I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm having minor lag at edge now. Normally when I lag, it's a lag spike and it skips quite a few frames, but this is an unusual lag that just skips across.
Greenreefer2 wrote:I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm having minor lag at edge now. Normally when I lag, it's a lag spike and it skips quite a few frames, but this is an unusual lag that just skips across.
Most people are having this issue. They drop to about 20 fps on fixed mode in the area between the two buildings with all the shops.
Amazing work as usual Mike, killing it lately. Personally, I really like the Edgeville home. Much more interaction between all types of players, and no down side to it whatsoever.
Mike wrote:
[*] Fixed the bugged looks of the Saradomin, Zamorak, Bandos, Armadyl and Ancient Dragonhide (from treasure trail Clue Caskets)
EY!! thats two bugs ive reported fixed! i like it!!! but no really the look kinda drove me crazy, only reason to own these was fashionscape which didnt work with these lol ty for the fix.
Mike wrote:
[*] Fixed the bugged looks of the Saradomin, Zamorak, Bandos, Armadyl and Ancient Dragonhide (from treasure trail Clue Caskets)
EY!! thats two bugs ive reported fixed! i like it!!! but no really the look kinda drove me crazy, only reason to own these was fashionscape which didnt work with these lol ty for the fix.
It's not like it was reported a few times 2-4 years ago...Just sayin'
We're not trying to force people to PK, nor do we think the change to Edgeville will have that effect. It will however make the Wilderness more accessible to any new players, some of whom are PK'ers and just want to check out the Wilderness, without having any drawbacks for anyone else.
Those who have been around for 4+ years may recall that Edgeville used to be home. The main reason we changed it to Varrock was because at the time (the peak of RSPS success) we had hundreds of players in the home location and it was causing performance issue (too many players in one area for the client to handle). We changed it to split the crowd between Edgeville and Varrock, which worked beautifully and resolved all further problems.
We have no particular fondness for Edgeville but it did seem like the logical place. As you all know, even with home in a different location a good portion of players hangs out in Edgeville anyway so the choice is to either split the player base or bring everyone together in Edgeville. I don't think there is any other location where you can bring everyone together, which is why we didn't go looking for alternatives.