26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvements

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Mike » Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:19 pm

James wrote:
Mike wrote:
The Underdog and 4835 other people wrote:Presets 2k17
Looks like someone's been recruiting folks to further his personal agenda.

Very well. You guys are talking about a button to save your current inventory/equipment so you can withdraw all necessary items from your bank with another button single click at a later point, right?
Jup. OS-Scape style, go have a look

3 presets for regular players
4 presets for donators
5 presets for premium donators

Then you can remove left-click to attack for non-donators seeing as Rapsey considered it to be the only pking advantage for donators
Left-click to attack players with higher combat is already a thing for all players since our 5 May 2017 update ;)

Thanks for confirming how presets work (and great idea to give more slots to donators/prems!). Considering they should be relatively easy to implement, we can surely move that up the agenda.

@The underdog: I understand your pain. The problem is always that we don't have enough people to keep track of all the (good) suggestions, as such, which suggestions are accepted or not often come down to either luck (having me, Rapsey or a staff member read one of the suggestion topics, considering the suggestion good and adding it on the todo ist) or perseverence (players keeping on bothering us about it until we pay attention). The latter is not as preferable, but when a suggestion is really good, the end still justifies the means.

So, well played sir.

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Skiller » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:11 am

Mike wrote:The problem is always that we don't have enough people to keep track of all the (good) suggestions, as such, which suggestions are accepted or not often come down to either luck (having me, Rapsey or a staff member read one of the suggestion topics, considering the suggestion good and adding it on the todo ist) or perseverence (players keeping on bothering us about it until we pay attention).
If only there was a whole section for this, that maybe could be like... moderated? :D

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Iron adam
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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Iron adam » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:22 am

The builder wrote:
Mike wrote:The problem is always that we don't have enough people to keep track of all the (good) suggestions, as such, which suggestions are accepted or not often come down to either luck (having me, Rapsey or a staff member read one of the suggestion topics, considering the suggestion good and adding it on the todo ist) or perseverence (players keeping on bothering us about it until we pay attention).
If only there was a whole section for this, that maybe could be like... moderated? :D
I volunteer to be designated suggestion pusher.

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Im on meth
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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Im on meth » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:35 am

TBH, just have any forum message from Underdog or Candy Bars go to a private folder and then implement anything they suggest as 99.9% of their suggestions should be added to the game.
