PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

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PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Mike » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:42 am

Alright, so since we want to make our server as PK'er friendly as possible, I do believe we lack one important thing for new players: the option to go PK'ing right from the get-go, with some decent items, gear and stats already at your disposal. Of course, we'd have to implement a system to prevent trading over of starter items as an easy money making method.

The main reason I want something like this, is the fact that I've seen a whole lot of new players getting turned away by having to invest time and energy into training skills and obtaining decent items before being able to see and test our PK'ing. If we can allow a player to go PK'ing right from the first second, they could get a taste of the server and decide to stay. It could also give veterans the ability to just make a new pure for fun and enjoy some PK'ing without having to invest time and money into the account first.

So, here's what I have in mind. Feel free to give your opinion on this and pitch in if you think you have some ideas for improvement.

Players can start the game with level 99 in 3 (or 4?) combat skills - pretty much like it is now. However, they would also get a decent amount of HP (70? 99?) and prayer level (43? 70? 77?), as well as a decent melee, ranged and magic weapon and untradeable runes, food and arrows so they can PK right away without needing any training.

I would also drop the initial price to unlock ancient curses (and see if I can refund the appropriate amount of PKpoints to everyone who paid for it in the past). The price for 1 hour of curses would remain the same, same for unlocking endless curses.

Small list of possible (untradeable) starter items, we can pick a few from this list, feel free to suggest your own:
> dragon gloves
> rune gear
> leather gear
> mage robes
> rune scimi
> dragon scimi
> dds
> degradable whip
> msb
> dark bow
> rune xbow
> anti-dragon shield
> rune arrows
> sharks
> mantas
> prayer, magic, ranged, super str, att, def pots
> chaos, blood, death runes

Oh, and I wouldn't give them any money. They should have all they need to start making money from PK'ing through artifacts.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Ain » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:44 am

Give them 70 prayer, so they can use piety & protect prayers. Giving 99 HP is fine, it's not game breaking. Having to get 99 hp is just annoying for new players.


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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Rwter » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:45 am

60 att, 99 str, 80 hp, 99 range, 99 mage, 52 pray

Msb, 2000 arrows, 50 iron sets, 50 Black dhide chaps, 10 d2hs, 50 dds', 10 unholy books, 50 pairs of mith gloves, 50 climbing boots

60 att 91 str 75 hp 99 range 99 mage 52 pray

Same as above, but dragon gloves, and rune armour.


Also let us buy these items in bulk from ::shops, regearing is a pain in the ass.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Swaggit » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:49 am

So what happens to these untradeable items once they get Pked?

Also, fucking reimburse me for 1-70 prayer then :(

Also, is this some new type of game mode or does every new account now get this?

Also, what makes these items untradeable?

Support, hope to get my questions answered as I'm genuinely interested.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Mike » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:23 am

Swaggit wrote:So what happens to these untradeable items once they get Pked?

Also, fucking reimburse me for 1-70 prayer then :(

Also, is this some new type of game mode or does every new account now get this?

Also, what makes these items untradeable?

Support, hope to get my questions answered as I'm genuinely interested.
Good questions.

As for prayer, I have a few ideas on how to "refund" players for 70 prayer. We could possibly add the equivalent of 1 - 70 prayer XP to every single player (and allow players to reset it to 0 for free, for the skillers)

I was initially considering a 'game mode' your choose just like Ironman or a regular account. However, I figured why not give this to every single player instead so we can get rid of the timeplayed requirements for starters altogether?
As for stats, I'd let the players choose which they want to enhance. I'd like to add a few (skill-specific) XP lamps to a player's inventory so they can set the stats themselves and don't need to use ::pure

What would make the items untradeable is that they're a different item ID. They are simply a copy of the original, so they wouldn't stack in your bank (but I see no problem with that). Implementing copies of a few items shouldn't be too much work.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Iron adam » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:28 am

Kishan wrote:60 att, 99 str, 80 hp, 99 range, 99 mage, 52 pray

Msb, 2000 arrows, 50 iron sets, 50 Black dhide chaps, 10 d2hs, 50 dds', 10 unholy books, 50 pairs of mith gloves, 50 climbing boots

60 att 91 str 75 hp 99 range 99 mage 52 pray

Same as above, but dragon gloves, and rune armour.


Also let us buy these items in bulk from ::shops, regearing is a pain in the ass.
Love this. I also think the ::pure command should be unlimited usage. Makes it easy for people to pk on different builds without having to make a new acc or retrain.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Ain » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:28 am

Mike wrote:
Swaggit wrote:So what happens to these untradeable items once they get Pked?

Also, fucking reimburse me for 1-70 prayer then :(

Also, is this some new type of game mode or does every new account now get this?

Also, what makes these items untradeable?

Support, hope to get my questions answered as I'm genuinely interested.
Good questions.

As for prayer, I have a few ideas on how to "refund" players for 70 prayer. We could possibly add the equivalent of 1 - 70 prayer XP to every single player (and allow players to reset it to 0 for free, for the skillers)

I was initially considering a 'game mode' your choose just like Ironman or a regular account. However, I figured why not give this to every single player instead so we can get rid of the timeplayed requirements for starters altogether?
As for stats, I'd let the players choose which they want to enhance. I'd like to add a few (skill-specific) XP lamps to a player's inventory so they can set the stats themselves and don't need to use ::pure

What would make the items untradeable is that they're a different item ID. They are simply a copy of the original, so they wouldn't stack in your bank (but I see no problem with that). Implementing copies of a few items shouldn't be too much work.
Or just don't "refund" players. If anyone cries about the xp from 70 prayer they should be fisted tbh.

Just make it the new starter set. "pk"honor

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Skullsnipe » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:29 am

What about players making multiple accounts, to pk with right from the get go? It would be an unlimited way to get free gear and stats to pk with.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Swaggit » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:31 am

Mike wrote:
Swaggit wrote:So what happens to these untradeable items once they get Pked?

Also, fucking reimburse me for 1-70 prayer then :(

Also, is this some new type of game mode or does every new account now get this?

Also, what makes these items untradeable?

Support, hope to get my questions answered as I'm genuinely interested.
Good questions.

As for prayer, I have a few ideas on how to "refund" players for 70 prayer. We could possibly add the equivalent of 1 - 70 prayer XP to every single player (and allow players to reset it to 0 for free, for the skillers)

I was initially considering a 'game mode' your choose just like Ironman or a regular account. However, I figured why not give this to every single player instead so we can get rid of the timeplayed requirements for starters altogether?
As for stats, I'd let the players choose which they want to enhance. I'd like to add a few (skill-specific) XP lamps to a player's inventory so they can set the stats themselves and don't need to use ::pure

What would make the items untradeable is that they're a different item ID. They are simply a copy of the original, so they wouldn't stack in your bank (but I see no problem with that). Implementing copies of a few items shouldn't be too much work.
I was absolutely kidding about refunding players for prayer, they can get over it. I do, however, like the ability to go to 0 for free, for skllers.

As for the untradeable items, what happens on drop?

Good ideas, honestly.

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Re: PK with 0 seconds timeplayed

Post by Grizzly mint » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:33 am

When you make a new account there's an option for normal, and ironman. Perhaps a pker start-up?

I've seen it in many different servers. You have main, skiller, pure builds. Each had a different set of items. Just a thought.

As for free untradeable items upon start up, I like it. But let's face it, if they don't have a good special attack weapon, the gear you give them is useless. They won't get any kills using a dds. Shit, even in max gear you have a tough time getting kills with it.

I don't even know if it's possible, or if anyone else would support it. But giving them undtradable claws/ags that turns to ash after 1 hour of combat. Because you really can't get the feel of PKH pking unless you have one of those weapons.
