillers to the wilderness. If a skiller doesn't enter the wilderness and is playing purely for XP/H, they are going to be missing out on lots.
Also for the argument of Grizzly mint... lets say you need 1b fishing xp, 1b mining xp, 1b cooking xp and 500m agility xp. That means you wouldn't be able to enter the skilling area to either skill or pk. Well.. What's the problem? "No one is forcing you to pk in that area", right? If you are putting skilling stuff in the wilderness, make sure there is requirements and escapes in order to use and/or enter certain places. Else you are just forcing skillers to enter the wilderness just to risk it for xp and with no reward. That's just putting a short-term bandaid on a long-term problem.
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by Rapsey » Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:41 pm
B0rnt0b3pk wrote:To play devils advocate you are indeed forcing skillers to the wilderness. If a skiller doesn't enter the wilderness and is playing purely for XP/H, they are going to be missing out on lots.
By that logic we are also "forcing" all skillers to drop everything they gain, because if you're dead set on maximizing your XP/h you "have to" do that to get those last 1 or 2 percentage points.
Don't get me wrong, it's possible the XP is a bit too much, especially considering the slightly lower fishing & cooking level requirements (compared to rocktails) mean they will fish slightly faster and burn slightly less often. But I remain convinced that they absolutely need to have a higher XP rate than the alternative for them to be considered a viable option. Some finetuning may be called for but we'll have to see what just how fast they are in practice.