New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credits!

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:07 pm

Building a Quest Hall / Skill Hall that leads upstairs only gives you the option to build more Skill Halls / Quest halls only, It Should allow you to build more variety of rooms, Not just those.
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:12 pm

Small text bug i noticed, Some items are displayed with K's (In the picture, 126,500k which translates into 126m) and some are displayed with M's (115m)
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:24 pm

Frost dragons in POH are graphically bugged. Black Triangles all over (ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED !)
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Ruler » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:25 pm

Nerds123 wrote:Small text bug i noticed, Some items are displayed with K's (In the picture, 126,500k which translates into 126m) and some are displayed with M's (115m)
Probably meant to be like this (126.500.000=126.500k but 126.000.000=125m)

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:35 pm

Sverre wrote:
Nerds123 wrote:Small text bug i noticed, Some items are displayed with K's (In the picture, 126,500k which translates into 126m) and some are displayed with M's (115m)
Probably meant to be like this (126.500.000=126.500k but 126.000.000=125m)
I know, But take a look at the live server.
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:39 pm

I have a Skill hall directly up from this dungeon room, and i have a Rune Display table built in that room, It bugs out and appears in the buttom room aswell.
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Skiller » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:05 am

Nerds123 wrote:Bought a new house on my alt account, Went in Build mode, added a room, and poof, im invisible.
Occurs whenever you add or remove a room, and continues even after you leave; fixed on relog.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Hackedcase4 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:02 am

Nerds123 wrote:Building a Quest Hall / Skill Hall that leads upstairs only gives you the option to build more Skill Halls / Quest halls only, It Should allow you to build more variety of rooms, Not just those.
you have to build one of these two rooms above the staircase or you wouldn't have a staircase back down

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Mike » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:04 am

Exactly 100 bugs fixed, yet another 47 to go so far (woo, catching up :P ). I do still have a handful of bug reports with unanswered questions before I can determine if they really are bugs (@ Color x, Jonas, Im on meth and Nerds123).

Some of the bugfixes are related to pathfinding & following, but they might need some additional testing to verify (applies to diagonal noclipping, being unable to trade & unintentionally walking on top of other players or NPC's). There's still a couple of minor pathing improvements to be made, but those only apply to NPC's. Hopefully player pathing should be all done now.

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Color x (Troll n roll)
? Dupe: If you put max cash (2147483647gp) in the gp while you have 100m ticket(s) in your inventory it will take 100m ticket plus 2,047,483,647gp, leaving you with 200m gp in inventory. That leaves you with a total of 2,347,483,647gp (could not reproduce)
> when you are one square away from drop pile, you do not walk to the square, you just loot from 1 square away. You should walk onto the sqaur where the drop is, unless frozen

Jonas (Pksasaftw)
? 2 teleport animations during teleporting (could not reproduce)
? You can't rake farming tree patches (could not reproduce)
? You string the crossbow string fast as fk. Like 5 a second. (could not reproduce, speed seems normal. Unless you disable 'make all', then you can do all skilling actions fast which is not a bug)

> The hitsplat stays there too long.
> When clicking to pick up items from the floor, your character doesn't walk towards it
> Wise Old Man takes all bones (and manta rays/runes/...) from your inventory, rather than just the ones needed to complete an achievement
> Our names in the chatbox are blue like our text, it should be black.
> Lighting logs crashes the server
> Our bank tab icon show the quantity of an item, is that intentional?
> Sir Tiffy Cashien turns his bench when you click on him
> Farming herbs always results in guam leaves
> Can't give a non-degraded Vesta's Chainbody to the wise old man
> when you click on bank and while running you teleport back to same spot, you automatically still go to the bank.
X You can't sell items back to their shops, only to junk store now :/
> the game thinks you got Guam leaves when harvesting any herbs
X There's no lectern for the Pest Invasion quest (the lectern is there after relogging)
> The mage is only facing South
> If you use 'check steps' on the casket from the Pest Invasion, you equip it, and if you dig again you get another 1.
> Draynor mansion doors don't work
X If you go in the Pest Control minigame, and then teleport out, it will bug out
> if you use an item on the superportal, it starts to face you, wherever you are
> finished pest invasion quest
> Glitched character location when jumping the wilderness wall + moving at the same time
> Home teletabs are untradeable
X If you click twice, after you start the cutting animation, you'll freeze, and then you'll have to move away a bit and click it again once for it to work.
> No '1' near noted items
> The Wise Old man turns invisible when standing still.
X When an NPC dies, the other NPC that is behind it thinks that the NPC is still there and gets stuck there for good 10 seconds before he starts to move again
> You can't private message people by right-clicking their name and pressing 'message' or going to FL list and clicking on their names. You have to use ::m-name-message.
X Zombies occasionally get stuck behind the Khazard dude near the fountain.
> Finished the Wise Old Man Achievements
> Some equipment overlaps each other doesn't look right, like Pernix chaps
> Rocky handholds don't bring you back to GWD (intended behavior, works like that on OSRS, but I've made them unusable to avoid confusion)
> Kamil NPC always faces south
> when the statue becomes an entity you can walk through it. Guess that happens with every object when it becomes an entity.
> You can see your cape's stuff\amulets' through Pernix Cowl (same on production, due to too new models)
X There's a Saradomin Altar @ Nex, also when altar does spawn, it's not properly clippable or shootable
> Ghost's attack animation is wrong
- You can see what attack the Chaos Elemental will do, so you can protect from it with protection prayers if you time it right (intentional behavior)
- oak trees are missing the top (long known, couldn't fix, game engine limitations, idk how jagex did it)
- Problem is with the achievements is that you have to do everything in a line till the rune crossbow. None of the achievement are independent. Kinda annoying. Like if I choose to grow a tree and get the roots before attaching the rune limbs to the yew stock, I won't get the achievement.
(actually, only the achievements that belong togegher, like mine gold ore, smelt gold bar, craft amulet, need to be done in order. But you can first make a cbow and then do the mantas or bones, doesnt matter)

Im on meth
? Your max hit with the Trident is 15, less if it's the last charge the trident has (could not reproduce)

X OS X resizable don't work
> Esc key doesn't clear what you're typing in chat
> Left-clicking public chat will open 'send message'
X Can't cut spiderwebs sometimes
> The Interface when you create an account is missing the background
X You can drop trade void (guessing you can with all PkP items)
X You can light logs on fire with a tinderbox really fast
> Can't move from the spot on the deep wild ship besides going downstairs
> Going down the ship's ladder will put you one level down in the same spot so you can't move from behind the ladder.
> Clan chat tab is empty when having a pet spawned
> If you don't have a PoH and use Teleport to House spell, your character does the teleport animation and then turns invisible for a few seconds.
> If you have run turned on, it decreases (if you have less than 95 agility) even while standing still.
X Trying to teleport (this was done with the portals at ::donators) while in combat causes your character to stay in the teleporting emote. In this case, makes you crawl forever.
> You can exit the PIN interface and talk to people by displaying graphic options.
> Cannot note/unnote items as ultimate ironman mode player
> Can't buy comp capes. Just says you don't meet the requirements
X The edgeville lever doesn't teleport you to wildy lever.
> Spec bar as Death doesn't function properly. Clicking the bar doesn't use the spec, and operating the ring to spec doesn't delete your spec in the combat interface.
> You can spam throw rotten tomatoes at the Knights in the party room, allowing you to spam the link message when you kill the last one. Also, the formatting of the link is bugged.
> Clan chat names extend past their space.
> Price check screen is missing
> If you change the attack style with the Trident of the seas, it becomes a melee-only weapon. To get it to start maging again, you have to un-equip and re-equip it
> ::skilling teleports you to the room north of the portal.
> Completed the last journey quest
> The overview tab in bank only shows 80 lines of items, so I don't see all of it
> One of the hollow logs don't work at the snow hunter area
> When attempting to catch butterflies, you'll attempt it once and then the butterfly will fly away and your character stays in the same location, making you have to repeatedly click it to continue hunting it. Also, occasionally with imps (so far seems to only be magpies?), it does the same thing with butterflies where you'll attemp to catch it once, then just stand in the same place, continuously turning to look at the imp
X Kyatts randomly stop following you. They just stand still trying to follow you
X Kyatts don't follow you across pit traps when you jump across them, they just stand on the other side
X Kebbits don't go into deadfall traps
> Falconry hunting doesn't work. When your falcon catches a kebbit, it turns into a chocolate kebbit that you can't pick up
> Spotted Kebbits turn into Castle Wars shop salesman after being caught
X While hunting imps in Puro-Puro, sometimes your character will run into the wheat and get stuck rather than finding the nearest hole in the wheat
X Trying to add bait to a box trap sometimes results in a never-ending cycle of walking on two spaces
X Net traps aren't always lootable
- It doesn't say when a player logs in/out in your private chat (intentional, to prevent spam - planning on making it an option you can toggle)
- Chaos elemental pet flies and uses his tentacles as wings (not a bug, we got the NPC from OSRS, apparently it floats there too, kinda cool tbh)
- revenants spawn inside the wilderness resource area (not a bug, resource area is wild so the revenants can spawn there. we'll make the area work soon enough)
- Loot floats in certain spots that shouldn't be accessible (not really a bug since this only applies to when you use ::tele, which only honors can use)
- You can inspect logs from the side rather then the end with the hole in it (rather intended behavior, otherwise players might get confused and think objects are bugged)

? Building a Quest Hall / Skill Hall that leads upstairs only gives you the option to build more Skill Halls / Quest halls only, It Should allow you to build more variety of rooms, Not just those. (I don't think so, since skill and quest hall are the only ones where staircases can be built)

> teleporting using ancients bugs out when using brawling gloves
> using cooked lava eels / raw lava eels on the demon in Entrana doesnt work. (could not reproduce, eels worked)
> casting Tridents spell makes shield and staff disappear (as if you're casting without wearing anything)
> Barbarian village longhall doors are unusable
> Rocks on the other side of Premium Skilling Zone are missing the adamant variant, picture of live server + test client provided.
> Deposit box at the entrana boat doesn't work
> Using any magic spell while having melee item yeilds melee exp, while having range item yields range exp
> Pest Invasion Quest completed
> Korasi spec is supposed to be magic, although it shows a melee hitsplat (only in PVM, not in PVP)
> There is supposed to be a temple for the quest (correcting history)
X Before i got teleported to the temple, i had this weird teleport to edge, game chat can relate
> the sailor on port phaymst for the Correcting history quest doesnt take the crystal items (both full or new) + 150m.
> Champions trapdoor + ladder behind me dont work, they are needed for Correcting history quest.
> Correcting history quest done
> using any spell drains charges from Trident
> Melee hits using the trident also drains charges from the trident
> Energy Transfer on lunars page is bugged, I have 99 magic and it gives a message "You need level 91 magic to cast this spell".
> heal other gives a message that you don't have enough runes
X There's a lonesome rune rock in lvl 50 wild
X I also noticed that Frost Dragons with the NPC code 10468 are unaggressive, although 10467 are aggressive. I dont know if im wrong but I saw a post by mike once that stated that Frosts in deep wild arent aggressive anymore (you can ignore the frosts part if its not intended)
> Clicking on this chaos altar brings up a message in game chat which is related to a quest (cant remember exactly what), I have all quests finished, So I dont believe it should show that message.
> Soul split doesnt heal in PVM combat
X Sitting on chairs in POH doesnt work
X Can't use chaotics on Armour Repair Stand in POH
X Game asks to build a downward staircase when there's already one
X Frost dragons in POH are graphically bugged. Black Triangles all over
X I have a Skill hall directly up from this dungeon room, and i have a Rune Display table built in that room, It bugs out and appears in the buttom room aswell.
- starting the Pest Control quest takes off PkH points and PC points from your account (intended behavior, it does work like that as of several years ago)
- staff of light special doesnt block melee dmg (intended behavior, not a bug, it only blocks 50% dmg - not 100% - but I've improved the message for clarity)
- custom items that are brand new cannot be activated with the special attack button (known, new items aren't implemented yet)
- Korari's spec itself spreads across nearby npcs aswell, its like a barrage (not a bug, that's how Korasi's spec works in multi-combat)
- Invisibility bug in player-owned houses (known bug)
- Staircases that go downstairs are graphically bugged (known, it's due to the background being sorta fog-like rather than black. You can also notice in deep wild agility course)
- Small text bug i noticed, Some items are displayed with K's (In the picture, 126,500k which translates into 126m) and some are displayed with M's (115m) (intended behavior, the game will only round the number to 1M if it's a multiple of 1M)

Jonas (Pksasaftw) & Color x (Troll n roll)
> You can loot from 1 square away (doesn't run on top of pile) while unfrozen
- You can get BH target from same IP (intended testserver behavior, doesn't work in production)

Jonas (Pksasaftw) & Nolan
> A lesser demon is spawned on the lava at taverley dungeon
- You can walk through the stalagmites at the Tormented Demons (the stalagmites are actually wall objects between squares - this is how Jagex made it and how it should be)

Jonas (Pksasaftw) & Daan
X 24209 & 24210 interface id's at the bottom of trade screen

> Mod Yell doesn't show crowns, neither does helper or admin yell
X You can only withdraw 2147m coins from a bought item, it doesn't convert any of it into any tickets (Sold Torva for 13b, and it just keeps giving me 2147m everytime I try to take the money out)
X Pets won't face you if your last movement was a turn. they'll just face the way you were in your previous step
> Wise old man achievements don't actually show that they're complete
> You can refund perm curses and it'll reset it as if you never bought them
X Magic doesn't stack, the ticks are off when you switch from magic to melee
X Right clicking in the spellbook and clicking autocast doesn't work
> When you switch weapons after using magic, then back to a staff, it'll show that you're autocasting even though it's meleeing
> Certain weapons when holding, or attacking with Vanguard on bug out the boots
- using magic with chaotic staff causes a really buggy animation (not the chaotic staff, but vanguard/trickster/battle-mage boots & gloves cause this, reported before)

> Using the 'teleport' to house teleport or using the option to enter building mode under settings while in the skillzone causes doors to appear in the area and gives you a butler that follows you around ::skilling (needs to be tested again)
> Rewards sold at Castle Wars are bought with coins and not CW tickets. Instead of 300 tickets for a halo it's 300 GP.. etc.
> Glitched movement when you trade/challenge someone
X Sometimes when a new NPC spawns or a new wave starts the NPCs will walk up to you and stop a few steps away and not even attack
> Talking to the PkP Salesman to unlock trading rights using the option "500m and 1200 Pk Points" does not work correctly
> If you drop an item under the hunter salesman at ::shops and logout and then back in it'll show the item you dropped floating in the air. This doesn't work at the shops at home or on other NPCs so it may just be this specific square. It only floats for a few seconds and then drops to the floor like it's suppose to. (not fixed but point awarded for reporting anyway)
> The lunar spell plank make doesn't work. If you click it nothing happens. On the live game it works fine.
> Mysterious emblem 1 shows up as a dragon pickaxe (or). Item ID 12746 and noted 12747. The other emblems seem fine.

The underdog
X In the normal prayerbook if you toggle off your quickprayers it doesn't toggle off (reset) all other prayers that were active. It should, curses work fine. Something's just odd about it, it doens't always work. but for example protect item quickprayer, then do protect magic too, toggle on and off quickprayer as often as you want but protect magic stays up.

Jelle (Houwuh)
> my permanent curses are gone. it says i have temp curses now. not sure if intended or not.

> Whenever you enter the Wilderness without having enough timeplayed you get a message wich is an incorrect sentence
> It might be a pathing problem, but whenever you click on an NPC to perform an action (Hunter) your character will only run to the NPC if it has moved (it won't perform the Hunter action just stands still)
X Whenever you have performed an action (example: attack an NPC) and you can't get there, there are half? noclipping checks, the server notices you can't get there because something is in the way, but if your character walks back it can run throught doors/walls.
X Big NPCS don't clip properly with walls
> Some textures seem to bug out a bit from a certain angle (known, Jagex's fault, can't fix but I didn't know about furnaces having it too)
X If you walk too far after noclipping for example in the skilling area, your map will crash and turn into nothing. This will only get fixed if you perform a new maploading action such as teleporting.
- Skilling zone fishing area is bugged (known, was due to outdated clients)

Rick & Im on meth
X Diagonal noclipping is back, if you walk/run diagonally and then try to stand in each other you can noclip throught walls and such.

X When buying an item in the GE above max cash, the game doesn't recognize that u have enough money when ur money is seperated in different tickets (1b,100m). I tried buying a divine with 3x 1b ticket and 10x 100m ticket and it didn't work but when i changed the 100m tickets to 1b it did

Grant (Gdawg97)
> Noted dragonfire Shield causes client to crash

> I was picking herbs and some fell to the ground (inventory full), when I tried to pick them up they acted like an unlimited stack of herbs

The builder
> Using the wildy wall on far side of black knight's fortress causes you to move north - south, not east - west across the wall. Also unable to control your npc til it finishes walking.
X Issues with the minimap not matching size of circle. Slight lines of the world behind.

> Make bonecrusher crush bones during hunter
> Buff hunter XP rates (mostly for lower to mid range hunter NPC's)
> Compile & upload item & npc list
X Skilling area invisibility bug when coming from dungeon
> Crawling hand has wrong attack emote
> basilisk has incorrect size setting
X Make npc's align to you
X> The skilling center monsters are all gone again
> Can't walk around the skilling area fishing pond
X Weird glitched zombie attack emotes
> some pets (prince black dragon & kq pet) have incorrect size setting
X Not facing an NPC when attacking with magic
> Fix TSD gfx effects
X Switched weapon, didn't attack NPC but did follow him for eternity

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Im on meth
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Im on meth » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:14 am

Code: Select all

? Your max hit with the Trident is 15, less if it's the last charge the trident has
- If you use the last charge in the trident, the trident degrades and unequips before you hit, causing you to deal less damage.

You can only melee max-hit dummies if you are standing directly next to them. If you're >= 2 spaces away, you're character will just stand and turn towards them.
One of the max hit dummies is a undead max-hit dummy which is unattackable.
