27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more QoL

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27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more QoL

Post by Mike » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:10 pm

Lava Dragons have been added!

Eight of these (unaggressive) dragons can be found on Lava Dragon Isle, to the East of the King Black Dragon lair, in the same spot as Captain Rachelle (an instanced boss summoner)

Lava dragons are assigned as an Elite Wilderness Slayer Task and have the following notable drops:
  • Lava Dragon Bones, which grant 3,000 prayer XP when buried, 12,000 XP when offered on an altar and 13,800 XP on a gilded PoH altar with 2 lit incense burners
    However, when buried or crushed with a bonecrusher while on Lava Dragon Isle, you will also receive 13,800 prayer XP!
  • Lava scales, which can be ground into 10 - 18 (stackable) lava scale shards with a pestle and mortar. These shards can be combined with antifire potions to create extended antifire potions, requiring 1 scale per dose and granting 22,000 herblore experience per potion. Extended antifire potions offer partial protection from dragonfore for 12 minutes (instead of 6 minutes with regular antifire potions)
  • Less notable, but still of decent value: dozens of other items as found in our NPC drop table
Note: Unlike OSRS, our Lava Dragons do not drop black dragonhide, since ours are made of 100% pure lava! Instead, their scales result in twice as many shards.

Furthermore, players who had Java 9 installed on their computer (a pre-release of the latest java version) did not have a right-click menu in the client due to version incompatibilities. Today's update also fixed that.

In further news:
  • Players with max experience in a skill (2B) can now see XP drops in that skill under their XP counter. They won't gain any actual XP, but it can be used to predict hits in combat
  • Fixed a bug with the potion decanter where potions would disappear if you had a total of exactly 4 doses of it in your inventory
  • When levelling up hitpoints or prayer (or when using ::setlevel), your current hitpoints or prayer points will also be increased
  • Fixed a bug where combat rings, formal garden walls and the oubliette prisons were not built correctly (as of 30 December 2016). In order to fix yours, please remove and rebuild them
  • Fixed not being able to build or remove a rug (or trap disguised by a rug) in your throne room
  • All dragons now have a weakness to magic attacks and a partial weakness to ranged attacks
  • The max range of the dragonfire attack of all dragons has been increased to 10 squares (from 6)
  • The minimum slayer level requirement to get Nex, Dagannoths or the Corporeal Beast assigned as slayer task have been removed. The slayer level requirements to get a task should now always be the same as the actual slayer requirement to kill said NPC
  • Fixed a bug where the Chivalry and Rapid Renewal prayers were switched when using quick prayers (you had to select Rapid Renewal to use Chivalry and vice versa)
  • Fixed a bug where obtaining an Elite Clue Scroll from TzTok-Jad with a full inventory did not work
  • The butler now has 'Bank' as left-click option and 'Talk-To' as secondary option
  • Fixed the butler not being able to follow you outside the stairs room inside the dungeon
  • Fixed the 'open my bank' option of the butler dialogue not working inside the dungeon
  • Fixed the butler following you downstairs to the dungeon when you are not in building mode
  • You can now build a tip jar in your garden or formal garden. Please note that the tip jar currently has no use and purely serves as decoration
  • Fixed the double doors at the Slayer Tower's second floor (now open and close properly)
  • Fixed not being able to purchase a Dragon Chain Armour Set (the set required an unexisting Dragon Chainbody with the wrong item ID)
  • All coin and rune rewards from clue caskets with an amount between 10,000 and 99,999 have been removed (as these amounts somewhat bugged the interface). Higher coin & rune rewards (with lower odds) have been added to compensate, so all caskets have become slightly more valuable on average
  • When obtaining coins from the Barrows chest, you will now receive at least 100,000
  • Made several small improvements and corrections in the in-game skill guides (when clicking a skill in your skills tab). Clicking the Hunter or Construction skill will take you to our wiki & the official forums topic about the construction skill respectively

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Troll n roll » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:31 pm

Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Grant » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:35 pm

Players with max experience in a skill (2B) can now see XP drops in that skill under their XP counter. They won't gain any actual XP, but it can be used to predict hits in combat
Yesssss! Thanks for the updates Mike.

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Migetmanz » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:35 pm

Thanks for the updates Mike!

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by In agony » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:38 pm

QoL updates are so good, don't make it easyscape tho

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Kappa iron » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:40 pm

Mike wrote:[*] Players with max experience in a skill (2B) can now see XP drops in that skill under their XP counter. They won't gain any actual XP, but it can be used to predict hits in combat

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Gethigh udie » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:53 pm

Great :thumbsup:

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Mike » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:56 pm

In agony wrote:QoL updates are so good, don't make it easyscape tho
We don't plan to. Do you have any concerns about things in the server (or parts of this update) that make certain things just a bit too easy? If so, feel free to share them with us ;)
if you're referring to the amount of prayer and herblore XP you can gain while chilling at frost dragon isle, that's the biggest point of the NPC. It's pretty deep in the wilderness and the XP and drop rewards are in accordance to its risk.


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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Txpn » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:07 pm

Love the quality of life improvements, but most of all....
Mike wrote:Players with max experience in a skill (2B) can now see XP drops in that skill under their XP counter. They won't gain any actual XP, but it can be used to predict hits in combat
...that is amazing. Thanks

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by James » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:08 pm

Mike wrote:
In agony wrote:QoL updates are so good, don't make it easyscape tho
We don't plan to. Do you have any concerns about things in the server (or parts of this update) that make certain things just a bit too easy? If so, feel free to share them with us ;)
if you're referring to the amount of prayer and herblore XP you can gain while chilling at frost dragon isle, that's the biggest point of the NPC. It's pretty deep in the wilderness and the XP and drop rewards are in accordance to its risk.


