The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Malthazare » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:19 am

IGN: Malthazare

Berserker ring (i) - Item Code 18562 Glitched getting Null head.

Auto Retaliate pathing is a little buggy when you're being attacked by multiple enemies. Your character almost gets pulled around (sometimes in random directions?) I noticed it most in boss rooms with multiple enemies (such as nex, and other GWD).

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Lkn » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:23 am

I can't even load the client, Keeps saying connection error.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Not motti » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:33 am

Looks like its going to take a while

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Mattehh » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:41 am

Castle Wars cape/hoods seem to be bugged -
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Zammy hood doesn't display right -

The sara hood is missing and the cape is pretty messed up too -

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Nerds123 » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:48 am

For some reason I cant edit my last post, just adding something i noticed, If you turn on SS using ancient curses, it actually does an animation which it shouldnt do (The character stomps the ground :o ).
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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Mattehh » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:54 am

Randoms don't follow you and give up when you move -
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Hoods make your legs invisible -
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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Iron adam » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:00 am

Blowpipe and other zulrah items don't work as intended.
Serp helm goes in weapon slot atm.
Can walk through obstacles at gwd.
Teleporting at a gwd altar, brings you back to the door, but inside the chamber.
Cant get to the zamorak bridge in gwd. Wont let me walk there.
The rock going down to the saradomin encampment is not the right thing. It is a pile of rubble and weapons.
The "peek" options on the gwd doors do nothing atm.
All monsters bigger than 1x1 wont stay still when you are attacking them. You walk under them to attack, and they in turn back up until they are against a wall.
My graador pet was blocking attacks from all bosses.
Clan interface is showing nothing after update.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Grant » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:24 am

Lkn wrote:I can't even load the client, Keeps saying connection error.

Try deleting all files you have for the test client atm and re-downloading the new test client file on page 14 of this thread.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Irishmage » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:46 am

IGN: Irishrange

When logging in and out i keep reselling a zamorakian hasta in the g.e. that ive already collected payment for, while still retaining the 100m tickets from previous session. Also of note, i had 1 for sale and after collecting payment for 1 the next time checking g.e. i had two for sale under seperate slots.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Retsnom » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:54 am


Make sure to read, and not report the already reported bugs!

> (FIXED) Certain items (mostly custom items) appear much smaller than they are supposed to, making a part of your body invisible and appearing as if floating near your feet with only 10% of the size. This is usually on the first load and relogging often fixes it. The cause is currently unknown. (Mike)

> Some NPC heads (most notably Mandrith and the construction expert, but also a couple of others) will have a Tool Leprechaun's head in chat rather than their own. Haven't really looked into this yet. (Mike)

> Played-Owned Houses do not yet have any roofs (Mike)

> Noclipping within Player-Owned Houses or the skilling center does not properly work yet (Mike)

> You'll always slightly lag behind a player you're following and a couple of other things in pathing may not work 100% yet - keep in mind, it's still a work in progress, but feel free to report any pathing-related bugs you find on the testserver anyway. (Mike)

> Everybody's head is glitching with phats (Without shield phats look fine.) (Saltyy)

> 10x Damage is not working in resizable or full screen. (Saltyy)

> Going in full screen doesn't hide the toolbar at the bottom on Mac. (Im On Meth)

> Clicking in the chat box to add a friend shows the Status tags (Donor, Prem, Honor, Mod, ect.) (Im On Meth)

> Re-sizable mode doesn't show full client (Im On Meth)

> Can only close the test client via task manager (derrick46546)

> (FIXED!) Brawlers cause invisibility issues (Slap a Ho)

> Can't use ::ss function without getting an error message (Slap a Ho)

> INTENTIONAL: Killing NPC drops ALL possible loots (Slap a Ho)

> Clues are not included in drop table (Dead Cats)

> (FIXED!) Most/All NPCs and Shops interfaces close out quickly, or only work 1/3rd the time. (Slap a Ho)

> Can walk through any part of POH house in building mode like it's not even there (Slap a Ho)

> Boots graphic issue: "Walking with shoes tied together." (Slap a Ho)

> (FIXED) Steadfast and other boots = big square around you, but now look like shoes tied together. (Matteh)

> Trade screen doesn't work, cloes instantly, unless both players click purple text in chat box. (Floriduh, Saltyy, & Mike Cross)

> Marble staircase in dungeon is tiny. (Slap a Ho)

> Can't remove NPC's from dungeon in POH (Slap a Ho)

> Wilderness isn't full rendered (Slap a Ho)

> Dying in your house, to nomad atleast, makes you lose all your items (Slap a Ho)

> Can't cut webs in wildy (Slap a Ho)

> When you cast a spell on another player you run towards them into melee range. Basically you can't farcast (Same with Ranged attacks.) (Slap a Ho)

> You can walk through walls, stalls, and other objects, at ::skilling zone, and many other places. (Saltyy)

> Log Balance doesn't work at gnome course. Stepping stone at Wildy Agility doesn't work. Log Balance at Wildy Agility doesn't work (Can't try the rocks at the end since I can't get over to them). (Floriduh)

> When trying to "store all" coins it seems to be "examining" the item instead. (Saltyy)

> PoH portal at home doesn't work when trying to join a friend's house. (Im On Meth)

> Trying to change display modes while prompted for your bank pin hides the bank pin screen and you can't move. (Im On Meth)

> When losing HP to Rogues, the HP bar always appears red. Monsters seem to be fine. Explosive potions and overloads are fine. (Floriduh)

> At Duel arena, accepting a duel crashes the interface. On top of this, the settings most likely work but do not show any check marks to alert players what has been selected (Floriduh)

> Royal items are buggy. The top, bottom, sceptre don't even show up until you unequip items. (Floriduh)

> When you try to high alch items, it will simply say "you can't alch this" to normally alchable items. (Floriduh)

> While wielding "basket of eggs", body is invisible. (Saltyy)

> Picking up items off the ground doesn't remove them from the ground. (Im On Meth)

> Clicking on some things in the display tab causes your inventory to be shown permanently. (Im on Meth)

> Brightness adjuster doesn't work. Just adds blue squares. (Wir3d)

> Skilling, Combat, and Cites teleports sometimes do the same as the NPCs and do not open up. (Dead Cats)

> Cant light a fire at ::skill, but adaze can set them. (Dead Cats)


> WW Scroll, "Check Steps" binds to Helmet slot. (Dead Cats)


> Rev clue "Check steps" binds to weapon slot. (Dead Cats)


> Can't change morph ring npc when you try to. (Mettehh)

> Trickster body becomes invisible when holding a weapon or without having a cape equipped (Mattehh)

> Also not wearing the trickster body makes the boots invisible (Mattehh)

> Equipping a staff screws up the model when wearing the trickster robes, but not other robes (Mattehh)

> A visual bug that glitches out your character model, created by using "Examine" on a plant, While inferno adze is equipped. Tried to do this without adze equipped and nothing happened. (Shadedice)


> Logging on an account, logging off, and logging in on a new account causes friends list/ignore lists to merge for both accounts. (Wir3ed)

> "Modern side panel style", "Transparent side panel", and "Transparent chat panel" apply to the fixed screen sizing and fuck up when they're only supposed to work for resizable/fullscreen. (Im On Meth)

> Don't show why type of damage is beign delt (Magic, Ranged, or Melee.) Just red splats. (Dead Cats)

> ::settings makes it so the settings tab gets messed up. (Floriduh)

> "Modern hitsplats" is stuck to off (changing it doesn't change hitsplats). (Im On Meth)

> "Modern healthbar" is stuck to off (changing it doesn't change healthbars). (Im On Meth)

> Clue scroll for revs and wildywyrm not working, also unable to exit the clue scroll, arrow pointing to revs is not displayed. (Shadedice)

> Switching from Curses to regular prayers rarely works. (I'm On Meth)

> No time limit between yells (Possibly intentional for testing.) (Dead Cats)

> I can't check the health of a tree, but you can plant it. The check health of a bush works. (Floriduh)

> Killing someone in wildy gives you no loot. If you die with items, it says every item is untradeable and you can run back and pick them up. (Im On Meth)

> ::setlevel Command works with hunter, construction, and summoning. Does requires 2147m (Dead Cats)

> No neck Torva Help

> Various bank booths around the world cannot be used. The ones I've found so far: Varrock West and East, Seers Village. Most of the other ones seem to be okay. (Floriduh.)

> Bandos CP & Torva Plate (Dead Cats)



> Fishing gets instantly interrupted at ::skilling, the fishing area, and premium skilling (Floriduh)

> Body altar bugged. All of the others seem fine. (Floriduh)

> Noclipping is possible running around at Pest Control, similar to ::skilling. (Floriduh)

> You can ::copy players in wilderness or duel arena. (The Builder)

> Run does not turn off when depleted. it remains active, and as soon as you regain a single percent, you run for a second before stopping. (The Builder)

> Buy offer and sell offers are a bit buggy. (Dead Cats)

For example: I bought black hween mask, then tried to put an offer for pure rune essence:


Relogged, and tried to buy pure ess on ge:


> The Minimap at Barrows is buggy. On top of this, more importantly, if you leave a room too early during regular barrows you do not get the kill count and you cannot re-search the sarcophagus by re-entering. I'm now stuck at 3 kill count and can't kill any of the brothers since they won't appear now. (Floriduh)

> Unable to chop down trees in tree farming patches. (Might be because I already had one planted when i joined test server, have not tried planting one and chopping it down yet. (Shadedice)

> POH Portal at Home. Cannot use it unless within 3 squares of it or right next to it. Otherwise you will not walk or attempt to interact. (Dead Cats)

> Frost dragons seem worst than before, they seem to move east when your attacking them from the east. (Shadedice)

> It just examines, im not taking 100gp at a time. :badjokeeel: (Dead Cats)


> Doesn't say when a player logs in or out on your friends list. (Im On Meth)

> Addy full helm (g), Rune (g) & (t) Full Helm, all God Mitres, God hide bodies. Should probably just check every clue item, some dont have this issue. Most mitres have it. Most are not like this. (Dead Cats)


> When no armour is wielded. salve ammy (e) doesn't show up on chest (inside of body) (Saosiin)

> Can not loot Kingly Impling jars, are any other jars that contain imps or butterflies. (Shadedice)

> Drop party area seems to be constantly, well ... partying. balloons are constantly dropping. (Shadedice)

> (Could not recreate!) Freeze, banked item. I banked an item that when I scroll down enough in my bank, my client freezes up. I know 100% the broken item is rapier 0. (Dead Cats)

> When withdrawing from Grand Exchange it is not able to give you more than 2147m. It's somehow unable to give you 1B Tickets. (Saltyy)

> Clan chat seems to break when you join a cc and log out and log back in again. It results in just a brown screen, not displaying any names or interface.
(Logging out does not fix it) (Shadedice)

> Tab button used to work in switching between Account-Name and Password fields in the login screen, it no longer works only the Enter button. (Nerds123)

> There are no magic trees at Premium skill zone. (Nerds123)

> Alot of the nex gear arent displaying on female models. (Nerds123)

> GE Pricecheck interface doesnt work, It shows Wield options instead (Nerds123)

> Dungeon enterance / Dungeon itself at ::skilling isnt coded / isnt even there at all. (Nerds123)

> Because of the new doors update (which is finally here :o), you can actually leave ::private and certain other places that you shouldnt be able to (like it was before). (Nerds123)

> D claws dont show while worn. (might be only on female models, will confirm later,EDIT: Female models seem to be buggy). (Could be becuase brawlers..) (Nerds123)

> Using the Tormented demons teleport makes you so you cant move in that cave, probably a noclip related thingy. (Nerds123). (Invis probably due to brawlers issue)

> Black Demons dont have their Animations set correctly. (Nerds123)

> Items dont sell to the Junk shop at all

> "All but one" withdraw option doesn't work. (I am mexican)

>Whenever you go to buy items from Grand exchange, constantly get the messages "you can't trade that item through grand exchange" & "The price of that item must be higher than 1/10th of the guided price". (Pure 2k12)

> If you have auto retaliate on when fighting a boss and try and run away you'll be stopped and forced to run back to the bosses location. (Pure 2k12)

> When pickpocketing Rogues it shows a glitchy animation (Ohai)

> When opening any quest to see requirement it closes right away (Ohai)

> Using ::master updates experience in the EXP counter but not experience on the stats tab (Ohai)

> Using a rotten tomato on the knights at ::party will spawm you with 'nothing happens'. Normally it would throw the tomato and you would get the youtube vid (Ruler)

> Most items (sharks, lobsters, potions, clue items, god armors and hides, chaotics, etc) you are unable to put in the ::party chest (Ruler)

> Party ballons also walk through the table at ::party (Ruler)

> You can't pop ballon animals (Ruler)

> When you wrongly put in your PIN it won't log you out but you will remain logged in and you can try again. (Ruler)

> When spamming emotes it doesn't let it finish, it resets. (Ohai)

> The bank outside the Jad cave doesn't work, it closes right away/Same with banking from banker NPCs. (Ohai)

> There is an altar at ::private you can walk through (Ruler)

> (Possibly intentional) Edgeville teleport is called pvp teleport (Ruler)

> You always get teleported to the same height in ::private (Ruler)

> Pming in general is glitchy. Pming someone/::m someone sometimes shows up for the other and sometimes it doesn't (Ruler)

> Enchanted gem tells me this (Ruler)

> If you are in a clan nothing happens when you click on help. (edit: same goes for ::Help) (Ruler)

> Can't change how you see your friend chat (Ruler)

> There is no stick at werewolf agility course (Ruler)

> You can unwear mouth grip if you use the zipline at werewolf agility. You will get the item in your inventory and it will look like you run down the zipline. (Ruler)

> There are no revenants in the wildy (Ruler)

> The agility option at godwars teleport doesn't work. I suppose that is the route to go to the top to the statue for Last Journey. Can't get there now. (Ruler)

> In godwars you can't go northeast so you can't get to the bridge to go to zamorak. (Ruler)

> You noclip through the objects that are at godwars (the one in the middle of the map) (Ruler)

> Says I don't have stairs in my dungeon in poh (but I do) (Ruler)

> Donator zone shows a black square on minimap (Ruler)

> Certain monsters at godwars cannot be attacked. (I am mexican)

> Bork portal on first floor is misplaced (Ruler & Houwuh)

> If you use the ladder in borks cave you end up in donator zone. Couldn't check if the same happens for normal players (Ruler & Houwuh)

> Can't build any new room/remove rooms in poh. (Ruler & Houwuh)

> You can enter cw with honor (go on another height and just walk in) (Ruler & Houwuh)

> You don't get tickets for action in castle wars (opening door first time, killing people). Randomly got a ticket when I destroyed a barricade. Getting tickets is off. (Ruler & Houwuh)

> If you click for an example the stairs in castle wars and someone places a barricade in front of the stairs before you arrive there but after you clicked on the stairs, you will walk through the barricade and go down the stairs. (Ruler & Houwuh)

> Not sure what happened but I searched for Burnt Manta Ray in grand exchange and then I couldn't search for anything else and it would say '.........rch......' (picture 1) Relogging or using another account doesn't fix it. When I tried to teleport to Houwuh it gave me this message and the client crashed (second pic).
Asked Houwuh to do the same. Looking at buy offers will crash your client. (Ruler & Houwuh)


> Seems like salamanders don't work properly. USed black salamander+harralander tar in pernix and I hit 14 as max hit. Also doesn't attack in range, but just hits with the salamander as if it's a melee weapon. (Ruler & Houwuh)

> Whenever you've purchased an item off the g.e and collect it and re-log that item will purchase again over and over. I've managed to collect a load of torva plate and legs from this. (Pure 2k12)

> (FIXED!) You're unable to walk 1 space (can't move to the 8 squares you touch). Can only move if the distance >= 2. (Im on Meth)

> Adding a player to your friends list from the chat box adds the incorrect name because the status tags are shown. Clicking "Add friend Im On Meth" adds "Cr20 Im On" to my friends list. (Im on Meth)

> Interacting with many objects from far away. (Adamthalion)

> Home tabs turned into varrock tabs, yet they take you to edge still. (Adamthalion)

> Cant cast crumble undead on the max hit dummies. (Adamthalion)

> In between home and west varrock bank, there is something that looks like a wall that says "Search Evergreen." Looks like maybe a mistake in some ids. (Adamthalion)

> The game says 3 air runes per teletab, but I made 10 teletabs and it only use 3 air runes. (Elliott715)

> The time remaining icon in pest control is broken. The number is going down, but the 500 is on top of it so you cannot see the time you have left. (Elliott715)

> Transformed players can enter the wildy. (Houwuh)

> Cannot climb up a rope at KQ (Horor Donkey)

> Destroying ancient book (from last journey quest) will drop it on the ground (Horor Donkey)

> Auto Retaliate pathing is a little buggy when you're being attacked by multiple enemies. Your character almost gets pulled around (sometimes in random directions?) I noticed it most in boss rooms with multiple enemies (such as nex, and other GWD). (Malthazare)

> The sara hood is missing and the cape is pretty messed up. (Mattehh)

> Randoms don't follow you and give up when you move (Mattehh)
Spoiler: show

> Hoods make your legs invisible (Mattehh)
Spoiler: show

> Teleporting at a gwd altar, brings you back to the door, but inside the chamber. (Adamthalion)

> The rock going down to the saradomin encampment is not the right thing. It is a pile of rubble and weapons. (Adamthalion)

> The "peek" options on the gwd doors do nothing atm. (Adamthalion)

> My graador pet was blocking attacks from all bosses. (Adamthalion)
