Only 12 more bugs to fix! (note one or two of the fixed bugs require another client update, but that's for when the last bugs - especially resizable mode on OS X - are fixed)
X OS X resizable doesn't work
X There's a new Crystal Ball Space in the Study of a PoH - Jagex moved it two squares so all crystal balls should be moved
X For some reason, I can't enter this room in my PoH,
X Everything in the Portal Room I couldn't enter got deleted, and I still can't enter the room
X The staircase to go downstairs no longer works, you just walk on top of it
X Not sure about this one, but shouldn't the minimap only show rooms for the second floor if you're on the second floor?
X You can't remove newly created objects in your PoH until you try to remove something else.
X Can't use chaotics on Armour Repair Stand in POH
X Game asks to build a downward staircase when there's already one
X Building a Quest Hall / Skill Hall that leads upstairs only gives you the option to build more Skill Halls / Quest halls only, it should allow you to build more variety of rooms
X I have a Skill hall directly up from this dungeon room, and i have a Rune Display table built in that room, it bugs out and appears in the dungeon room as well.
X Make zombie game resume after relogging