Max cape guide.

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Max cape guide.

Post by Chameaux123 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:02 pm

This guide still need alot of update and correction.You can use it but the method could be more efficient and some of the info are wrong.I will update it with more method and correct the wrong part.

Hey people.Welcome to my guide for max cape.In this guide i will tell you the fastest method to get the requirements and the ammount of item you will need.If some of those info are not accurate you can either pm me or post here and i will change them.Feel free to give feedback.

Table of content:
1.Max cape requirement.
2.Fastest skills to get to 200m.
3.Woodcutting and firemaking.
4.Fletching and Magic.
6.Premium status.
7.Wise old man achivement list.
8.Wise old man skills to do the achivement.
9.The last journey quest requirement(Also added a link to the quest on the wiki).
10.Pest invasion quest requirement(Also added a link to the quest on the wiki).
11.Correting history quest requirement(Also added a link to the quest on the wiki).
12.Permanent ancient curses.
13.Normal prayer.
14.Trading rights.
15.People that helped.

Max cape requirement.
Spoiler: show
Max cape:
-Level 99 in all skills.
-5 skills with 200M XP.
-Have Premium status(to get premium you will need to have donator first).
All quests completed.
All achievements completed(to start the quest ''the last journey'' you will need all achivements completed.
Unlocked Permanent Ancient Curses.
Unlocked Rapid Renewal Prayer.
Unlocked Augury Prayer.
Unlocked Rigour Prayer.
Unlocked the rights to trade items from the PkHonor Point shop(torso,dragon defender,chaotic weapons,barrows glove and more).
Fastest 5 skills to get to 200m xp are:

Woodcutting and firemaking.
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How to get them to 200m from level 99:
-For woodcuting and firemaking you will need premium status and inferno adze(can be bought at premium island).You will type ::skilling and wear your inferno adze.Once you are on the skilling place,you want to cut magic trees(the logs will automaticly burn if you are using inferno adze.This is why you will need premium status and inferno adze).You also want to wear woodcuting brawling gloves or firemaking brawling glove to get 30% extra xp and more pkp.Doing this method is really afk and will give you a tons of pkp that you will use later on(you need 3000 to buy max cape and 800(or 1200 if you use the other method) to unlock trading right.When you cut the tree you will receive magic seeds and when you ''cut'' magic seeds you receive only woocutting xp.

Item needed:
1x donator status,1x premium status,1x woodcutting brawling gloves and 1x inferno adze.

Fletching and magic.
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-For fletching you want to make diamond bolts(e).To do this you will need the following:diamond bolt tips,adamant bolt,cosmic rune,law rune and earth rune.Each bolt you make will give you 1200 xp(1560 xp if you are wearing fletching brawling gloves).Each 10 bolts you make will cost you the following: 10x adamant bolt,10x diamond bolt tips,2x law rune,1x cosmic rune and 10x earth rune(you can use a staff of earth instead of rune(wearing the staff will give you unlimited earth rune to cast spells).Each 10 bolts is 12.000 xp(or 15.600 with brawling gloves).To enchant the bolt you will need to use the diamond bolt tips on the adamant bolts and make the ammount you want.

Item needed:
Without brawling gloves you will need to make 155.805 diamond bolt(e)(155.805x adamant bolt,155.805x diamond bolt tips,x31.161 law rune,15.581x cosmic rune and 1x staff of earth(you have to wear it).
With brawling gloves you will need to make 119.850 diamond bolt(e)(119.850x adamant bolt,119.850x diamond bolt tips,23.370x law rune,11.685x cosmic rune and 1x staff of earth(you have to wear it).
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-For Smithing you want to make rune platebody.Doing this method is the fastest xp but it cost money.To do this you will need the following:Rune bar and 1 hammer.Each platebody you make give you 50.000 xp(65.000 if you are wearing smithing brawling gloves).Each platebody you make will cost you the following:5x rune bar.To make the platebody you want to use the rune bar on an anvil.You want to have 25 bars and 1 hammer in your inventory(5 platebody at 5 bars each so 25 bars but i would just recommend getting your inventory full).

Item needed:
Without brawling gloves you will need to make 3740 rune platebody(18.700x rune bar).
With brawling gloves you will need to make 2877 rune platebody(14.385x rune bar).
Magic(rest of the xp after you did 200m fletching)
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-For magic you want to do high level alchemy.Doing this method while woodcutting/firemaking is probably one of the best method to use but before you do that make sure to get 200m fletching(doing 200m fletching will give you magic xp).Afther you did 200m fletching you want to finish 200m magic doing high level alchemy(you can also make home teletab cause they give magic xp and if you would get 200m runecrafting doing this you would most likely get 200m magic too).I don't have the xp that 200m fletch get you(i will try and get it) but it must be a big part of it and if you do high level alchemy while doing woodcutting/firemaking(instead of doing it afk) you should be able to finish 200m magic while getting 200m woodcutting/firemaking.

Item needed:
You should now have 5x 200m xp skills.

Premium status.
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To get premium status you can either donate or buy it from g.e(untradeable).Before you get premium,you will need donator status(which you can get by donating or from g.e).Buying donator status and premium status with donation points cost 5000 donation points(2500 each).The price of them in g.e varry alot so i can't give you an accurate price.

To complete all the wise old man achivement you will need to do the following(WARNING:before you do those you need to talk with the wise old man about the achivement).
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-Mine 1 gold ore
-Smelt a gold bar
-Craft a Diamond amulet
-String and enchant a Diamond amulet.
-Give an Amulet of power to the Wise Old Man.
-Obtain 50 Dragon bones through killing Dragons.
-Give 50 Dragon bones to the Wise Old Man.
-Craft a pair of Red dragonhide Chaps.
-Give a pair of Red dragonhide Chaps to the Wise Old Man.
-Fish 20 Manta Rays.
-Cut 2 Yew Logs.
-Make a fire from Yew logs.
-Cook 20 Manta rays on the fire from the yew logs.
-Give 20 cooked Manta rays to the Wise Old Man.
-Fletch a yew crossbow stock.
-Combine a yew stock with rune limbs.
-Grow a tree and obtain it's roots through farming.
-Spin the roots to a crossbow string on a spinning wheel.
-Combine a crossbow string and unstrung rune crossbow.
-Give a rune crossbow to the Wise Old Man.
-Grow and harvest 12 Snapdragon herbs through farming.
-Make 12 Super restore potions.
-Give 12 Super restore potions (4) to the Wise Old Man.
-Buy a Vesta's Chainbody at the PkHonor Point shop.
-Give a non-degraded Vesta's Chainbody to the Wise Old Man.
-Buy a pair of Void Knight gloves at the Void Knight Outpost.
-Give a pair of Void Knight gloves to the Wise Old Man.
-Give an Abyssal Whip to the Wise Old Man.
-Buy 1000 Onyx bolts (e) at the Ranging store.
-Give 1000 Onyx bolts (e) to the Wise Old Man.
-Runecraft 100 Blood runes.
-Runecraft 200 Death runes.
-Runecraft 300 Water runes.
-Give 100 Blood runes to the Wise Old Man.
-Give 200 Death runes to the Wise Old Man.
-Give 300 Water runes to the Wise old man.
-Get a Black shield (h4) from the Zamorak boss room in the Godwars Dungeon.
-Give a Black shield (h4) to the Wise Old Man.
To complete all the wise old man achivement you will need the following skills.
Spoiler: show
-40 Mining.
-75 Crafting.
-57 Magic.
-81 Fishing.
-91 Cooking.
-60 Woodcutting.
-60 Firemaking.
-60 Fletching.
-62 Farming.
-63 Herblore.
-77 Runecrafting.
-91 Smithing.

To complete all the quest you will need the following:

The last journey.
Spoiler: show
-All the wise old man achivement completed.
-70 Mining.
-71 Smithing.
-80 Woodcutting.
-95 Thieving.
-80 Magic.
-99 Agility.
-80 Crafting.
-Armadyl set Or Aviansie Transform.
-Bandos set (Including boots) Or Ork Transform.
-Druid Robe top & bottoms, Holy Book, Saradomin Staff and Saradomin Cape (Can be bought or obtained from Mages in Mage arena Lvl 54 Wilderness).
-Zamorak Robe top & bottoms, Unholy Book, Zamorak Staff and Zamorak Cape (Can be bought or obtained from Mages in Mage arena Lvl 54 Wilderness).
-66 Rune bars(can be bought from g.e or made by player that have 85 smithing(each bars cost 4x coal and 1x rune ore).
Pest invasion.
Spoiler: show
-1000 PkHonor points.
-150 Pest Control points.
-78 Attack.
-78 Strenght.
-80 Magic.
-80 Runecrafting.
-95 Thieving.
-92 Fishing.
-92 Cooking.
-85 Herblore.

Correcting history.
Spoiler: show
-Completed Pest invasion.
-Completed all achievements for the Wise Old Man.
-Completed Last Journey.
-93 Attack.
-91 Strength.
-88 Defence.
-87 Range.
-75 Woodcutting.
-78 Farming.
-80 Crafting.
-75 Mining.
-93 Fletching.
-88 Fishing.
-2500 PKHonor Points.
-150m GP.
Dragon Halberd.
-Crash Island teleport.
-1500 Magic logs.
-2000 Magic shortbow (u).
-1500 Cooked Manta ray.
-500 Adamanite ore.
-800 Mithril ore.
-300 Clean Kwuarm.
-300 Clean Snapdragon.
-300 Clean Avantoe.
-300 Clean Cadantine.
-200 Green d'hide sets (Body, Chaps and Vambs).
-Royal set (Top, leggings, sceptre, crown and amulet).
-Crystal bow full.
-Crystal shield full.
-8 1B tickets (only if you don't want to get the above).
(Pest invasion: ... t_invasion )
(The last journey: ... st_journey )
(Correcting history: ... ng_history )

Permanent Ancient Curses.
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Before you buy those you want to have premium status.Unlocking those prayer will give you acces to soulsplit and turmoil.The cost to unlock those prayer is the following: 3x 1b tickets and 3000 pkhonor points.You can unlock those prayer by going at edgeville.The altar to unlock those is near the altar where you use bones on.

Rapid Renewal Prayer/augury prayer/rigour prayer.
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To unlock those you simply click on the scrolls.Unlocking the prayer will destroy the scrolls.To get those scrolls you can kill the kalphite queen,chaos elemental or buy them from g.e.

Trading rights.
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(Method1)Go to ::shops and talk with pkp points dude.You can pay with the following:500m coins,800 pkp and 100 pc points.
(Method2)Go to ::Shops and talk with pkp points can pay with the following:500m coins and 1200 pkp
I really hope that guide helped you.I will make it cleaner tomorrow and i will probably start working on the completionist cape one(will be long if i do).

INFO NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE GUIDE: Xp per 10 bolt diamond bolts(e) enchanted.

People that helped.
Spoiler: show
-B0rnt0b3pk(fletching guide).
-Skiller fabs(herblore guide).
-Xoros and Jonas(wise old man achivement).
-????(Last journey quest guide).
-Pkomi(pest invasion quest guide).
-B0rnt0b3pk(correcting history quest guide).
There guide did help me to find some of the info so thank you to them!

(There is a little guide about max cape on wiki but its not as accurate as this one).

I still have to think about having colours but idk.
Last edited by Chameaux123 on Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:03 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Max cape.

Post by Hayden » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:35 pm

-Woodcutting and firemaking are better at ::skilling, extra 5% xp bonus

-Woodcutting and firemaking give even xp per log now (been this way for at least a year), 10k each. Woodcutting brawlers give bonus woodcutting and firemaking xp, that's why you use them

-When you receive seeds you get woodcutting xp, no firemaking xp

-Super prayers are faster xp / hour, less afk though. They're also more useful.

-Third Age Druidic gives bonus herblore xp, might want to include it as a bonus

-Trading rights cost either 500m coins, 800 pkp, and 100 pc points, or 500m coins and 1200 pkp

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Re: Max cape.

Post by Chameaux123 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:37 pm

Hayden wrote:-Woodcutting and firemaking are better at ::skilling, extra 5% xp bonus

-Woodcutting and firemaking give even xp per log now (been this way for at least a year), 10k each. Woodcutting brawlers give bonus woodcutting and firemaking xp, that's why you use them

-When you receive seeds you get woodcutting xp, no firemaking xp

-Super prayers are faster xp / hour, less afk though. They're also more useful.

-Third Age Druidic gives bonus herblore xp, might want to include it as a bonus

-Trading rights cost either 500m coins, 800 pkp, and 100 pc points, or 500m coins and 1200 pkp
I have not played for months and i had this guide started in my folder.I will update it with the info you gave me.I know its a shit guide but your info will help the guide alot.Thank you.

(I lost alot of my knowledge too so there is probably alot of wrong thing that im gonna fix+the new update).

EDIT:I will include more method for each skills (expensive and fast,cheap and slow).Also i have a few other guide in my folder but they are probably outdated with all the new update so idk if i should post them.

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Re: Max cape.

Post by Ayeno1 » Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:22 am

Also dude it is highly likely that you would have 200m attack, hp and probably strength

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Iron midas
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Re: Max cape.

Post by Iron midas » Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:41 am

Will be directing this to others once completed & updated :thumbsup:

Pajama treee
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Re: Max cape.

Post by Pajama treee » Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:09 am

too much stuff, should put the requirements in spoilers to clean this up, very messy.

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Re: Max cape.

Post by Chameaux123 » Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:47 am

Pajama treee wrote:too much stuff, should put the requirements in spoilers to clean this up, very messy.

I will.Still gathering info atm and im gonna use spoilers when everything is gonna be perfect.Thank you for the feedback.

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G2 scream
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Re: Max cape guide.

Post by G2 scream » Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:51 pm

not a bad guide in general :thumbsup:

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Re: Max cape guide.

Post by Sinusoidal » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:59 pm

Very nice! However, I'd replace Smiting and Fletching with Strength and Attack for shills with 200 xp.

Yeah u
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Re: Max cape guide.

Post by Yeah u » Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:38 pm

Cool guide :badjokeeel:
It just grows like that, and if you just happen to set it on fyah

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