PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

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Grizzly mint
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PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Grizzly mint » Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:53 am

EDIT:: so I made this over a year ago and it never got finished, but I decided to post it anyways. I hope you learn from it. (and dagon hai prices were different at the time). Welcome to my Guide/Drop log where I show you the best most efficient way to maximize profits on popular NPC's.

I will be showing you many things including a drop log (If necessary), Estimated time to complete the task, gear, and other miscellaneous tips.

This can be used by new players as well as older players. I hope you enjoy.

Table of Contents:Easily find the NPC you're looking for.
Kalphite Queen.............. (Requirements: 26 completed achievements)
Dagannoth Kings........... (Requirements: 20 completed achievements)
Wildywyrm................... (Requirements: None)
Black Dragons............... (Requirements: None)

Kalphite Queen:She can be found under the "monster" teleport in your spellbook. Combat level: 333
She has two forms, the first form can only be killed by melee attacks, and the second form by range or magic. (range is preferred). There are exceptions to this though. Verac's and a Keris can also be used to hit both forms. A Keris can be bought from player owned houses. Melee Protect is recommended.

Gear:Pick and choose which gear works best for you. Void has been proven to be better though.
Gear can vary, but I've found that this set-up works best for me. (I also use a whip of chaos).
A Zaryte bow can be used in place of a Rune, or Chaotic Crossbow.
Unholy book can be used a shield switch when you're safely behind two Guardians.


Tips:These will help improve your loot, and kill times. Read all of them.
Complete all of the achievements before doing this. (it will increase the dragon defender drop rate).
Complete all the elites that you get before continuing.
Use either prayer. I've tested both and neither one seems to be better than the other. (not sure why).
Make sure you're overloaded at all times, tab and recharge prayer/hitpoints after each kill. (so make sure to bring enough teleport tabs).
Bring vengeance. (optional) It helps with faster kills. Use a Dragonfire Shield special to also speed up kills. (operate the shield).
Use a Fortune for the last few hits on the first form, and use a special on the second form. Every bit helps in my opinion.
After you kill the first form. Stand behind two Guardians. This allows you to "safe" the second form, making it a whole lot easier.

(These kills are in the order than I got them).

Drop Log

1. d skirt, 250k
2. 500k
3. ashes
4. 500k
5. rapid renewal
6. ashes
7. dragon baxe
8. dagon hai hat, enchanted top, 500k
9. enchanted top, augory
10. ashes
11. 350k
12. 250k
13. 500k
14. ashes
15. dragon defender
16. ashes
17. ashes
18. dragon legs
19. ashes
20. d skirt
21. ashes
22. rigour scroll, augory
23. 500k
24. dagon hai bottoms
25. ashes
26. 250k
27. enchanted bottoms
28. ashes
29. ashes
30. ashes
31. ashes
32. ashes
33. enchanted bottoms
34. 600k
35. ashes
36. ashes
37. dragon defender, 250k
38. ashes
39. rapid renewal scroll
40. dagon hai top
41. enchanted top, rigour scroll
42. Kalphite Queen head (for POH)
43. ashes
44. dragon defender, dagon hai bottoms
45. enchanted top
46. ashes
47. ashes
48. rapid renewal scroll
49. ashes
50. 180k, dagon hai bottoms
51. ashes
52. 80k
53. ashes
54. 200k
55. 500k
56. ashes
57. 100k
58. enchanted top, enchanted bottoms, dagon hai hat, 250k
59. dragon square shield
60. ashes
61. ashes
62. 100k, enchanted hat
63. dragon defender
64. 500k
65. 500k
66. dragon skirt, 80k
67. augury scroll
68. ashes
69. ashes
70. augory
71. dragon battleaxe
72. ashes
73. dragon defender
74. 500k
75. 100k
76. dagon hai top, rapid renewal scroll
77. enchanted bottoms, rapid renewal scroll, 500k
78. dragon skirt, dagon hai top
79. ashes
80. ashes, elite
81. 500k, dagon hai top
82. 200k, dragon skirt
83. ashes
84. dragon skirt, elite
85. ashes
86. ashes
87. dragon defender, enchanted hat, 500k
88. enchanted bottoms
89. 250k
90. ashes
91. 250k
92. dragon boots
93. ashes
94. ashes
95. dragon defender
96. enchanted top
97. 250k
98. enchanted hat
99. ashes
100. ashes


Do not Alch anything in note form. It will change the Alch value for some reason.

Overall Outcome:The value is based on current GE prices, and high alchemy values. (Enchanted, Dagon Hai, Scrolls). the scrolls can sell for higher, so this is really a minimum amount.

Estimated Value: After I price checked everything, it came out to 2.5b. (excluding elites) With the elites it's easily 4.5b.
The prices are based off of the High Alchemy prices of, (enchanted, dragon hai, dragon items, and scrolls).
The lowest sell offer at the time was 360m for a dragon defender. I priced these at 200m in my price check.
There were no current sell offers for Rigour. So I priced them at 120m. (I've sold Rigours for much more than that).

Acquired PKP: 168 (I am maxed experience in almost all combat stats, so you will get quite a bit more than I did. So again, this is the minimum amount to expect).

Time to complete: 2 hours and 46 minutes. (This was the time it took me to achieve 100 kills. Keep in mind you often have to compete for kills, which could change your results).

Accumulative GP per hour: Based off of my total loot and the time it took to kill 100 Kalphite Queen.
I got 909m profit per hour. Including elites, it would be 1628m (1.6b) per hour.

Other: I would give you an estimated amount of experience from this. But again, I am maxed in experience.
I enjoy Kalphite Queen, the loots are pretty decent, and it's an easy boss to kill.
I strongly recommend this boss to any player honestly. I currently have 800+ kills, and if I had to guess, I've made well over 25b from her.
It's a constant flow of money, unlike other bosses. Which makes this a great boss for newer players.

Dagonnoth Kings:The Dagonnoth Kings can be found under the "monster" teleport. Combat level: 303
There are three types, Dagannoth Prime, Dagannoth Rex, and Dagannoth Supreme. They can be killed by any form of combat, but melee is advised.

Gear:These set-ups work best.
The Torva can also be replaced with Bandos, and a Helm of Neitiznot.
Weapons can vary, depending on what combat style you wish to train. (Rapier, or Whip of Souls are also good weapons for this boss).

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Tips:This boss is pretty simple.
Always keep "Mage Protect" on, along with turmoil. (or piety). Your Hitpoints can drop fairly quick here so "Protect Item" would be advised.
There are usually other people killing them, so it's best to stick to two Dagannoths instead of running around to all three.
Use a Whip of Souls, or Whips of Chaos as your primary weapon. Switch to a fortune for the last hit. This will help your drops significantly.
Complete all the Achievements before doing these. (It will increase your drop rates for the Hand Cannon).
Complete any Elites you get immediately. These are great bosses for Elite hunting, so complete your clues, then go back and continue killing the bosses.
When you run out of Overloads, Prayer potions, or Brews, teleport out and restock. It only takes a minute, then you're back at it.
Remember your Teleport tabs. It's easy to die here, so you don't want to be running around trying to teleport with no food. (Gf Void)

Drog Log:A numeric chart wouldn't be the most effective way to chart this boss. So I will be doing this log in one hour intervals.

First Hour: Total drops for the hour -

Archers Ring -
Seers Ring -
Berserker Ring -
Ranger Boots -
Robin Hood Hat -
Helm of Neitiznot -
Infinity Hat -
Infinity Top -
Infinity Bottoms -
Infinity Boots -
Infinity Gloves -
Mage's Book -
Wizard Boots -
Hand Cannon -

Second Hour: Total drops for the hour -

Archers Ring -
Seers Ring -
Berserker Ring -
Ranger Boots -
Robin Hood Hat -
Helm of Neitiznot -
Infinity Hat -
Infinity Top -
Infinity Bottoms -
Infinity Boots -
Infinity Gloves -
Mage's Book -
Wizard Boots -
Hand Cannon -

Final Totals: Total drops for both hours combined -

Archers Ring -
Seers Ring -
Berserker Ring -
Ranger Boots -
Robin Hood Hat -
Helm of Neitiznot -
Infinity Hat -
Infinity Top -
Infinity Bottoms -
Infinity Boots -
Infinity Gloves -
Mage's Book -
Wizard Boots -
Hand Cannon -

Overall Outcome:Prices may vary. Most of these items don't sell in the GE. (Infinity, Wizard boots, Ect.).
The Hand Cannon, and Berserker ring are based off of GE prices. The others are based off of High Alchemy values.

Estimated Value:

Acquired PKP: (I am maxed experience in almost all combat stats, so you will get quite a bit more than I did. So again, this is the minimum amount to expect)

Time to Complete: Two Hours, (Obviously).

Other: Dagannoths are one of my favorite bosses to kill when i'm Elite hunting. There fun and easy to kill. Normally there are other players killing them as well so you'll always have someone to talk too to make it less boring. All in all, a good boss.
I don't recommend soloing this boss. You take quite a bit of damage and the kills are much slower.
These bosses work better in groups of 3-4 people.

Wildywyrm:The Wildywyrm can be found in the wilderness, using the Wildywyrm Scroll. Combat level: 382
The Wildywyrm can be a tricky boss. It has a lot of hitpoints, and it hits quite often. Not to mention it's in the wilderness. So don't risk anything you're not willing to lose. Magic Protect is recommended.

Gear:Melee or Range works well, i wouldn't suggest using magic.
Void works really well for both types of combat. (I think you're starting to see a trend here).
Down below I've shown multiple gear set-ups. These work well for me.

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Tips:These will help you get the most kills per inventory, as well defending against PK'ers.

If you're going to solo, I recommend the Torva set up, with a Whip of Souls.
I strongly recommend Divine, it really helps with the Wildywyrm. (As well as PK'ers).
Whip of Fortune is optional, I mostly use it when Elite Hunting.
Whip of Souls is also a good weapon in place of the Chaos.
You can also use Dragon bolts (E), instead of Ruby bolts (E). Although I believe the damage output outweighs the Hitpoints taken from the Ruby bolt special.
Dragonhide can be used in place of Karil's, if you're worried about dying to PK'ers.
I recommend banking when your brew count is getting low, to avoid dying to PK'ers.
I also recommend getting premium before doing this boss. It will increase your loot by a significant amount.
Swap to your Ring of Wealth near the end of the kill for the extra luck if your trying to get Elites.

Drop Log:This boss has no drops, except for Elite clue scrolls.
So I will be basing this drop log off how many kills, (PKP, PC's) I get per hour.
Then calculating how much profit it would be by spending these points.

First Hour: Total Kills - 9

Acquired PKP - 1350
Acquired PC's - 450

Second Hour: Total Kills - 8

Acquired PKP - 1200
Acquired PC's - 400

Final Totals - Total Kills - 17

Total Acquired PKP - 2250
Total Acquired PC's - 850

Total Estimated Profit - 2800m (2.8b)

Overall Outcome:The outcome really depends on how quickly you can kill this boss, and how many Elites you obtain.

Estimated Value: This will all depends on what you buy with your PKP. Personally I would buy Corrupt Vesta pieces, as they sell for around 200m each.
With your PKP buying Corrupt Vesta - 2400m (2.4b)
With your PC's buying full void (i'm pricing them at 50m a piece, prices can vary). - 400m +
Total Profit - 2800m (2.8b) + 2 Elites (4.8B)
Profit per hour - 1400m (1.4b) + 2 Elites (2.4B)

Other: This boss is by far the best method for obtaining PKP. Achieving Unlimited Curses, Trading Rights, and miscellaneous Quest requirements is easily done with this boss.
You can make a good amount of money here. It's just a risky boss, and you normally have to compete for kills.

Black Dragons: These can be found under the "monster" teleport. Combat Level: 227
Black Dragons are more for a newer player that's looking for PVM money making methods, rather than skilling methods.

Gear:Black Dragons are really simple, you don't need badass gear to kill these at all.
Simply bring your best gear, they won't hit at all If you do it correctly.
I actually didn't have any rune, so I just chose dragon. Honestly any melee gear will work just fine.

Image Image

Tips:There isn't much to this NPC.
First of all, make sure you use Antifire Potions.
Protect Melee, or use Soulsplit.
Once you get a full inventory High Alch the un-noted dragon bones, and dragonhide. They Alch for about 160k each.

Total Loot: This is more of a new players NPC, or someone wanting to get some bones for prayer.


Overall Outcome: I would only recommend this NPC if your new to the game.
This guide would also help you maximize profits if your killing them for slayer.

Estimated value: 126m

Acquired PKP: 62

Time to complete: 1 hour. It's a simple NPC so I didn't feel the need to do more than one hour.

Other: I only did this one for the new players. I see a bunch of mining guides out there for newer players, and I thought why not make a PVM guide for new players.
Plus it's better than that 40m per hour or so when you use those mining methods.
Also, I crafted all the gems that they dropped. I got 122k crafting experience, a nice little bonus. (You can craft while in combat)

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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Brant » Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:03 pm

U don't need a requirement for dagg and kq but if u want hc and ddefender u do

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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by James » Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:54 pm

Brant wrote:U don't need a requirement for dagg and kq but if u want hc and ddefender u do
Sigh. Yes you do.

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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Ruler » Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:59 pm

Funny guy wrote:
Brant wrote:U don't need a requirement for dagg and kq but if u want hc and ddefender u do
Sigh. Yes you do.
Not anymore since the last update. Get your facts right fucking ginger.

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Grizzly mint
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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Grizzly mint » Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:36 pm

Brant wrote:U don't need a requirement for dagg and kq but if u want hc and ddefender u do
I said it was made over a year ago in the first sentence of the thread. That was changed what, 8 days ago?

Ez bankstand
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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Ez bankstand » Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:06 pm

Great guide overall,but wildywrym drops blood diamond aswell (worth 10b at the time) :)

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Re: PVM Money Making Guide W/Drop Log

Post by Honor claw » Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:23 pm

Must have taken you quite a portion of time.

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