31 October Updates - Halloween Event, QoL

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31 October Updates - Halloween Event, QoL

Post by Mike » Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:27 pm

Halloween Event!

Starts in:

Ends in:

To start the event, simply talk to Postie Pete in Edgeville. Everything should be relatively simple and straightforward. There is one tiny part that involves PvM combat, but players can purchase the necessary item from others to avoid combat.

Furthermore, a bug has been fixed that enabled players to completely freeze up the server. Two weeks ago, a player managed to - unintentionally - crash our server twice in a row using this method, but he reported it to us - despite fear of getting banned for using a bot. He ended up getting pardoned for reporting the #1 most sought after bug in PkHonor.

For those interested in the technical explanation: it was done through spamclicking flax using an autoclicker at a 1 millisecond interval, while autotyping ::empty every second. Game interaction - such as flax picking - is handled in our so-called "main thread", while all our commands are executed in a different thread. This way, slow commands (mostly the ones with database interaction) cannot cause lag in the main thread. For the past 8 years, several parts of our code have not been entirely thread-safe, and constantly refreshing the inventory through two different threads (flax picking + ::empty command) caused a deadlock in the code, completely freezing up the whole server.
Two other server freezes, one a few months ago and another one last year, were also caused by the exact same thing.

A lot of low-level code has been rewritten to make everything perfectly thread-safe, while also changing the way ::empty works. It's now also executed in the main thread, because it is in fact a command that causes 0 lag since it requires no database interaction. However, as always, there is always the possibility of having overlooked small parts of the code that can still cause a mass DC. We can never be 100% sure, but at least we always keep improving our server's stability to achieve that perfect 24/7 uptime. At least we are now certain that we have resolved the cause of every single mass DC from the last two years.

In further news:
  • When you die in the wilderness, you will now respawn right next to our ::shops room. There is a refund box, two bank booths, a Fountain of Heroes and two Altars that can be used for quick wilderness access
  • All teleports from the PK'ing portal have been added to the 'PvP teleport' in the spellbook
  • Regular players can now use the Fountain of Heroes to replenish their Hitpoints, Prayer Points and Special Attack Energy, but unlike Premium members, they do not receive any boost to HP or Prayer Points
  • You can now make Bones to Peaches tablets at runecrafting lecterns in Player-Owned Houses, the option will be visible if you have nature runes in your inventory. They can be used to convert all bones in your inventory to peaches - healing 8 HP each - to extend PvM trips
  • There is now an unfinished potion maker, who can combine vials of water with herbs for 250k coins per unfinished potion. The pricing may yet be adjusted, but we wanted to start off with a (too) high price to prevent abuse of this feature
  • Combat XP lamps now also grant 4.35M HP XP, so using 3 lamps will increase your HP level all the way to 99. Same for the outdated ::pure command. Players who already used combat XP lamps (or ::pure) did not receive this bonus XP, but can enjoy a cheap alternative (see below)
  • Using ::setlevel to increase any combat skill now only costs 250M coins
  • Using ::setlevel to decrease any skill is now free (was already free for combat skills)
  • New players now enjoy 3x combat XP in the first 10 hours of playing instead of the first 1 hour
  • No more roofs are shown for any buildings in Edgeville, due to a game engine limitation
  • Players that do not respond to the Sandwich Lady random event will now get instantly jailed (but not killed) instead of being attacked. However, they only need to mine 20 ore to leave
  • Creating an Overload potion now grants 30,000 herblore XP instead of 60,000. Partly due to presets, but also because overloads were always intended to grant 30,000 XP. All these years, there was a bug in the code that made players receive double herblore XP from overloads, which I only noticed a few weeks ago (attentive players may have noticed a double XP drop until then). When I noticed, I decided to leave it at 60,000 XP, but with the huge time-saver that is presets, I decided to lower it to the initially intended amount after all
  • Creating a Super Combat Potion now grants 20,000 herblore XP instead of 25,000
  • You now need to wait at least 0.15 seconds in between picking flax - still allowing for fast picking, but preventing autoclickers from instantly filling up your entire inventory
  • Fixed not being able to have a Snow imp follow you around as a pet
  • Fixed the Occult Orb being listed as 'Orb' in the Grand Exchange buy screen and in ::prices
  • Fixed the bugged looks of the Saradomin, Zamorak, Bandos, Armadyl and Ancient Dragonhide (from treasure trail Clue Caskets)
  • Fixed the Barrows Chest not showing a popup with an overview of the loot
  • Fixed the Perfect Ring effect not working for Pest Control Points when Killing WW solo (or rather, not as a clan). The effect already worked for PKP + PC points for clans and PKP solo
  • Fixed the staircase from the Falador Mines not working (the one that leads into the room right next to the ::party room)
  • Fixed the double message when receiving Pest Control Points from killing the WildyWyrm

After the release of presets a few weeks ago, we initially intended to lower several other XP rates, but taking everything into consideration, we decided there is no need, as there really aren't many other significant XP gains due to presets, other than those of Overloads and Super Combat Potions. Just less intensive clicking.
Construction did also become easier to train, but the main limitation there is the supplies. We didn't want the skill to become even *more* expensive than it already was, so we are leaving it as it is.

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Pim » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:10 pm

Interesting, looks good!

Could you answer my post that i posted at the sneak peek post? :
Counterret wrote:Looks good, small suggestion though.

Can we put the barrows guy in edge maybe?

Quite annoying to have to teleport to the minigame everytime i want to repair my barrows items. Just the repair option is fine of course, it doesn't have to have the ability to start the actual minigame.

EDIT: maybe an idea to make this the set combiner guy in varrock, so you can make and open barrows sets, but and also repair your barrows items here?

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by James » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:26 pm

James wrote:Put all 3 spellbook swap options into a right click option on the regular altar like it is on OSRS tournament worlds, or just get one of them POH altars. Just have curses unlocked by talking to the pkpoint salesman or something instead. Looks much cleaner
Looks far neater and takes up much less space than what you currently have.

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by The underdog » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:35 pm

Looks good, hope there aren't any major bugs :-|

I see the fountain doesn't work.
Edge teleport could be placed (just) below the ditch.
Home tele tabs tele to old spot

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Vik » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:12 pm

Ayyy good stuff Mike, excited to logg in after class :)

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Iron adam » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:49 pm

The well to Thermonuclear smoke devils doesn't work

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Mike » Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:10 pm

Adamthalion wrote:The well to Thermonuclear smoke devils doesn't work
Thanks for letting me know, I've made a fix but since I've already done another server update with a few bugfixes just now, I'll be rolling this one out in a few hours. Maybe there are some other bugs that players will found out about by then that I can also fix and include in the next update.

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Iron adam » Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:14 pm

Dialogue for Pkhonor guide needs to be updated. Junk store is no longer located at varrock. I am assuming this might be the case for some other content.


Also, these two weapons should be two handed weapons. You shouldn't be able to wield a shield with them. Not a huge deal gameplay-wise, but it would be the proper way for them to work.


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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Migetmanz » Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:15 pm

fantastic updates mike, time to do the Hween event!

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Re: 31 October Updates - Halloween Event, New Edgeville!

Post by Skiller » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:52 pm

Hey Mike, think I found an issue with the new inventory refresh screen.


Issue caused by attempting to load a preset when there's items in inv you can't bank. You can still withdraw items, etc. but they won't show until next time you open bank screen, and then whenever you close it again, they disappear again too.
