23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

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23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Mike » Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:29 am

The Wilderness Resource Area has been added!
(Link for big image)

This area is freely accessible and you will find the following inside:
  • 4 Dark Crab fishing spots
  • Piles, explained below
  • 2 Runite Golems, explained below
  • 6 Iron ore rocks, 11 Coal rocks, 4 Gold ore rocks, 1 Mithril ore rock and 6 Adamantite ore rocks
  • 4 Yew trees and 3 Magic trees
  • A fire to cook fish
  • A furnace to smelt bars
  • An anvil to smith items

Dark Crabs grant 14,100 fishing XP and 9,400 cooking XP (highest in the game, compared to 11,400 fishing XP and 7,600 cooking XP for rocktails) and heal for 22 hitpoints. Cooked Dark Crabs (both noted and unnoted) can be exchanged at Piles for Raw Rocktails. One noted Dark Crab will give you one noted Raw Rocktail, one unnoted Dark Crab will give you one unnoted Raw Rocktail.
To fish Dark Crabs, you need a Lobster Cage and Dark Fishing Bait, which is dropped by almost every single wilderness NPC, including revenants.

Piles can note all your skilling supplies. The payment for his service is a single item of each supply per inventory. If you have 20 unnoted yew logs and 6 unnoted magic logs, he will convert them into 19 noted yew logs and 5 noted magic logs (so he keeps one of each log). If you have only a single item of a certain supply, he will refuse to note it.
The following items can be noted by Piles:
  • Any woodcutting logs
  • Any fish (raw, cooked or burnt)
  • Any gems (cut or uncut)
  • Any ore, bars and smithed items

Runite Golems have 170 hitpoints, are unaggressive and weak to pickaxes. When fighting them with a pickaxe, you will have bonus accuracy and max hit depending on your mining level. On death, they leave behind a runite rock for one minute, which can be mined for runite ore. The golem respawns very shortly after the rock disappears.

  • As of now, whenever you die, you will keep up to 3 individual items, rather than 3 item stacks. So if you die with 100 noted Dark Crabs, you can keep up to 3 and drop the other 97
  • Staff members can now issue warnings to players, which are displayed once to the player when they log in. This will help inform someone when they are misbehaving
  • Fixed the amount of special attack energy that the Bandos Godsword and Zamorak Godsword consume, so it is now 50% for all Godswords
  • The accuracy bonus of all Godsword special attacks has been increased so it is more alike to OSRS
  • The Saradomin Godsword special attack's healing and prayer restore amounts are now always rounded up
  • Fixed the Inferno Adze stats, they are now the same as the Dragon Pickaxe
  • The amount of Fishing Bait in the Supplies Store for Ironman Mode players has been increased to 100 (from 10), the amount of Living Minerals has been increased to 1,000 (from 10)
  • Fixed the 'Never mind' option on the Ancient Altar in Edgeville not doing anything when your prayer book is currently on Ancient Prayers
  • Fixed the 'Plank Make' spell not showing the correct amount of required runes (2 Astral, 15 Earth and 10 Nature Runes)
  • Fixed the Callisto Cub's Pick-up and Talk-to options being switched

Lastly, there is a Double Thieving XP weekend, starting in:

Ending in:

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Paid actor » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:13 pm

I Like :afro:

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Keiler05 » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:15 pm

just wondering which pick axe is going to be best to kill/mine the rune golems. Thanks. Also, have you decided on removing needing antipotion at Arma GWD? That would be great. waste of invo space. If you want to leave potion add it to Zamorak, which is the real boss that poisons you in runescape. Thanks Mike.

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Mike » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:20 pm

Keiler05 wrote:just wondering which pick axe is going to be best to kill/mine the rune golems. Thanks. Also, have you decided on removing needing antipotion at Arma GWD? That would be great. waste of invo space. If you want to leave potion add it to Zamorak, which is the real boss that poisons you in runescape. Thanks Mike.
The Dragon Pickaxe and Inferno Adze are the same for killing the golems (because they have the same stats), but the Inferno Adze is a tiny bit faster in the actual mining of the ore. So an adze is still recommended overall, albeit with only a very slight difference.

Good point regarding the Armadyl GWD. Was an in-game suggestion made for this already?

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Migetmanz » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:28 pm

TBH the arma poison is more of a bug than anything else,
Clearly stated as non poisonous, tbh I have not done arma in a long time nor do I recall getting poisoned.

Thanks for the updates mike!

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Keiler05 » Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:32 pm

Mike wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:just wondering which pick axe is going to be best to kill/mine the rune golems. Thanks. Also, have you decided on removing needing antipotion at Arma GWD? That would be great. waste of invo space. If you want to leave potion add it to Zamorak, which is the real boss that poisons you in runescape. Thanks Mike.
The Dragon Pickaxe and Inferno Adze are the same for killing the golems (because they have the same stats), but the Inferno Adze is a tiny bit faster in the actual mining of the ore. So an adze is still recommended overall, albeit with only a very slight difference.

Good point regarding the Armadyl GWD. Was an in-game suggestion made for this already?
I think it has been brought up before, just has not picked up any ground. Could you please look into it and remove it from wigman skree? Hes the one that poisons you. I'd love for this to get fixed so I don't waste precious inventory space on that boss lol. I don't know coding but it should be an easy fix? That'd be great if you could do it sometime, whenever you can.
Migetmanz wrote:TBH the arma poison is more of a bug than anything else,
Clearly stated as non poisonous, tbh I have not done arma in a long time nor do I recall getting poisoned.

Thanks for the updates mike!
the magic minion (wigman skree) is the one that poisons you at arma. Not the boss itself. My grief with it is, since kc is some what long, and its a range boss so its not as easy as bosses you can melee. inventory is precious. I'd love to bring 2 extra brews instead of having to bring antipotion for it. It's what I'm saying. Specially since I'm iron and i gotta camp it for the armour haha. I'd like to squeeze out as much as i can out of my trips.

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Mike » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:01 pm

@Keiler05, please use the 'Edit' function on the forums rather than double posting ;)

I've removed the poison effect from Wingman Skree, will be included in the next update, hopefully along with a new wilderness boss.
Only 4 more bosses to add before we can add the wilderness achievement diary! There will be many boss releases in short succession, but it needs to happen. Something to look forward to!

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Isaac » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:37 pm

Coooooool updatessssss

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Ruler » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:57 pm

To clarify, Wingman skree having poison is not a bug, it was added on the 5th of Feb 2015:
Wingman Skree (GWD, Armadyl boss room) and the Giant Mole now also have poisonous attacks
Maybe a mistake, but the majority doesn't like it and wants it gone so it doesn't really matter I guess :)

Nice update =] Besides the 4 wildy bosses, I think there need to happen a few other wildy changes (like availability of pk armour) before you can release wilderness diaries ;)

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Re: 23 November Updates - Wilderness Resource Area

Post by Troll n roll » Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:16 pm

Did you not add exp bonuses to skilling in the resource area? Why would anyone choose to skill there if there is no incentive?
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.
