Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Cam886 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:13 pm

1. In-game Name: Cam886

2. First Name (Optional): Cameron

3. Time Played: 23 hours. I used to play a lot but started EMT school and life.

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Regular

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Skiller but would like to become PVMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Horor Donkey

8. Why do you wish to join: Help, people to talk to, and experience.

Capt swift
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Capt swift » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:27 pm

1. In-game Name: Gcar5

2. First Name (Optional):joey

3. Time Played:811 hours overall 1.5k

4. Donator\Prem\Regular:donator

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):pvmer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:Yes and everything

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Rambo

8. Why do you wish to join:Been looking for an active pvm clan and still yet to find one, if active i will stay and partake in all pvm.

Unskilled ru
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Unskilled ru » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:50 pm

1. In-game Name:Unskilled ru

2. First Name (Optional):Darius

3. Time Played:

4. Donator\Prem\Regular:Regular but going to buy donor in few hours or days , depends on luck. LOL

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PVMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:Yes , I Do. Actually like revs

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Someone YELL'ed in chat , don't remember nickname.

8. Why do you wish to join: Cause i enjoy pvming , just communicating with others and want to join guys/girls who feels same about the game.

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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Masterkush » Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:16 pm

1. In-game Name: Masterkush

2. First Name (Optional): Colin

3. Time Played: 867 hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvM on the regular!

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: All of GWD including plenty of Nex, favorites are Zamorak and Bandos.

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Juntow

8. Why do you wish to join: Really enjoy PvM'ing with others, it gives me more motivation. It's always good to make new friends especially on a game I play so much. :D
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Carded » Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:50 am

1. In-game Name: Momdad807

2. First Name (Optional): Evan

3. Time Played: 800 Hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PVMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: I like bandos the most.

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): No one recommended, just kind of asked for pvming clans in yell and someon said "Thread 37800" tried scrolling up in chat, and can't find it.

8. Why do you wish to join: To have people to talk to, and to have events to be able to go to. :P

One Hit Wonder
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Tigerbarb421 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:12 am

1. In-game Name: Tigerbarb420

2. First Name (Optional): Logan

3. Time Played: about 2 weeks on this account, played for years on osrs

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: regular

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvMer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: ive done lots of PvM and my favorite boss is KQ

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Specialscoop

8. Why do you wish to join: PvP isnt my thing but i love to PvM and its always better to do it with a clan of good people

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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Vinjoann12 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:09 am

1. In-game Name: Vinjoann12

2. First Name (Optional): Vincent

3. Time Played: 139 hours

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: regular

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pVmer

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Bandos, Wildyrm.

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Just read the yell of a player, fogort his name

8. Why do you wish to join: Wanted a PvMer clan since I started playing

Saw was
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Saw was » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:06 pm

1. In-game Name: saw was

2. First Name (Optional): salem

3. Time Played: 61 hrs

4. Donator\Prem\Regular: prem

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): both

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: all bosses

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):no one

8. Why do you wish to join: want to pvm

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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Duten » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:55 pm

1. In-game Name:1b stake

2. First Name (Optional):marcus or nickname: mark

3. Time Played:2k hours on 1b stake 2k hours on dutne bout 1k hours on mimmi123 and dont rememebr on the other accs

4. Donator\Prem\Regular:regular can get prem any time

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvmer/pker/staker :D

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:i have allot of experience when it comes to pvming couse i have played since 2011 ;) my favoriote boss is nex/bandos

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):zerk fest

8. Why do you wish to join: beacouse i got no clan .... legit (used to be in underdog but got banned couse they said i was no use for them... that made me upset) i have been in asc before but left couse of every 1 was inactivity but now when i see yell recruitments and have more and more friends in ascendency i see its not ded anymore so i wish i can get in. people would say i have been clan hopping but realy not couse i changed maybe once or twice a year couse i need people to pvm with i f i get loneley i keep going to duel losing my bank (last time i lost 150b) and i wish i can get a clan i can pvm with with toons of events

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Iron adam
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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill

Post by Iron adam » Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:15 pm

Duten wrote:1. In-game Name:1b stake

2. First Name (Optional):marcus or nickname: mark

3. Time Played:2k hours on 1b stake 2k hours on dutne bout 1k hours on mimmi123 and dont rememebr on the other accs

4. Donator\Prem\Regular:regular can get prem any time

5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvmer/pker/staker :D

6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:i have allot of experience when it comes to pvming couse i have played since 2011 ;) my favoriote boss is nex/bandos

7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):zerk fest

8. Why do you wish to join: beacouse i got no clan .... legit (used to be in underdog but got banned couse they said i was no use for them... that made me upset) i have been in asc before but left couse of every 1 was inactivity but now when i see yell recruitments and have more and more friends in ascendency i see its not ded anymore so i wish i can get in. people would say i have been clan hopping but realy not couse i changed maybe once or twice a year couse i need people to pvm with i f i get loneley i keep going to duel losing my bank (last time i lost 150b) and i wish i can get a clan i can pvm with with toons of events
