| Vitality | PvP | PvM |

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Skiller fab » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:15 pm

Re incarnate wrote:
Skiller fab wrote:
Skiller fab wrote:Ingame Name: Skiller fab
Real Life Name: Fabian
Combat lvl: 126
Ancient Curses:Yes
K/D Ratio: 1430/1141
Bank Wealth: 13-15b
Why you want to join: Searching for a pk clan.
Why should you be accepted?: Because im awsomee
Are you currently in a clan?: yes,fox tank3r cc
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Always
What about me?


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RIP HAMADE 2013 29 August.:(

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Re incarnate » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:21 pm

Soleis wrote:Ingame Name: Soleis
Real Life Name: Ignacio
Combat lvl: 124
Ancient Curses: Yes
K/D Ratio: 645-242 2.67
Bank Wealth: 10b
Why you want to join: I enjoy pking a lot and I think it would be better with a clan, plus I looked at the other clans before applying here and this seems to be the right clan to apply for.
Why should you be accepted?: I am an older player with a wide variety of experience, I am kind and helpfull without asking for something in return and finally my name is known in the wild. I can really help make this clan better and I really hope you all give me a chance.
Are you currently in a clan?: No
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes, I commit to that.
trent bahdy rank up this negro
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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Blahblahdie » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:39 pm

Re incarnate wrote:
Soleis wrote:Ingame Name: Soleis
Real Life Name: Ignacio
Combat lvl: 124
Ancient Curses: Yes
K/D Ratio: 645-242 2.67
Bank Wealth: 10b
Why you want to join: I enjoy pking a lot and I think it would be better with a clan, plus I looked at the other clans before applying here and this seems to be the right clan to apply for.
Why should you be accepted?: I am an older player with a wide variety of experience, I am kind and helpfull without asking for something in return and finally my name is known in the wild. I can really help make this clan better and I really hope you all give me a chance.
Are you currently in a clan?: No
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes, I commit to that.
trent bahdy rank up this negro
What.. name known in wild? I never seen or heard of you lol.

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Simon » Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:34 pm

Blahblahdie wrote:
Re incarnate wrote:
Soleis wrote:Ingame Name: Soleis
Real Life Name: Ignacio
Combat lvl: 124
Ancient Curses: Yes
K/D Ratio: 645-242 2.67
Bank Wealth: 10b
Why you want to join: I enjoy pking a lot and I think it would be better with a clan, plus I looked at the other clans before applying here and this seems to be the right clan to apply for.
Why should you be accepted?: I am an older player with a wide variety of experience, I am kind and helpfull without asking for something in return and finally my name is known in the wild. I can really help make this clan better and I really hope you all give me a chance.
Are you currently in a clan?: No
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes, I commit to that.
trent bahdy rank up this negro
What.. name known in wild? I never seen or heard of you lol.
I've seen him pking in edge over the past couple of weeks.

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Thunt » Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:42 pm

Blahblahdie wrote:
Re incarnate wrote:
Soleis wrote:Ingame Name: Soleis
Real Life Name: Ignacio
Combat lvl: 124
Ancient Curses: Yes
K/D Ratio: 645-242 2.67
Bank Wealth: 10b
Why you want to join: I enjoy pking a lot and I think it would be better with a clan, plus I looked at the other clans before applying here and this seems to be the right clan to apply for.
Why should you be accepted?: I am an older player with a wide variety of experience, I am kind and helpfull without asking for something in return and finally my name is known in the wild. I can really help make this clan better and I really hope you all give me a chance.
Are you currently in a clan?: No
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes, I commit to that.
trent bahdy rank up this negro
What.. name known in wild? I never seen or heard of you lol.

This isn't really my place to post, but fuck it.

If he's known for anything, it's for safing after every hit over 30, eating at 60 and tabbing right after he specs. He's an awful pker.
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement.

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Swing set » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:33 pm

The divinity wrote:
This isn't really my place to post, but fuck it.

If he's known for anything, it's for safing after every hit over 30, eating at 60 and tabbing right after he specs. He's an awful pker.
Thanks for the input.

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Soleis » Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:55 pm

I'd just like to say I safed the first probably 20 fights when I became a main, I no longer safe and if that is the issue then fine don't accept me but there are plenty of players who safe in wild and I am not the biggest one at all. Anyways thanks for at least letting me apply.

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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Dead newb » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:41 am

Ingame Name: Dead newb
Real Life Name: Aaron
Combat lvl: 126
Ancient Curses: Temporary, always have when I pk.
K/D Ratio: .75 300Kills - 400 Deaths
Bank Wealth: ranges from 2b-200b
Why you want to join: I've been looking to join and clan for a long time. Saw you guys and decided hey why not give you guys a try. I love to PK and PVM
Why should you be accepted?: Because I'm very active in-game. Play about 12-16 hours a day. I'm very active in the wild and at bosses.
Are you currently in a clan?: No..
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes
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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by That babe » Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:17 am

Dead newb wrote:Ingame Name: Dead newb
Real Life Name: Aaron
Combat lvl: 126
Ancient Curses: Temporary, always have when I pk.
K/D Ratio: .75 300Kills - 400 Deaths
Bank Wealth: ranges from 2b-200b
Why you want to join: I've been looking to join and clan for a long time. Saw you guys and decided hey why not give you guys a try. I love to PK and PVM
Why should you be accepted?: Because I'm very active in-game. Play about 12-16 hours a day. I'm very active in the wild and at bosses.
Are you currently in a clan?: No..
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes
If Trent wishes to over ride my decission he is more than welcome to as this is his clan, but Vitality is working on being the most feared clan. With this being said we want some of the servers best pkers, work on pking more instead of staking and maybe if you improve on your personality I will change my decission.

Edit: Dead Newb also applied for Pkp Kings V2 just saying.
Last edited by That babe on Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Maurits wrote:I got "Moar tits" so, Touché.
Maurits bragged about having more boobs then me :(.

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Dead newb
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Re: | Vitality | PvP | PvM | #Vitality

Post by Dead newb » Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:40 am

That babe wrote:
Dead newb wrote:Ingame Name: Dead newb
Real Life Name: Aaron
Combat lvl: 126
Ancient Curses: Temporary, always have when I pk.
K/D Ratio: .75 300Kills - 400 Deaths
Bank Wealth: ranges from 2b-200b
Why you want to join: I've been looking to join and clan for a long time. Saw you guys and decided hey why not give you guys a try. I love to PK and PVM
Why should you be accepted?: Because I'm very active in-game. Play about 12-16 hours a day. I'm very active in the wild and at bosses.
Are you currently in a clan?: No..
Are you willing to abide by our rules?: Yes
If Trent wishes to over ride my decission he is more than welcome to as this is his clan, but Vitality is working on being the most feared clan. With this being said we want some of the servers best pkers, work on pking more instead of staking and maybe if you improve on your personality I will change my decission.

Ps: Trent do you think you could hook me up with the clans forum account? It's very outdated and I will have no problem making a couple adjustments for you.

Edit: Dead Newb also applied for Pkp Kings V2 just saying.
Actually my ratio compaired to a lot of people is pretty good. I applied for Pkp kings V2 before being bsed and banned from the channel. I'm really not staking a lot, But I understand why you wish to deny me. Hate not having a clan though..
Come hang out and listen to music! http://plug.dj/pkhonor/

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