Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

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What do you think of the suggested additions?

Dark crabs: 23 HP, 5 Prayer Points and 2 mins of leech protection
Dark crabs: 23 HP, 5 Prayer Points and 3 mins of leech protection
Dark crabs: 23 HP, 5 Prayer Points and 5 mins of leech protection
Dark crabs: 23 HP, 5 Prayer Points, no leech protection
Dark crabs: 23 HP, no prayer points, no leech protection (suggest own idea)
Dark crabs XP: 14,100 fish XP + 9,400 cook XP
Dark crabs XP: lower it (suggest own XP)
Bonus XP in the wilderness: +20% for players with BH enabled
Bonus XP in the wilderness: always +20%
Bonus XP in the wilderness: None
Bonus NPC drops: +20% for players with BH enabled
Bonus NPC drops: No
Total votes: 107

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Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Mike » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:30 pm

I'm sure our players have noticed by now that we're currently working on adding as many new features in the wilderness as possible, with the earlier release of Black Chinchompa's, Lava Dragons and Callisto. Andres is currently working on Vet'ion, which means we're getting close. The only ones to be added after Vet'ion are Scorpia, the Chaos Fanatic and the Crazy Archaeologist.

However, I don't want to release far too many new bosses at once, so it's time for something else in the wilderness that's not PvM-related. Therefore, it seems like the perfect time to start making work of the deep wilderness Resource Area!

One thing we've already settled on is adding an NPC that can note your items, so you can extend skilling trips, but increase the amount of risked items. We will however have to re-evaluate our "keep 3 stacks of items on death" vs "keep 3 individual items on death", since players can currently keep a stack of thousands of noted skilling supplies when they die, which is not the case in OSRS (you can only keep 3 items max there, so if you have a stack of 100 noted items, you'll only keep 3 and lose the rest of the stack).

Anyhow, Dark Crabs. They have been a topic of some debate, but we still haven't settled on how exactly they should work. Being only obtainable within the deep wilderness resource area, they should certainly be (among the) best food(s) in the game.
We already have Rocktails as best food, along with choc-ice and triangle sandwiches which work exactly the same way (although choc-ice can overheal for 11 instead of 10), I wanted the Crabs to have another unique effect to make them really worth it.

Therefore, I would like to suggest the following:
  • Heals for 23 HP (unlike Rocktails, it does not overheal)
  • Restores 5 prayer points
  • Protects you from Leech curses for 2, 3 or 5 minutes (haven't settled on a time yet)
  • Grants 14,100 fishing XP and 9,400 cooking XP (highest in the game vs 11,400 fishing XP and 7,600 cooking XP for rocktails)
If anyone has alternative suggestions for dark crabs, please do let me know. Now is the time, since I'd like to add the resource area with all its features within the next week (or 2 weeks at the latest).

Secondly, bonus XP. I would like to add a global +20% XP gain in the wilderness, which would apply to everything - combat, slayer, hunter, woodcutting, mining, fishing, cooking, smithing etc. Agility XP would probably remain unchanged. High alching would also not grant bonus XP, since you can just do that in a remote corner of the wilderness.

However, I would also like to add incentive for players to have Bounty Hunter enabled at all times. Therefore, I would like to make the bonus XP (along with possible bonus NPC droprates) only apply to players who have Bounty Hunter enabled. This is not as much "forcing" players to enable Bounty Hunter, rather giving them incentive to. You don't have to, but then you can't enjoy the extra bonus XP and NPC drops either.

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Isaac » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:38 pm

I like the idea of having an option to toggle BH for increased exp and drops. As far as dark crabs are concerned the anti-leech thing is a brilliant idea too. Getting fced and leeched spec isn't fun!

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Simon » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:38 pm

Watch out for fletching/magic/slayer lamp do in the Wildy too *

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Respire1337 » Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:52 pm

I don't like the idea of food healing prayer points or protecting from prayers...Just make it heal the most in the game(not sure if 24 would be appropriate) and leave it as it is. No need for more op items, even though they're only obtainable via fishing in level 55 wilderness. *Also please consider adding (in the near\distant future) karambwans, for diversity at least.*
The experience rates for the dark crabs also look good. You're thinking into adding dark crab bait to all of the wilderness bosses?(only bosses specific drops).
Bonus experience rates of 15% and bonus npc drops of 5% with the bounty hunter on would seem more equilibrate for this matter, rather than 20%-0% , 0%-20% or 20%-20%.
Looking forward for the supplying area to be added. I wonder how many will venture that far beyond in wilderness for dark crabs (probably me).

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Mike » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:19 pm

Keep the input coming, I could sure use some more feedback and improvements on my ideas. None of this is final - once this topic has received enough input and back-and-forth discussions, we'll b setting up a final poll to approve the ideas in their final form.

I probably should have added an option for the Dark Crabs to protect from leech curses without restoring prayer points.

Simon wrote:Watch out for fletching/magic/slayer lamp do in the Wildy too *
Of course ;)

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Pim » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:35 pm

Look good, i like the idea's of rewarding people inside the wilderniss when BH is enabled. It should (when accepted) Enable everyones bounty hunter once again, so that if they are going to turn it off everyone is aware they will lose benefits (due to a possible warning). Otherwise i doubt how everyone is going to be aware of this whole thing. Consider not everyone watches forums.

Didnt vote on the dark crab healing idea because i have no idea whats best for the server (Highest xp in game sure is viable considering its at 55 wild)

3 items was not a voteable option. but this should be implemented. Pking at the resource area is useless if you dont get stacks. People pk there because they get 200 noted dark crabs, not dhide body, legs and climbing boots.

and @ respire, im far against karambwan. rocktail (or dark crab in the future) with brew is far enough to heal. Pking is way more fun and exciting then healing DC + brew + karambwan. This is a thing i really dislike on OSRS aswell, the combo is just too much.

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Ruler » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:58 pm

Didnt vote on the dark crab healing idea because i have no idea whats best for the server

Also, there has to be some way to prevent people from logging too fast. If you're pvming you are in combat and you cannot immediately log out when you see a white dot on the minimap (pker). Otherwise people will just stack loads of dark crabs and log out as soon as anyone comes near. Other possibility is to just add a resource area teleport to the pvp teleports but that might make it too hard to skill there (especially with scouts).

Another suggestion is making the door to resource area (and all other doors/gates in the wildy) serversided and not clientsided (as suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=68729)

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Mike » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:45 pm

Ruler wrote: Also, there has to be some way to prevent people from logging too fast. If you're pvming you are in combat and you cannot immediately log out when you see a white dot on the minimap (pker). Otherwise people will just stack loads of dark crabs and log out as soon as anyone comes near. Other possibility is to just add a resource area teleport to the pvp teleports but that might make it too hard to skill there (especially with scouts).

Another suggestion is making the door to resource area (and all other doors/gates in the wildy) serversided and not clientsided (as suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=68729)
That's a good point, one I haven't considered before. I'm not sure how server-sided doors would help in this case, especially since the wildy resource area gate instantly shuts itself as soon as you're through, similar to the Crafting Guild and Mining Guild doors.

One easy solution would be to make it impossible for players to log out while in the resource area. They'd have to leave through the gate first before being able to log out.

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Ruler » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:48 pm

Mike wrote:
Ruler wrote: Also, there has to be some way to prevent people from logging too fast. If you're pvming you are in combat and you cannot immediately log out when you see a white dot on the minimap (pker). Otherwise people will just stack loads of dark crabs and log out as soon as anyone comes near. Other possibility is to just add a resource area teleport to the pvp teleports but that might make it too hard to skill there (especially with scouts).

Another suggestion is making the door to resource area (and all other doors/gates in the wildy) serversided and not clientsided (as suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=68729)
That's a good point, one I haven't considered before. I'm not sure how server-sided doors would help in this case, especially since the wildy resource area gate instantly shuts itself as soon as you're through, similar to the Crafting Guild and Mining Guild doors.

One easy solution would be to make it impossible for players to log out while in the resource area. They'd have to leave through the gate first before being able to log out.
Oh then disregard my suggestion regarding the resource area, but the suggestion still stands for the other gates =]
Could also add resource area related tasks for wilderness diary/achievements. I suggest waiting with wilderness achievements until some more wildy improvements though (as I was brainstorming about here, in case you want some reading material :D )

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Re: Wilderness resource area and wilderness bonuses

Post by Iron adam » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:01 pm

The exp bonus and drop bonus for having bh on is a good idea.
I don't like changing the effect of dark crabs from osrs. Every item we add that has different effects, it leads to more confusion in the community. I mean look how long it took people to understand what the divine effect was on pkhonor.
I would be in favor of making dark crabs heal exactly 23 with no hp bonus. Then fix rocktails to what they were in runescape, where they healed an amount based on your base-hp level, with the hp bonus.
