[Wildy poll 5] BH emblem drop on death

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Should BH emblems drop on death?

Yes, degrade to half the tier (rounded down)
Yes, degrade to half the tier (rounded up)
Yes, degrade to tier - 2
Yes, degrade to tier - 1
No (current system)
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[Wildy poll 5] BH emblem drop on death

Post by Mike » Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:03 pm

One of the suggestions I received was as follows: if someone is fighting a bounty hunter target and kills them, the target's bounty hunter emblem (if any) should also drop, albeit a lower tier than the one they were carrying.

Of course, this suggestion would only be implemented if we allow players to have multiple BH emblems to begin with, but considering most - if not all - of our players are in favor of that, there's a very good chance that will be the case.

Personally, I'm okay with BH emblems dropping on death, provided it's a much lower tier, so say half the initial tier, rounded down. I know that most people will most likely be in favor of having it degrade just one tier, but I think that's just too much. We don't want things to be too easy either. I've included the poll option, but keep in mind that we may not necessarily go with the most popular option, certainly not at first (maybe later? we'll see).

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Re: [Wildy poll 5] BH emblem drop on death

Post by The underdog » Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:07 pm

Because it could be abused in osrs they have nerfed the system to as it currently is: Tier -1.

Osrs has a larger wilderness indeed, but considering almost every item in the store is tradable it shouldn't matter if you buy stuff from the store and trade it or transfer the emblem and buy the stuff from the store.

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Re: [Wildy poll 5] BH emblem drop on death

Post by Errobbie » Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:15 pm

It should just be -1 like OSRS, as well as an upgraded tier providing you're carrying one and the player you kill is your target.

As it stands, there is absolutely no need in degrading the other player's tier to less than half upon death.

Honestly, make it as it is on OSRS and you'll be fine.
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Re: [Wildy poll 5] BH emblem drop on death

Post by Smdjagex » Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:44 pm

Make a bell curve. The first diviation being -1 the second being -2 and the third being 0.
Ill add a diagram later
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