Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

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Should venom work like OSRS?

Yes. Once it reaches its cap of 20, keep re-applying 20 damage indefinitely.
No, once its reaches its cap of 20, it should turn into regular poison (the way I made it now)
No, once it reaches its cap of 20, it should do 20 damage a few more times and then turn into regular poison (in between solution)
Total votes: 40

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Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Mike » Tue May 16, 2017 6:57 pm

For the uninformed: Venom is a stronger version of poison, hitting once every 18 seconds, starting at 6 damage and going up by 2 damage every time it hits. There are 3 ways to get poisoned by venom: Zulrah and its snakelings, Toxic weapons (toxic blowpipe and toxic staff of the dead) and the passive effect of the Serpentine helm (which has a chance of applying venom when being hit).

If you need further information on how venom works exactly in OSRS (and how it can be countered), I would recommend looking it up on the available online OSRS wiki's.

Some would argue that - when combined with all the items we already have in PkHonor - venom as it works in OSRS would be too strong on PkHonor. For that reason - and to limit some ways to abuse this in PvM scenario's, I had decided to make a small alteration to the way venom works. Simply put, once you have been hit for 20 damage by venom, it will turn into regular poison, starting at 6 and slowly wearing off.

Do you agree with this change, or not? Cast your vote and tell us your reasoning (other than simply "it should be the same way as in OSRS").

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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by I2aw origins » Tue May 16, 2017 7:00 pm

Personally I think it should be as close to OSRS as possible. Players who come from osrs are going to expect things to be the same -

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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Azu rite » Tue May 16, 2017 7:10 pm
Shouldn't affect pvming according to that list

Est pker5
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Est pker5 » Tue May 16, 2017 8:39 pm

No leave it as it is, serp helm should have a use for pking.

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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by James » Tue May 16, 2017 8:42 pm

Hopefully serp helm doesn't end up being like 100m and it's a super effective way to deal tons of damage from now on

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Iron adam
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Iron adam » Tue May 16, 2017 9:18 pm

I think venom should work exactly the same as in osrs.

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Grizzly mint
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Grizzly mint » Tue May 16, 2017 10:52 pm

Question: Say you get poisoned first, then venomed. Does the venom override the poison?

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Iron adam
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Iron adam » Tue May 16, 2017 11:00 pm

Grizzly mint wrote:Question: Say you get poisoned first, then venomed. Does the venom override the poison?
It does on OSRS. Hopefully that is the plan here.

Wise One
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Fsmurf7 » Fri May 26, 2017 11:33 pm

Serp helm no longer deals out venom damage in osrs, are we taking it out of here or no.

Iron bloss
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Re: Venom: exactly like OSRS, or wear off after a time?

Post by Iron bloss » Sat May 27, 2017 12:22 am

Tayron wrote:Serp helm no longer deals out venom damage in osrs, are we taking it out of here or no.
Source wrote:The Serpentine Helm has a chance of applying venom to NPCs attacked with melee combat. Venom is not applied to NPCs who attack you.
