Zulrah in open beta!

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by James » Sun May 14, 2017 6:14 pm

Adamthalion wrote:
James wrote:
Ross wrote:You can easily prayer flick the hybrid phases, as in you can change your prayer before the attack hits and it will always miss. On osrs there is some delay in this and the only way to be safe is to have tick perfect prayer flicks.
imo it's easier on osrs, you just have to pray correctly when it's cast instead of when it hits
It is definitely easier on pkh. I can do gwd taking no damage because there is plenty of time to see the attacks incoming. I descibed it to mike on another thread. Hopefully he will get a chance to look at it after all the new content.
Spoiler: show
Idk why they did it that way, but that is the way it has always been. That is what every osrs, rs3, and rsps player are used to. This is an extremely important change to make if we want to retain pkers from those other communities. It also makes prayer ficking multiple monsters in pvm take more skill. And pray flicking one monster that uses multiple styles impossible. Currently, I can kill Kree Arra in Armadyl GWD taking no damage. Camp range pray, If he swoops in toward me, switch to melee pray. If he sends out blue whirlwinds, I switch to Mage pray. Then I just pray flick the minions once kree is dead. Same goes for just about any monster ingame that has distinct animations for each attack. (Kril, Graardor, Zily, Nex, Chaos Ele, TSD, Mole)
i brought that up with him and he just said that osrs and all the other private servers are wrong, pkhonor is right

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Rapsey » Sun May 14, 2017 6:32 pm

James wrote:i brought that up with him and he just said that osrs and all the other private servers are wrong, pkhonor is right
Yeah right... As if Mike would say OSRS is wrong when he's doing everything he can to make it work exactly like OSRS.

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by James » Sun May 14, 2017 7:11 pm

Rapsey wrote:
James wrote:i brought that up with him and he just said that osrs and all the other private servers are wrong, pkhonor is right
Yeah right... As if Mike would say OSRS is wrong when he's doing everything he can to make it work exactly like OSRS.
Alright then. Go ahead and ask him. He said that to me on the test server yesterday. Lmfao.

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Ross » Sun May 14, 2017 9:30 pm

Only took 3-4 attempts to get this down, only things I had on me were blood barrage runes and an arma crossbow with ruby e spec to deal 100 damage off the get go. Done in mostly basic gear, the only exception being the helm obviously.

The only real damage dealt is from the Snakelings and the couple times I fucked up.

Hopefully people can see some of the major issues, I've also listed a few.

- Snakelings not tracking properly
- Zulrah's hybrid form is too easy to flick
- Magic is far too effective on all forms

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Iron adam » Mon May 15, 2017 1:11 am

Rapsey wrote:
James wrote:i brought that up with him and he just said that osrs and all the other private servers are wrong, pkhonor is right
Yeah right... As if Mike would say OSRS is wrong when he's doing everything he can to make it work exactly like OSRS.
Mike did mention here that he basically thought osrs was wrong.

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Wywy » Mon May 15, 2017 6:35 am

Hey there, some context is that i have 4k zulrah on OSRS and feel i am able to contribute to this beta!

my first attempt, I had the double zulrah glitch occur to me as well, unsure what triggered it, Image and unfortunately, i find my self being unable to hit zulrah with the trident of the seas from the appropriate safe spots (next to the columns) on a good three or four of the phases, which is a rather large issue. Doing some further testing now, and hoping for a more consistent experience.

Update: Attempt number 2 was a fiasco, on the fourth phase of rotation 1,( G R B GREEN AT END OF THE U) both the clouds did not despawn and snakelings were infinitely spawned. Image

going to wait out some of these before further testing, starting tomorrow, i will be doing 5-10 attempts a day and reporting on them for the next few days, hope this helps!

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Pokeplaya » Mon May 15, 2017 7:58 am

I may be able to shed some light on the double Zulrah bug....

I was doing my thing killing Zulrah, practicing pray switching and rotations, and I failed to kill the thing before the "jad" phase. It acted properly until now, when it went into the original position, as well as the range form. It then submerged and returned full hp. Shortly after, it returned to the middle, submerged, and two of them spawned. My guess would be a recursion error. Good luck mike!
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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Mike » Mon May 15, 2017 5:47 pm

James wrote:
Rapsey wrote:
James wrote:i brought that up with him and he just said that osrs and all the other private servers are wrong, pkhonor is right
Yeah right... As if Mike would say OSRS is wrong when he's doing everything he can to make it work exactly like OSRS.
Alright then. Go ahead and ask him. He said that to me on the test server yesterday. Lmfao.
Until at the most 2 weeks ago, I was always convinced that in OSRS (and RS3), defense & prayer rolls happen on hit. Which, to be honest, it the most logical approach to any game. That's why I jokingly said "RS is wrong, PkHonor is right", because physics simply work that way. If you want any sort of semblence of realism, that's how hits should work, and no other way.

Sadly, this is also the way everyone's used to in OSRS. So the dilemma that stands before me is "do I make it more like OSRS, the way people are used to, or do I make the game better by leaving the hit calculation, you know, on it.
I've decided for the former. With pain in my heart, as it goes against my principles of making a game worse on purpose. But if it mimics OSRS more closely, the overall result will be improvement.
Thankfully, we do have a select few people in PkHonor who actually do know the precise nature of combat mechanics in RS. I thank them for speaking up and finally putting an end to the debates of "when do certain calculations happen?" Because they are indeed very important to the working of the game.

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Babe » Mon May 15, 2017 6:23 pm

Mike wrote: Sadly, this is also the way everyone's used to in OSRS. So the dilemma that stands before me is "do I make it more like OSRS, the way people are used to, or do I make the game better by leaving the hit calculation, you know, on it.
I've decided for the former. With pain in my heart, as it goes against my principles of making a game worse on purpose. But if it mimics OSRS more closely, the overall result will be improvement.
Thankfully, we do have a select few people in PkHonor who actually do know the precise nature of combat mechanics in RS. I thank them for speaking up and finally putting an end to the debates of "when do certain calculations happen?" Because they are indeed very important to the working of the game.
Why make it mimic OSRS? I have never had the opportunity to kill Zulrah but I'm sure most of pkh haven't killed it either. so idk the goods and bads of it but I think if there is a problem in the OSRS then might as well fix it here.

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Re: Zulrah in open beta!

Post by Rapsey » Mon May 15, 2017 6:47 pm

Babe wrote:Why make it mimic OSRS? I have never had the opportunity to kill Zulrah but I'm sure most of pkh haven't killed it either. so idk the goods and bads of it but I think if there is a problem in the OSRS then might as well fix it here.
Because it can be very off-putting for people to try an RSPS and find that their PvP/PvM skills from RS don't transfer here because of differences like that. Sometimes it's also a balancing factor. Case in point: a boss like Zulrah isn't difficult because of its combat strength but due to how little time you have to react to what it does. Small details like these can make a huge difference and you can't compensate for it by nerfing or buffing the combat strength of the boss. (OS)RS balanced it around these timings so unless we want to make more custom changes we should probably do the same.

Also... I could be wrong about this but I don't think there is an RSPS that has Zulrah working perfectly. If we could have that it would be a major selling point.
