[REPOST] Some cool stuff to do with your Honor

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[REPOST] Some cool stuff to do with your Honor

Post by Fungamer » Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:24 pm

Spoiler: show
2719 9622 -complete blackness, explore ere
2567 9627 - weird caves with cages and alot of ladders
2627 9584 - looks like an important cave..
1781 4978 - MUSEUM, HOPE IT WORKS!
2702 9993 - Neat small cave, green grass!!11 lol
2737 10161 - Mint looking boat wreck in a cave
2338 4747 - Error tele, lever place
3553 9714 3 - Dharoks grave
3557 9699 3 - Ahrims grave
3571 9705 3 - Veracs grave
3572 9688 3 - Torags grave
3553 9684 3 - Karils grave
3535 9705 3 - Guthans grave
2607 9676 - Cool z0ne man!
2584 9736 - Zone with a chest n fires, c0l
2576 9889 - Fire Giants, make it.
3592 3337 1 - COol on top of buolding with planks
3523 3358 1 - waste pipes
2344 10332 2 - Weird ice chunk cave with big stone to mine
2720 3289 - Maybe a new staffzone
1952 4360 - A tunnel in the (THEM BIG GREY THINGS CAVE, FORGOT)
1961 4393 2 - Another part
-*/Pyramid Plunder/*-
1928 4470 0 - Lvl 21 |
1956 4466 0 - Lvl 31 |
1936 4453 0 - Lvl 41 |
1955 4448 0 - Lvl 51 |
1927 4437 0 - Lvl 61 |
1949 4429 0 - Lvl 71 |
1973 4430 0 - Lvl 81 |
2652 9999 - Fremmy maze
2795 3321 - crash island place(Small)
2907 9705 - Black Knight area (Tav dungeon)
2966 9633 - Cat fighting area
1663 5695 - Playing Fist of guthix (Inside the actual game)
1642 5600 - Fist of Guthix Waiting Area (Just before the game)
1675 5599 - Fist Of Guthix Hall (THe Area with shop and bank)
2440 3090 0 = lobby
2381 9489 0 = sara
2400 9504 0 = midle of dungeon
2421 9523 0 = zammy
2616 9568 - tiny cave with stairs
2382, 4425 - ZANARIS!!!!
3214 9693 - Drilling machine in cave
3111 9837 - Cool cave, nice staff zone if i must say
2486 4973 - Fox, Chicken nd grain sack quest palce
2563 4958 - HUGE GREY AREA with 4 mini blue fires
3323 9609 - Mistag area, zanik etx..
3259 9517 - tears of guthix, collection PLACE
3000 9520 - FISH PLACE, (Underwater During Rfd)
2328 3677 - Pisc fishing w.e, REALLY NICE PLACE
2366 3610 - hunt eagle w.e pen
3236 9767 - varrock sewers
3096 9880 - under edgeville
3104 9576 - under wizards tower
3080 9664 - draynor sewers
3208 9616 - under lumbridge
3240 9801 - under varrock blue moon pub
3240 9776 - black arms gang hideout
1680 5592 - fist of guthix first part
3243, 5483 - Crabs green drags/d.deoirdkm94e
3240, 5468 - Mages dungeon //where I go for green drags
2196 3249 - Elf Camp
2185 3147 - Another elf camp
2473 4840 - Law alter, choas elemental go der
2518 4648 - Under Lighthouse, where that mother dagganoth or w.e spawns
3235 9801 - House (underground)
3269 9845 - Hell? Anger weapon place
3079 9885 - Cool place in edge dungeon
2457 5290 - BUNNY HOLE thru easter event
2464 5330 - Main Easter Event Hall
2893 2726 - CRASH Island
1886 5472 - barbian assult room 1
2592 5260 - barbian assult waiting room
2871 5318 - Godwars (height = 2)
3082 4229 - Safety First dungeon - Starting Point
3160 4246 - Safety First dungeon - 1st Floor
3140 4230 - Safety First dungeon - 2nd Floor
3171 4271 - Safety First dungeon - 3rd Floor
3231 5091 - Duel Arena tournament
1759 4958 - Varrock museum (downstairs)
1675 5599 - Fist of guthix (main room)
3242 3572 - Fist of guthix (entrance)
3273 3686 - Clan Wars (PORTAL ROOM)
3299 3722 - Clan Wars (SOUTH PORTAL)
3295 3776 - Clan Wars (CENTER)
3289 3829 - Clan Wars (NORTH PORTAL)
3179 3685 - BH OUTSIDE
3129 3713 - BH INSIDE
3222 3217 - Lumbridge
3211 3424 - VARROCK
2966 3379 - FALADOR
2758 3479 - CAMALOT
2659 3661 - RELLEKKA
2661 3310 - ARDOUGNE
3161 3486 - GE
2868 3546 - Warriors guild
3184 9832 - under varrock bank
3236 9767 - varrock sewers
3096 9880 - under edgeville
3104 9576 - under wizards tower
3080 9664 - draynor sewers
3208 9616 - under lumbridge
3224 9800 - under varrock blue moon pub
3240 9776 - black arms gang hideout
2008 4762 - Mime Random
2764 9103 - Ape atol - dungeon (one for monkey madness)
2207 5346 - pikkuspix house downstair (summoning one)
3482 4838 - water altar
2400 4844 - nature altar
2846 4836 - air altar
2269 4840 - chaos altar
2522 4842 - body altar
2784 4843 - mind altar
2466 4833 - law altar
2587 4836 - fire altar
2142 4836 - cosmic altar
2657 4830 - earth altar
2213 3794 - Lunar Boat
2110 3915 - Lunar Isle
2329 10353 - Lunar Mine
2509 3845 - Miscellania
2509 10245 - underground place on miscellania
2619 10265 - other side of underground
2405 3782 - Jastizo
2310 3782 - Netiznot
2931 4711 - Watchtower tele 3rd floor
2728 3349 - Legends Guild
3061 4984 - Rogues Den
2912 5474 - Squire Garden minigame
3363 3300 - Magic Arena (north of duel arena)
3047 9756 - Mining Guild
1694 5464 - Runecrafting Guild
2841 3538 - Warriors Guild
3483 9510 - Kalphite Queen Entrance
3508 9493 - Kalphite Queen zone
2520 5000 - under lumbridge
2328 5736 - quarantend lumby
3168 4940 - quarantend lumby mine
3193 9832 - under varrock bank
3232 9856 - varrock sewers
3096 9880 - under edgeville
3104 9576 - under wizards tower
3085 9672 - draynor sewers
3208 9616 - under lumbridge
3232 9801 - under varrock blue moon pub
3240 9770 - black arms gang hideout
1676 5599 - fist of guthix first part
1860 5245 - first floor
2040 5232 - second floor
2128 5288 - third floor
2304 5200 - fourth floor
3040 9776 - under fally mine
3105 9755 - under draynor manor
3075 9770 - under draynor manor - vampire bit
3008 9544 - cave with blurite
2480 5175 - tzhaar
2936 3144 - karamja
2649 9393 - Rantz cave
2619 9767 - gobllin cave south-east fishing guild - (missing mapdata =10391)
2716 9888 - Elemental workshop
2719 3780 - Hunting area north-east Rellekka
2716 3902 - Hunting area north-east Rellekka Upsteps (height = 1)
2773 10162 - Tunnel Before Keldagrim (start of Giant dwaft)
2795 3720 - Snowy area Thro a door in the tunnel before keldagrim
2838 10124 - Start of The big dwaft Quest
2827 10216 - Keldagrim
1940 4958 - Blast furnace
3363 3275 - Duel Arena
1970 5320 - Tai bwo wanna bu
2206 5346 - Summon area (under house)
2530 5286 - Bunny holes
2587 5284 - Waiting area, barb assualt
1829 5217 - Ship on fire
3047 10343 - LAVA AREA WITH GATE
2672 3089 - Spider place near yannile
Weird water place ::tele 2676,3008
2636 4040 1 <-- ICE PLACE PENG
Grave island 3504 3575
Fenkenstrain's castle 3550 3548
Ruins of Uzer 3490 3090
Inside maze ( near cwars): 2525 3167
That big camp near: 2585 3150
Gultanoth(ogre place): 2516 3044
Kharazi: 2822 2911
Runite Rocks in wildy: 3061 3886
2707 9563 - That dungeon door in karamja, in it.
Shadow Warriors: 2705 9758
Varrock: 3214 3424
Barbvillage: 3081 3424
Edgeville: 3093 3493
Port Sarim: 3023 3208
Rimmington: 2957 3214
Draynor Village: 3093 3244
Lumbridge: 3223 3218
Some kinda swamp: 3687 3502
3608 3543 - Broken ghostly ship with rock road ahead
3660 3517 - Phasmatys bone thingy
3662 3495 - Phasmatys Main, ( ALL MAPDATA)
West Ardougne: 2535 3305
East Ardougne: 2659 3308
Catherby: 2815 3447
Camelotcastle: 2758 3495
Seersvillage: 2708 3492
1890 4368 - WEIRD cave WITH WATER in too.
2338 4747: Teleport thing, Lever place
2463 4781: Frog Cave
1960 4824: THE ACTUAL Trawler Minigame.
2015 4826: Trawler Minigame inside
1954 4826 - The sunken one
2080 4825 - place u go when sunken, weird land
2132 4909 - Draynor, ( NOT REAL ) Weird one
2961 3028 - Nice island
2615 2890 - A hut on beach
3440 3333 - Grotto, IN SWAMP, GOOD FOR MEMBER DOOR
2770 2980 - Island, maybe make it as new home
1948 4872 1 - Weird cave
2400 4850: Nature Altar!
2413 4711 - SOme really weird cave
3039 4834 - The abbyss
2931 4819 - Essence Mine
2867 9955 - Ice Queen Lair
3429 3538 - Slayer Tower
2710 9466 - Brimhaven Dungeon
2856 3812 - Ice Path
2480 3437 - Gnome Agility Training
3281 2765 - Pyramid Plunder room
3345 3251 - Duel Arena
2717 9808 - King Black Dragon Cave
3044 4973 - Rouges Den
Big water fall ::tele 2534,3511
Very back of wild ::tele 3100,3957
Varrock east bank ::tele 3250,3423
Varrock ::tele 3210,3424
Falador ::tele 2964,3378
Lumbridge ::tele 3222,3218
Camelot ::tele 2757,3477
East Ardougne ::tele 2662,3305
West Ardougne ::tele 2529,3307
King Lathas Training Grounds ::tele 2516,3369
Tree Gnome Stronghold ::tele 2461,3443
Al Kharid ::tele 3293,3174
Shantays Pass ::tele 3304,3116
Kalphite Lair ::tele 3226,3107
Pyramid ::tele 3233,2902
Pollnivneach ::tele 3359,2910
Menaphos/Sophanem ::tele 3274,2784
Yanille ::tele 2606,3093
Gul'Tanoth ::tele 2516,3044
Tutorial Island ::tele 3094,3107
Barbarian Village ::tele 3082,3420
Entrana ::tele 2834,3335
Heroes Guild ::tele 2902,3510
Rangers Guild ::tele 2658,3439
Coal Trucks ::tele 2582,3481
Goblin Village ::tele 2956,3506
Druids Circle ::tele 2926,3482
Burthorpe ::tele 2926,3559
White wolf mountain ::tele 2848,3498
Catherby ::tele 2813,3447
Seers village ::tele 2708,3492
Fishing guild ::tele 2603,3414
Barbarian Agility Course ::tele 2541,3546
Prifddinas ::tele 2242,3278
Elf camp (Tirannwn) ::tele 2197,3252
Isafdar (Tirannwn) ::tele 2241,3238
Duel arena ::tele 3360,3213
Desert mining camp ::tele 3286,3023
Bedabin camp ::tele 3171,3026
Bandit camp ::tele 3176,2987
Sophanem ::tele 3305,2755
Ruins of Uzer ::tele 3490,3090
Mort'ton ::tele 3489,3288
Canifis ::tele 3506,3496
Port Phasmatys ::tele 3687,3502
Fenkenstrain's castle ::tele 3550,3548
Dig site ::tele 3354,3402
Exam centre ::tele 3354,3344
Edgeville ::tele 3093,3493
Crafting guild ::tele 2933,3285
Port Sarim ::tele 3023,3208
Rimmington ::tele 2957,3214
Draynor village ::tele 3093,3244
Fight arena ::tele 2585,3150
Tree gnome village ::tele 2525,3167
Port Khazard ::tele 2665,3161
Monastery ::tele 3051,3490
Karamja ::tele 2948,3147
Crandor ::tele 2851,3238
King Black Dragon Lair ::tele 2717,9816
KQ Lair ::tele 3487,9493
Underground pass level 2 ::tele 2337,9798
Weird water place ::tele 2676,3008
Members Karajama ::tele 2815,3182
Grave island ::tele 3504,3575
HAM camp ::tele 3165,9629
Pyramid under Sophanem ::tele 3277,9171
Juna the snake ::tele 3251,9517
Smoky tunnels/dark room (This place needs more tests) 3206,9379
Underground pass level 1 ::tele 2495,9715
Mage Arena ::tele 3107,3937
Ape Atoll ::tele 2755,2784
Jungle demon area bottom level ::tele 2714,9183
Jungle demon area top level (use Burst of Strength) ::tele 2703,9178
Wilderness Agility Course ::tele 3003,3934
Keldagram ::tele 2937,9999
Agility arena on Karamja ::tele 2761,9557
Metal dragon dungeon (back) ::tele 2713,9459
Metal dragon dungeon (front) ::tele 2713,9564
Inside the desert treasure pyramid ::tele 3233,9315
Tree gnome hanger ::tele 2390,9886
Fishing platform ::tele 2782,3273
Boat crash island place ::tele 2795,3321
Legends quest jungle dungeon ::tele 2772,9341
TzHaar ::tele 2480,5175
Essence mine ::tele 2911,4832
Morings end part 1 mine ::tele 2044,4649
Dwarf cut scene meeting area ::tele 2035,4529
New KBD lair ::tele 2273,4695
Elven forest cut scene area ::tele 2309,4597
Gold mine rock ::tele 2358,4959
White knight tasks area ::tele 2443,4956
Rouge maze (Press Burst of Strength) ::tele 3050,5071
The shadow guys dungeon ::tele 2738,5081
Barrows top ::tele 3564,3288
Barrows tunnel ::tele 3568,9695
Barrows chest ::tele 3551,9694
CW bank= 2441,3090
CW center= 2400,3103
Blue dragons= 2910,9801
Black demons= 2860 9775
Hell Hounds= 2867,9844
Black dragons= 2829,9826
Chaos rune crafting alter ::tele 2269,4843
Legends dungeon prt2 ::tele 2375,4705
Mage arena dungeon ::tele 2519,4719
Evil Bobs island "scaperune" ::tele 2525,4776
Distant kingdom (alive) 2576,4655
Distant kingdom (dead) 2803,4723
Forester random event ::tele 2602,4775
Alt area ::tele 2527,4547
Fremmy maze ::tele 2652,9999
Death rune altar ::tele 2207,4836
Cosmic alter ::tele 2162,4833
Middle of under ground pass ::tele 2168 4726
Quiz random event ::tele 1952,4768
Trawler boat ::tele 2013,4820
Sunk trawler mini game boat ::tele 1951,4825
Trawler boat empty of water ::tele 1886,4830
Mime stage ::tele 2008,4762
"Draynor" ::tele 2130,4913
Game room ::tele 2196,4961
Mind alter ::tele 2796,4818
Air Alter ::tele 2845,4832
Water Alter ::tele 2713,4836
Earth Alter ::tele 2660,4839
Fire Alter ::tele 2584,4836
Body Alter ::tele 2527,4833
Law Alter ::tele 2464,4834
Nature Alter ::tele 2398,4841
Gas hole ::tele 2464,4782
Edge of maze ::tele 2885,4550
Center of maze ::tele 2912,4576
Falador mine ::tele 3038,9800
::tele 3157 4822 = drill deamon camp

::tele 2477 4768 = frog cave

::tele 2596 4780 = freaky forester

::tele 2095 4428 = prison pete

::tele 1952 4764 = quiz show

::tele 2338 4747 = Lost and found

::tele 1960 4824 = Twarler Mini-Game

::tele 2015 4826 = twarler mini-game inside

::tele 1971 5001 = WIERD CHRUCH! NOT ON RUNESCAPE!

::tele 1928 5002 = Grave digger

::tele 2584 4838 = fire alter

::tele 2966 9633 = somekind of rat-hole never seen this

::tele 2929 9649 = dragon slayer mace

::tele 2907 9705 = quest place (dont remember (or newer seen) what quest)

::tele 2981 9914 = recipes goblin cook place

::tele 2916 9912 = heroes guild cave

::tele 2932 9848 = chaos druids

::tele 2898 9766 = baby bluedragons

::tele 3048 9582 = ice-warriors & giants

::tele 2977 9515 = recipes crabs

::tele 2973 9505 = recipe water "mini-quest"

::tele 2783 9574 = agility arena

::tele 2835 9562 = karamja lessers

::tele 1891 4947 = quest place (dont remember (or newer seen) what quest)

::tele 2007 4431 = x-mas workshop event wooot!

::tele 2400 4850 = nature altar!

::tele 3421 9622 = quest place (dont remember (or newer seen) what quest)

::tele 1865 5330 = recipe the lum kitchen when started recipe near the secret sky must check if it is possible to see in rs.

::tele 1860 5345 = same as above but no barrier & no chairs expet one why?

::tele 2393 4713 = i don't know prob: quest place (dont remember (or newer seen) what quest)

::tele 2385 4685 = have a relation to the place above what is that?

::tele 2525 4776 = evil bob's island

::tele 2633 4700 = quest place (dont remember (or newer seen) what quest)

::tele 2650 4565 = monkey sadness fight the jungle demon?

::tele 2650 4508 = monkey sadness the gnome glider puzzle!

::tele 3300 9825 = A Soul's Bane quest

::tele 3345 9715 = mage training arena (telegrab) ftw

::tele 3350 9680 = mage training arena (telegrab) ftw another one

::tele 3345 9712 = mage training arena (telegrab) ftw another one NOTE: if you see the same arenas try changin height level!

::tele 2152 5095 = Secret island

::tele 2721 4828 = water alter

::tele 2784 4840 = mind alter

::tele 2842 4835 = air alter

::tele 2898 4819 = rune essent mining

::tele 3029 4834 = abyss

::tele 2528 4833 = wierd alter

::tele 2471 4838 = law alter

::tele 1823 4835 = two ships

::tele 3105 3930 = mage arena

::tele 1894 5333 = secret sky

::tele 1865 5341 = recipie for desaster feast

::tele 3424 9891 = under passage way to canfis

::tele 3681 9889 = ecto plasm floor

::tele 2470 9899 = under gnomes grand tree

::tele 2319 9804 = i'bans trap drop

::tele 2856 3809 = slippery ice path

::tele 3551 9693 = barrows chest

::tele 3177 9753 = under draynore mannor

::tele 3040 9741 = faladore mining guild

::tele 3079 9505 = toturial mining

::tele 3110 9512 = toturial combat train

::tele 3232 2896 = top of piramid for desert tresure

::tele 3291 2764 = desert city

::tele 3298 9179 = under desert city

::tele 2861 3165 = volcano

::tele 2863 9570 = under volcano

::tele 2835 3268 = candor

::tele 2766 3277 = fishing docks

::tele 2446 10147 = daganoth cave ( go to "::tele 2446 9999" then keep walking the right direction then ul get there )

::tele 2438 5172 = volcano lava

::tele 2395 5154 = fight pits

::tele 3234 9896 = wierd place

::tele 3132 9909 = under edgevill

::tele 3233 9313 = under piramid at acent alter

::tele 3363 9639 = mage train up ( shapes )

::tele 3363 9637 = mage train up ( bones )

::tele 3365 9637 = mage train up ( alching )

::tele 3363 2984 = a desert city

::tele 2396 5093 = fight caves

::tele 3559 9895 = football traning corse

::tele 3541 9891 = jumping corse

::tele 3528 9871 = zip line

::tele 3539 9872 = jumping steps

::tele 3555 9947 = cave

::tele 2972 9507 = Under water

::tele 2545 4715 = mage arena room

::tele 2505 4707 = mage arena statues

::tele 3551 9712 = barrows coffins

::tele 2716 9816 = black king dragon

::tele 3487 9493 = kaphite queen place

::tele 2744 3444 = camalot flax

::tele 2273 4695 = king black drags

::tele 2516 4646 = daganoth quest place mother

::tele 2121 4918 = Draynor private from map

::tele 2142 4834 = cosmic alter

::tele 2134 4717 = slave cages ( look up to see them,,cannot be walked on )

::tele 2091 3210 = wierd grass land??

rangeguild = 2657 3439
rangingguild = 2657 3439

fishguild = 2611 3393
fishingguild = 2611 3393

mineguild = 3016 3339
miningguild = 3016 3339

craftguild = 2933 3289
craftingguild = 2933 3289

heroguild = 2902 3510
herosguild = 2902 3510
heroesguild = 2902 3510

/*End Guilds*/

crystalchest = 2914 3450

deathaltar = 2207 4836
cosmicaltar = 2162 4833
chaosaltar = 2269 4843
mindaltar = 2796 4818
airaltar = 2845 4832
wateraltar = 2713 4836
earthaltar = 2660 4839
firealtar = 2584 4836
bodyaltar = 2527 4833
lawaltar = 2464 4834
naturealtar = 2398 4841

/*End Altars*/

falador = 2965 3380
goblinvillage = 2956 3506
druidscircle = 2926 3482
burthrope = 2926 3561

whitewolf = 2848 3498
catherby = 2815 3447
camelotcastle = 2758 3495
seersvillage = 2708 3492

barbagil = 2541 3546
grandtree1 = 2480 3488
grandtree2 = 2466 3490
treegnome = 2441 3429
westardy = 2535 3305
eastardy = 2659 3308
prifddinas = 2242 3278
elfcamp = 2197 3252
isafdar = 2241 3238
duelarena = 3360 3213
alkharid = 3288 3189
desertmine = 3286 3023
bedabincamp = 3171 3026
banditcamp = 3176 2987
pollnivneach = 3365 2970
pyramid = 3233 2901
sophanem = 3305 2755
uzer = 3490 3090
mortton = 3489 3288
canifis = 3506 3496
phasmatys = 3687 3502
fenkencastle = 3550 3548
digsite = 3354 3402
examcentre = 3354 3344
varrock = 3214 3424
barbvillage = 3081 3424
edgeville = 3093 3493

sarim = 3023 3208
rimmington = 2957 3214
draynor = 3093 3244
lumbridge = 3223 3218
fightarena = 2585 3150
gnomevillage1 = 2521 3177
gnomevillage2 = 2525 3167
khazard = 2665 3161
yanille = 2569 3098
monestary = 3051 3490
karamja = 2814 3182
crandor = 2851 3238
tutisland = 3123 3100
tzhaar = 2480 5175
mineess = 2911 4832
bobsiland = 2526 4777

membersdungeon = 2884 9798
dramentree = 2861 9736
karamjadungeon = 2843 9636
steeldragons = 2719 9433
bluedragons = 2591 9439
theogre = 2584 9737
shadowwarrior = 2705 9758
subwhitewolf = 2822 9882
gloryfountain = 2918 9895
spampdungeon = 3168 9572
barriwscenter = 3551 9693
canifis = 3477 9845
werewolfagil = 3549 9865
eledungeon = 2715 9889
blurite = 3007 9550
miniagil = 2759 9557
runerocks = 3061 3886
kalphites = 3485 9509
smokedungeon = 3207 9377
pyramid4 = 3233 9313
crashisland = 2893 2724
apeatoll = 2801 2704
marimpray = 2807 9201
marimcreate = 2764 9164
magedungeon = 2805 9142
kharazi = 2822 2911
jungledemon = 2657 4568
hangar = 2584 4516
gnomedungeon = 2596 4435
purplecrystal = 2792 4427
submage = 2538 4717
godpray = 2507 4718
lighttower = 2519 4642
bigdwarfs = 2776 10162
bigdwarfs2 = 2838 10126
bigdwarfs3 = 2923 10191
waterfall = 2534 3511
endwild = 3100 3957
eastbank = 3250 3423
varrock = 3210 3424
falador2 = 2964 3378
lumbridge = 3222 3218
camelot = 2757 3477
eardy2 = 2662 3305
wardy2 = 2529 3307
lathas = 2516 3369
gnomestrong = 2461 3443
kharid = 3293 3174
shantay = 3304 3116
kalphlair = 3226 3107
pyramid2 = 3233 2902
pollnivneach = 3359 2910
menaphos = 3274 2784
yanille = 2606 3093
gultanoth = 2516 3044
tutisland2 = 3094 3107
barbarins = 3082 3420
entrana = 2834 3335

coaltrucks = 2582 3481
gvillage = 2956 3506
stonehenge2 = 2926 3482
burth = 2926 3559
wwolf = 2848 3498
catherb = 2813 3447
seers = 2708 3492
barbyagil = 2541 3546
prifdinas = 2242 3278
elfcamp2 = 2197 3252
isafdar2 = 2241 3238
darena = 3360 3213
dminecamp = 3286 3023
bedcamp = 3171 3026
bandcamp = 3176 2987
soph = 3305 2755
uzerruins = 3490 3090
morton = 3489 3288
canif = 3506 3496
portp = 3687 3502
fenken = 3550 3548
dsite = 3354 3402
ecentre = 3354 3344
edgeville = 3093 3493

psarim = 3023 3208
rimm = 2957 3214
farena = 2585 3150
tgvill = 2525 3167
pkhazard = 2665 3161
monkies = 3051 3490
karamj = 2948 3147
crandor2 = 2851 3238
thekbd = 2717 9816
thebigkq = 3487 9493
thepass2 = 2337 9798
wiredwater = 2676 3008
karamja4memb = 2815 3182
meetjuna = 3251 9517
darkroom = 3206 9379
thepass1 = 2495 9715
magicarena = 3107 3937
aatoll = 2755 2784
jungledemonb = 2714 9183
jungledemont = 2703 9178
wagility = 3003 3934
keldagrim = 2937 9999
karamjaagil = 2761 9557
metaldragback = 2713 9459
metaldragfront = 2713 9564
desertpyramid = 3233 9315
thehangar = 2390 9886
fishplatform = 2782 3273
boatcrash = 2795 3321
legendsjungle = 2772 9341
tzhaar2 = 2480 5175
mineess2 = 2911 4832
morningsend = 2044 4649
dwarfs = 2035 4529
kbdlair = 2273 4695
elvenforest = 2309 4597
goldmine = 2358 4959
initiate = 2443 4956
shadowguys = 2738 5081
barrowstop = 3564 3288
barrowstunnel = 3568 9695
barrowschest = 3551 9694
cwbank = 2441 3090
castlewars = 2400 3103
bluedrags = 2910 9801
blackdemons = 2860 9775
hellhounds = 2867 9844
blackdrags = 2829 9826

legends2 = 2377 4705
magearena = 2519 4719
scaperune = 2525 4776
forester = 2602 4775
theisland = 2527 4547
fremmymaze = 2652 9999

quizgame = 1952 4768
trawler = 2013 4820
sunktrawler = 1951 4825
emptytrawler = 1886 4830
mimestage = 2008 4762
draynor = 2130 4913
gameroom = 2196 4961
gashole = 2464 4782
shilo = 2827 2995
karamja1 = 2973 2890
karamja2 = 2973 2910
greater = 3288 3886
wildpalace = 3288 3886
slayertower = 3428 3535
misc = 2512 3860

party = 2739 3472
rellaka = 2659 3661
Credits to systex. Found this pretty interesting.

Premium Donator
Posts: 7747
Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:33 pm

Re: [REPOST] Some cool stuff to do with your Honor

Post by Rick » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:39 pm


Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:30 am

Re: [REPOST] Some cool stuff to do with your Honor

Post by Dmg27 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:00 pm

Waaw nice !!

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