Ultimate Ironman Mode - delayed

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Rwter » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:52 am

Will be so fun killing them in wild

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Mike » Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:04 am

All stars wrote:Looting bag is a essential to UIM mode. So that needs to be added or UIM is a waste of time. Just not enough invy space to do this.
I have no problem adding the bag, but I didn't even know of its existence in the first place so I'm unfamiliar with the concept. From what I can see, you can only put items in it while inside the wilderness, but I'm not sure as to how it works outside the wilderness. Can you withdraw items from it when not in wild? Can you choose which items to take out, and if so, how does the interface for it look like?

A couple of questions that need to be answered if I am to add such an item to the game. Also, if there's further questions or requests for extra features for Ultimate Ironman Mode (that aren't too hard to add), now is the time!

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Not motti » Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:18 am

Whats their icon for donator and premium

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Iron » Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:40 am

Mike wrote:
All stars wrote:Looting bag is a essential to UIM mode. So that needs to be added or UIM is a waste of time. Just not enough invy space to do this.
I have no problem adding the bag, but I didn't even know of its existence in the first place so I'm unfamiliar with the concept. From what I can see, you can only put items in it while inside the wilderness, but I'm not sure as to how it works outside the wilderness. Can you withdraw items from it when not in wild? Can you choose which items to take out, and if so, how does the interface for it look like?

A couple of questions that need to be answered if I am to add such an item to the game. Also, if there's further questions or requests for extra features for Ultimate Ironman Mode (that aren't too hard to add), now is the time!
The looting bad makes is where UIM players can store items in the bag that they will not be using in that moment in time or for a long time down the road. As it is in runescape there are monsters that drop the bag not to rarely(Only monsters in the wildy). to get items out of the bag the player would then need to essentially suicide with the bag then the bag being destroyed and the items on the ground, and obtaining a new bag to put items back in.(Would be a cool thing to add to the pkhonor point store if you dont want to add to npcs) Zulrah is also a way of storing items for UIM as when you die at zulrah yours items are held by the lady npc by the boat in osrs and you can retrieve them at any time.

EDIT: heres the wiki link for looting bags. http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Looting_bag

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Iron bubble » Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:44 am

Roasted by King Roald...

Sir Bubbles

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Iron ruby » Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:52 am

Having read up on the bag, It acts as another inventory so you basically have 56 slots and you can store things in there and take them out when needed, Just gives an ultimate ironman 56 slots too play with so, making potions, you could store Spades, Seed dibbler, Swords, Money even, things in there that you might need which wouldn't clog up your inventory, You're going to need things like money, Runes, Armour, Robes down the line, It would be pretty hard too kill monster like Bandos, Zulrah when it's out when you're going to lose atleast 12 slots due to the items you'll need too carry too do things along the way if that makes any sence at all, So the looting bag might be a good idea just too make it easier and...well, Do-able :)

Just too add, When the first iron was created, The was a poll on the Badge that the Irons would hold too show that they're an iron and the colour, Ultimate irons have a lighter white coloured badge I see rather than the grey, How would this work when getting the money and points together too get premium? It would turn red but you'd need too show that the account is an ultimate, would there be a poll for the coloured Ultimates would hold when speaking on yell and once they get premium, donator ect...?

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Daevien » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:01 am

A few important notes about the looting bag from OSRS Wiki:

- The looting bag can hold up to 28 items (or stacks for items like bolts).
- The items can only be put in while in the Wilderness
- The items can only be stored if they are tradeable
- Stored items in the looting bag do not add extra weight for the player (not that weight applies to PKH)
- As Ultimate Ironman players cannot use the bank, the only way for them to get the contents inside is to die

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Iron adam » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:20 am

Godfather wrote:A few important notes about the looting bag from OSRS Wiki:

- The looting bag can hold up to 28 items (or stacks for items like bolts).
- The items can only be put in while in the Wilderness
- The items can only be stored if they are tradeable
- Stored items in the looting bag do not add extra weight for the player (not that weight applies to PKH)
- As Ultimate Ironman players cannot use the bank, the only way for them to get the contents inside is to die
This is a pretty good description for you Mike. On osrs UIMs also use the zulrah death mechanics to store items. I feel like on an rsps, it makes more sense to make zulrah a "safe" death, just respawning you at edge without losing anything. There is probably a high potential for bugs using the regular osrs death mechanic. However, this would prevent UIMs from using zulrah as a storage facility (Which btw was never an intended mechanic).

This 2 minute video will give you a good idea of how UIMs typically use zulrah and looting bags to juggle their items.
Last edited by Iron adam on Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Azu rite » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:33 am

Mike wrote:
All stars wrote:Looting bag is a essential to UIM mode. So that needs to be added or UIM is a waste of time. Just not enough invy space to do this.
I have no problem adding the bag, but I didn't even know of its existence in the first place so I'm unfamiliar with the concept. From what I can see, you can only put items in it while inside the wilderness, but I'm not sure as to how it works outside the wilderness. Can you withdraw items from it when not in wild? Can you choose which items to take out, and if so, how does the interface for it look like?

A couple of questions that need to be answered if I am to add such an item to the game. Also, if there's further questions or requests for extra features for Ultimate Ironman Mode (that aren't too hard to add), now is the time!
No, if you want items out of the bag on an uim then you gotta did to get them out. The bag stores up to 28 items, can withdraw the items using a bank.

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Re: Ultimate Ironman Mode - 12 January!

Post by Eagle fe » Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:05 am

On old school they have "hidey-holes" which allow players to store clue items inside. Could those be implemented so we don't have to gather elite clue scroll items everytime we get an elite? Also, players cannot note on deposit boxes. Is that intended?
