[2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

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[2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Floriduh » Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:07 am

First off, Thoby did a fantastic job with the original guide. If you'd like to view it, you can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=13066. My goal with this guide was to create an updated version of the most efficient ways to train skills to 200M/2B. If you're trying to get 99 in a skill, look around the guides section of the forum.

Please, let me know if you think a rate is incorrect. I've tested most of them, so hopefully they are accurate. The only one that is really hard to estimate is Combat/Slayer. All else should be good.
Also, post if there is a method I am forgetting and you think should be added into the guide. I try to check the forums often and would like to keep this updated in the future.

Final Note: I spent a lot of time on this between collecting rates throughout my time played and typing this up. Hopefully this will benefit players in the future. Please know that these rates are around the maximum, so expect a little less because it's hard to not constantly misclick and take breaks for an hour.

Image Image Combat (Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Slayer):
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This one is interesting. So bear with me...
Combat outside of Slayer is technically "inefficient." Slayer is slower than Melee, so you'll achieve 2b Melees prior to 2b Slayer. Thus, I think that if your goal is high XP you should just do Slayer. Elites seem to be better XP, but hards aren't much worse. This is assuming you are wielding Slayer brawlers with NO MELEE BRAWLERS (you'll still achieve Melee's prior to Slayer). Finally, you should be using a Souls or Chaos on controlled. This is to ensure you get Strength XP. If you use something else to train Strength, it'll probably be slower overall. Again, you will achieve melees during Slayer, so there is no real point to wasting time in Kingslayer.

Killing Bork - (Daily)
Building a Bork Portal in your POH will allow you to gain a nice chunk of XP once a day. Simply kill Bork while wearing Slayer brawlers. You can use the ::bork command to see when you next get that bonus XP.

Doing Hard and/or Elite Tasks - ~15M Combat XP/Hr (Per Skill, so 60M Total including Hitpoints) and ~5-15M Slayer XP/Hr
Self explanatory. I don't think anybody has fully dissected what is going to be the best tasks to do, so do what you enjoy. It's hard to estimate because it varies so much, so take that estimate with a grain of salt. A huge amount of the XP you can get is from the bonus XP at the end of your task, so it's not recommended to extend tasks. Obviously, the more XP lamps you buy with your Slayer points, the more Slayer XP you'll get as well. Having a Bonecrusher in your inventory will also grant you some passive Prayer XP, but not much.

(NOTE: After doing about an hours worth of hard tasks as quick as possible I was able to get ~10M XP/Hr in Melees and Slayer after using my points on lamps. Slayer can be earned at the same rate as combats if you use lamps. I blocked all dragon tasks minus Blue Dragons since the others you'd have to wait for them to spawn.)

If you don't care and just want fast Melee XP, there is absolutely a faster method, though...

Kingslayer - ~22M XP/Hr (Per Skill, so ~88M Total including Hitpoints)
Teleport to Clan Wars using the Minigame Teleport under your Spellbook on your main account and an account with 1 Defence. Join two different clans on both accounts. Challenge your second account to a kingslayer match for fun, pull the levers on both accounts once rules are accepted, and start it up. This can be done with Melee brawlers.

(TIP: To be able to use Potions on your main account, you can't be the "king." So simply log onto a third account and have your main account join that clan chat, that way the third account is now the king. Also, you can use Prayer. Even if you aren't using potions, you should still use your best prayer while in combat until your points run out.)
Image Ranged:
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Red Chinchompas and Cannon at Monkey Skeletons - ~80M XP/Hr
This method is by far the fastest XP in the game. Thankfully, Azu Rite made a fantastic guide on where to go, what gear to use, and how to start gaining XP. You can view his post here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=39694. Be sure to thank him if you decide to use his guide!

Kingslayer with Rune Knives - ~30M XP/Hr (Bonus ~7.5M XP/Hr in Hitpoints)
Although this method is much slower, it can be done. Using your best Range gear, Ranging brawlers, and attacking an account with 1 Defence will bring you the highest XP rates possible. After joining in two separate cleans, teleport to Clan Wars with your main account and an alternate with 1 Defence and challenge that account to a Kingslayer match. Make it friendly, accept the settings, and pull the lever. To be able to use potions, simply log in a third account and have that one the leader of your Main Account's clan.

(NOTE: You can use your best Prayer while doing the Kingslayer method even if you do not have potions. Simply use it until it runs out.)
Image Prayer:
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Using Frost Dragon Bones on an Altar - ~65M XP/Hr
Using Frost Dragon Bones on an altar brings you the best XP/Hr in the game. This should be done while wearing Prayer brawlers. This can be done in your POH, the Premium Skilling Area, or at ::skilling (further away). It is important to remember that, at least when you have your brawlers on, THE MARBLE BURNERS DO NOT HELP. Thus, Prayer can be done either at your POH or Premium Skilling for the same rates and XP per bone.

Using Dragon Bones on an Altar - ~13M XP/Hr
This method is much slower. I would barely call it "efficient" but it is something used by a lot of people in order to save money. Follow the exact same method as the Frosts, but use Dragon Bones instead. It is worth noting that you would save around 123 hours by doing it with Frost Dragon Bones, and in that 123 hours you could be earning the difference between Frosts and Regular D bones. Again, not efficient, but if you don't want to go out and make money, you can save yourself 40b+.

Using Dagannoth Bones on an Altar - ~26M XP/Hr
Most likely going to be hard to buy in bulk, but nonetheless still a faster method than Dragon Bones and Cheaper than frosts. Follow the same method as Frosts.

(NOTE: You'll also gain some XP if you go for 2b Slayer with a Bonecrusher in your inventory, but it isn't really much XP. May save you a tiny bit of GP.)
Image Magic:
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Enchanting Adamant Bolts - 2b in one click!
Simply using diamond bolt tips on an adamant bolt will be the fastest XP in the game since both are stackable (also, you need 1 Cosmic and 2 Law runes per bolt. Wield a Staff of Earth). There are two ways this can be done. I will include a rough estimate of how much you will need to achieve 2b Magic:
-If you are using Fletching brawlers at 99 Magic and Fletching, you will need 1,168,824 adamant bolts. You will also achieve 1.823b Fletching experience! (1700 Magic XP, 1560 Fletching XP per bolt)
-If you are using Magic brawlers at 99 Magic and Fletching, you will need 899,096 adamant bolts. You will also achieve 1.079b Fletching experience! (2210 Magic XP, 1200 Fletching XP per bolt)
Although you'll need about 260k more supplies, you'll also knock fletching out if you wear Fletching brawlers. You'll need the same amount of Cosmics per bolt, but twice the amount of Laws.

Making Teletabs - ~68M XP/Hr Magic and ~68M XP/Hr Runecrafting
Making teletabs in your POH is a good way to achieve both 2b Magic and 2b RC. Simply make a lectern in a study, and have an inventory full of soft clay and law runes (1 law per clay, also equip a Staff of Air). Use RC brawlers to get equal XP in both Magic and RC (3445 per tab in each skill, about 576,778 materials from 99). (NOTE: Magic brawlers will get you around 3940 XP per tab and 77M XP/Hr Magic XP, at the cost of some RC XP. I would use RC brawlers to gain XP equally.)

High Alching - ~60M XP/Hr
Tedious, but the prices of materials make it much cheaper to High Alch post-99. Autoclicking is not allowed on PKHonor. This should be done with Magic brawlers. You can alch whatever item you'd like. Items like thread are easy to get in bulk. (NOTE: You can alch while Skilling as well! Some skills you can alch during without disrupting the skill: Agility [Black warlocks], Woodcutting, Firemaking, Fishing, Cooking, Mining, Crafting, Smithing, Thieving. I would wear the brawlers in the skill you're focusing on if you do decide to alch while skilling, so expect much less Magic XP/Hr doing this.)

Casting Ice barrage at Risky Barrows - ~?M XP/Hr
I hope to test this method sometime in the future, if it is even a feasible method. If anyone has a rough estimate, that would be appreciated.
Image Runecrafting:
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Crafting Death Runes with Pure Essence - ~120M XP/Hr
While equipping RC brawlers, crafting Death Runes at the Death Altar provides the best experience in the game for Runecrafting.

Making Teletabs - ~68M XP/Hr Magic and ~68M XP/Hr Runecrafting
Please see the Magic guide above to view this method.
Image Fletching:
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Enchanting Adamant Bolts - 2b in one click!
Please see the Magic guide above to view this method.

Making Rune Arrows - 2b in one click!
Simply using Rune Arrowtips on Headless arrows will also allow you to achieve 2b Fletching in one click! This method works well when paired with Smithing. Each arrow will give 1,950 XP. From 99, you will need 1,018,975 Arrowtips and Headless Arrows. (NOTE: If you make Rune Arrowtips from 99 Smithing, you will have 2,292,693 Tips! Enough for 2b Fletching more than twice!)

Fletching Magic Longbows - 22M XP/Hr
Fletching Magic Longbows is a slower method and isn't the greatest, but I have included it anyway for those who are interested.
Image Agility:
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Barehanding Black Warlocks - ~28M XP/Hr
Black Warlocks are, by far, the most efficient method to train agility because you achieve similar XP/Hour to the Wilderness course, but will also gain Hunter XP whilst training. 28M XP/Hr can be achieved by wearing Agility brawlers, a larupia set, and a Spottier cape. To find Black Warlocks, teleport to the skilling center via ::skilling and run to the Northeast corner. There you should BAREHAND these.
Image Herblore:
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Making Extreme Ranging Potions - ~87M XP/Hr OR 140M XP/Hr
The reason why these two XP rates differ so much is because there are two methods in making extreme ranging potions. The faster way is to go to ::settings and to deselect the 'Make-all' option. This will allow you to spam-make potions. However, if you wish to AFK skill a bit more, simply making these potions normally will allow you to still gain 87M XP/Hr. Also, you must wear Herblore brawlers (30% bonus) AND FULL 3rd AGE DRUIDIC (15% bonus). If you can't afford Full 3a Druidic, you should expect rates around 78M XP/Hr and 126M XP/Hr.
Image Thieving:
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Pickpocketing Rogues - ~35M XP/Hr+
The reason why these rates differ is because anybody level 14 or under will have a huge advantage. By going to ::settings and disabling the "Enable left-clicking" option, these players can simply spam click the "Pickpocket" option. Thus, it is recommended to do as much Thieving as possible prior to leveling Combat.
To achieve these rates, you should teleport to Yanille under your city teleports. Run east through the doors towards the bank, then northwest of the bank. Find the Bar on the SouthWest side of the Fight Arena (look at a map if you get confused. Wear Gloves of silence so you do not get hit by them! Gloves of silence can be obtained by catching a dark kebbit at the falconry area and using a needle on the fur.

Thieving Gem Stalls - ~35M XP/Hr
Simply Thieving the Gem Stalls at ::skilling with Thieving brawlers will give you around 35m XP/Hr (no banking). Once one stall goes empty, simply use the other stall. Also, Dragonstones will appear on the top of the stack on the ground, so it is easy to pick them up, if you wish.
Image Crafting + Image Mining:
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Mining Marble - ~20M XP/Hr
Mining marble is a great way to go for 200M or 2B xp because you can also gain ~20M XP/Hr in both skills. To achieve these rates, wield a Sacred Clay Pickaxe (available for donators+) and Crafting/Mining brawlers (TIP: Switch off between the brawlers. You'll get 22M XP/Hr in the skill that is respective to the brawlers you are wearing, and 18M XP/Hr in the other one). With a hammer and chisel in your inventory, teleport to ::skilling and run west. Click the marble rock and start Mining. You are able to drop the bars while Mining without it disturbing your action. These bars are worthless outside of a few things in construction for minimal XP, so unless you want a collection, you can drop them.

(NOTE: Although cutting Onyx's (not very feasible) and Crafting Black D-hide Bodies are faster methods by far, you are gaining XP in two skills at once for no cost. In order to get 200M/2B Mining, you would've needed to have spent similar hours on whatever method you picked, so I consider this a better method. The same goes for Mining. Other methods may be slightly faster, but then you wouldn't get Crafting, so you'd have to spend more hours getting that.)
Image Smithing:
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Making Rune Platebodies - ~90M XP/Hr
Self Explanatory. Making Rune Platebodies Will bring you the best XP/Hr in the game for Smithing. Making 5 plates per inventory (25 bars) with Smithing brawlers at Premium Skilling will help you get great rates.

Making Rune Arrowtips - ~40M XP/Hr
I've included this method because it will pair well with those that cannot afford the enchanting bolts method for 2b Magic/Fletching XP. Making Rune Arrowtips will provide you with material to Fletch with while also providing decent Smithing XP/Hr. Use Smithing brawlers and the anvil at Premium Skilling to achieve these rates. (NOTE: If you make Rune Arrowtips from 99 Smithing, you will have 2,292,693 Tips! Enough for 2b Fletching more than twice!)
Image Fishing:
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Powerfishing Monkfish - ~40M XP/Hr
Fishing Monks are a great idea for people willing to really pay attention while Fishing. This method will not yield you any money, but is much faster XP/Hr than other methods. Wear Fishing brawlers while catching and spontaneously dropping Monks at ::skilling is definitely the best method to train Fishing. Use a small fishing net and fish at one of the "Net" spots.

Fishing Rocktails - ~19M XP/Hr
Fishing Rocktails is a more AFK method of Fishing. However, if you are looking to make profit and are willing to spend about 2x the time with much less effort than Monkfish, than this is the better method. These will bring a good amount of profit as well and can be kept for Cooking later on, if that is what suits you. Wear Fishing brawlers. You must have a fishing rod and living minerals in your inventory and must be Premium to catch these. Teleport to ::skilling and use one of the "Lure" spots to catch.

Fishing Manta Rays - ~21M XP/Hr
Slightly faster than Rocktails, this method also makes the list because it will also bring a profit. Wearing Fishing brawlers and with a small net in your inventory, teleport to ::skilling to catch these at one of the "Net" spots

(NOTE: Thank you Nolan, for the great guide and the XP rates. Please view his Fishing guide here): viewtopic.php?f=46&t=38072
Image Cooking:
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Cooking Rocktails - ~55M XP/Hr
The fastest method of Cooking. These rates can be achieved while wearing Cooking brawlers and using the Fancy Range at ::skilling. To get here, once you teleport to the skilling center, run directly North.

Cooking Manta Rays - ~43M XP/Hr
The next fastest method of Cooking. Unless if you have bulk Manta Rays from Fishing, I wouldn't necessarily recommend these. Rocktails are in more demand, more profitable, and are more XP/Hr. You can achieve this rate the same way as Cooking Rocktails.

(NOTE: I do recommend Cooking at the skilling center because of the 5% bonus. Although you need to run a small distance, the 5% bonus over the course of 200m/2B seems to justify that. I do think it's faster than your POH, just with a bit more effort.
Image Woodcutting + Image Firemaking:
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Cutting Magic Trees with Inferno Adze - ~65M XP/Hr
Premium members can enjoy the easy XP while using an Inferno Adze to get both Woodcutting and Firemaking XP. If you decide to buy brawlers, I would recommend getting the Firemaking ones. Otherwise, you will achieve 2b Woodcutting prior to Firemaking. You should Cut Magics at ::skilling if you own brawlers and at your personal POH if you do not, due to the way the XP stacks with and without brawlers. I also recommend stopping short of 2b XP by ~100M-500M XP because, if you do Magic Trees to 2b Farming XP, you'll get passive WC/FM XP through that.
Image Farming:
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Planting Magic Trees - ~12M XP/Hr
Simply plating magic saplings every 10 minutes with supercompost will grant you 12M XP/Hr. This should be done while wearing Farming brawlers and Magic secateurs. Although the method below is faster XP/Hr, this is my recommended method if you aren't interested in achieving 200M/2b Farming as fast as possible, but as efficient as possible (explained below). You'll also gain passive Woodcutting and Firemaking XP while doing this, so it would make sense to get Farming to 2b prior to WC and FM! (Similar to Fishing in OSRS prior to Agility, Strength, and Cooking, because you gain XP in those skills while Barbarian Fishing).

Planting Magic Trees and the Belladona Patch - ~35-40M XP/Hr
This method yields the best XP/Hr in the game. It is great if you're trying to get to 200M or 2B as fast as possible. Below I explain the pros and cons of both. To do this method, wear Farming brawlers and Magic secateurs. Do Magic Tree runs every 10 minutes, similar to the first method, but in the off time (about 54 minutes in an hour) simply teleport to the Draynor Manor Special Patch, buy a full inventory of Supercomposts, and use one on the patch. Then plant a Belladona seed. Pick the Plant and repeat.

(NOTE: Although the second method is faster XP/Hr, that is somewhat misleading. Consider the following example):
You are trying to finish a 3 page paper and study for your exam. Method 1 Allows you to complete 1 page in just 6 minutes in the hour! But after that, you burn out on the paper and must put your efforts towards studying. Method 2 allows you to complete the paper in an hour, full effort on the paper. After 3 hours-
Method 1 - Finished paper, 162 minutes of studying
Method 2 - Finished paper, 120 minutes of studying

Method 1 takes a whole 3 hours to complete the paper! But after a few hours it balances out and you can get more done on the side. So if your only goal is to complete the paper as fast as possible, like finishing farming as fast as possible, you'd do the Belladona method. However, if you're trying to get as much work done as possible, similar to training two skills on PKHonor, the Magic Tree only method is better.
Image Construction:
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Making Gilded Benches in Throne Room - ~10M XP/Hr
The fastest method to gain XP in Construction is to make gilded benches in your throne room. This should be done while you're wearing Construction brawlers.

(NOTE: It is important that you do this in your throne room. Benches in a Dining Room does not give you as much XP since it requires less materials.)
Image Hunter:
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Catching Kingly Implings - ~?M XP/Hr
Kingly implings are the best XP/Hr for Hunter. This can be done by wearing full larupia, a butterfly net, and having impling jars in your inventory. You should have jars in your bank so you don't need to run to the shop every inventory to ensure you get the most XP/Hr possible. You should hunt at ::skilling, east of the portal, and use the bank next to the fishing spots and Magic trees.

If you came here in hopes that Hunter will be faster at some point, you're out of luck!
Last edited by Floriduh on Thu May 25, 2017 3:39 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Hayden » Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:45 am

belladonnas are twice as fast as magic trees

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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Floriduh » Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:13 am

Hayden wrote:belladonnas are twice as fast as magic trees
This doesn't mean it's as efficient. Since a tree run takes about a minute (6/hr) you'd have 54 minutes to do another skill. It's passive XP. Why waste 80 hours doing that (25M XP/Hr, Belladonas) when you can just spend 16.667 hours doing tree runs (12M XP/Hr, but 6 minutes effort, so 120M XP/Hr actually spent farming)?
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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Hayden » Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:14 am

Floriduh wrote:
Hayden wrote:belladonnas are twice as fast as magic trees
This doesn't mean it's as efficient. Since a tree run takes about a minute (6/hr) you'd have 54 minutes to do another skill. It's passive XP. Why waste 80 hours doing that (25M XP/Hr, Belladonas) when you can just spend 16.667 hours doing tree runs (12M XP/Hr, but 6 minutes effort, so 120M XP/Hr actually spent farming)?
tree runs + belladonna runs = 3x as fast as only tree runs

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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Floriduh » Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:26 am

Hayden wrote:
Floriduh wrote:
Hayden wrote:belladonnas are twice as fast as magic trees
This doesn't mean it's as efficient. Since a tree run takes about a minute (6/hr) you'd have 54 minutes to do another skill. It's passive XP. Why waste 80 hours doing that (25M XP/Hr, Belladonas) when you can just spend 16.667 hours doing tree runs (12M XP/Hr, but 6 minutes effort, so 120M XP/Hr actually spent farming)?
tree runs + belladonna runs = 3x as fast as only tree runs
You missed my point. Reread my last sentence. In terms of effort you're putting into farming, every hour spent doing Magics, you'd gain about 120M XP. Doing Belladonas and trees you would get about 35-40M.

So far, time spent actually farming puts you at 50 hours for 2b vs 16.67.
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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Jonas » Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:11 am

Floriduh wrote: You missed my point. Reread my last sentence. In terms of effort you're putting into farming, every hour spent doing Magics, you'd gain about 120M XP. Doing Belladonas and trees you would get about 35-40M.

So far, time spent actually farming puts you at 50 hours for 2b vs 16.67.
If you're doing tree runs, while you're waiting for them to grow you can do belladonnas...How the hell it's not more efficient than just doing the magics?..Yeah it will take more time, yeah it won't be as afkable, but still.

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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Hayden » Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:37 am

Jonas wrote:
Floriduh wrote: You missed my point. Reread my last sentence. In terms of effort you're putting into farming, every hour spent doing Magics, you'd gain about 120M XP. Doing Belladonas and trees you would get about 35-40M.

So far, time spent actually farming puts you at 50 hours for 2b vs 16.67.
If you're doing tree runs, while you're waiting for them to grow you can do belladonnas...How the hell it's not more efficient than just doing the magics?..Yeah it will take more time, yeah it won't be as afkable, but still.
his argument is that less time spent farming = more efficient, tree runs will be less total time than belladonnas

i didn't miss this point but 99% of people would tell you that the most efficient way to get 2b in a skill is the way that gets you 2b in the least amount of total time, in which case tree runs + belladonnas are faster

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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Floriduh » Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:38 am

Hayden wrote:his argument is that less time spent farming = more efficient, tree runs will be less total time than belladonnas

i didn't miss this point but 99% of people would tell you that the most efficient way to get 2b in a skill is the way that gets you 2b in the least amount of total time, in which case tree runs + belladonnas are faster
Edit: I just added it to the guide. Obviously people try to get it as fast as possible and all at once sometimes, so it could benefit some. You get what I was saying though.

@Jonas, I explained my logic in that section of the guide. Hopefully it makes sense with my new example.
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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Mighty scim » Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:52 pm

Good guide, ma man :)

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Re: [2016] *Updated* Efficient Skilling Guide!

Post by Azu rite » Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:45 am

I need to update my range guide to include glacor boots and newer ranging items

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