Ironman Guide

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Ironman Guide

Post by Joby » Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:26 am

NOTE: If you have any suggestions for the guide, please let me know.
Getting Started

The first thing you want to do as an Ironman is collect some gear. As an Ironman you will need lots of money to complete various task, and you have various options of doing this. If you want to make your Ironman experience much easier I suggest getting all your skills up. The more skills you have the easier Iron-man becomes.

Hunter - It is a great way to start making money and collecting onyx's.
See a hunting guide for instructions how to level it up. From 91-99 you want to loot all your kingly imps for cash + a chance at onyx's which you will need for achievement points later on. If you can get 3 onyx's that would be awesome to start with. 2 for achievements, and 1 to make an Amulet of fury.
Also you will want to make a strung rabbits foot before looting your imps. Get a rabbits foot by taking snares and placing them oustide all the rabbit holes except one @ the woodland hunting area. Then snare the open hole to catch a rabbits foot.


Keris - Obtain from advanced weapon rack in your house @ 54 construction.

Onyx's - Best way to get them is from looting kinglys.

How to make an amulet: Use a chisel on the gem needed to make your amulet, then get a gold bar by smelting gold ore. Buy an amulet mold from the crafting shop and teleport to smithing to use the furance. Use the gold bar on the furnace with your cut gem, and select to make the amulet. To string the amulet go lumbridge with shears and use them on a sheep just north of the castle. Spin the wool you get inside the lumbridge castle (second floor) and use the ball of wool on your amulet. Then you can enchant your amulet with the required runes it ask for.

99 Herblore: is a highly suggest skill to get when starting your ironman. You can make saradomin brews + overloads for training. If you do not want to do herblore fishing for sharks + mantas is a lesser alternative. For the quickest leveling method see viewtopic.php?f=46&t=22406&hilit=ain+herblore, and to see how to make specific potions see viewtopic.php?f=46&t=40.

Achievements from wise oldman - Very important to do as they unlock dagonaths + increased drop rates at KQ. It takes 20 points to unlock daggonaths, 26 to unlock KQ.

Making teletabs - To make teletabs you will need 99 runecrafting. You gather soft clay from either the crafting guild or from the mine just east of the champions guild. You use the clay on water to make it soft, and then teleport to the abyss and use the lectern. It requires law runes + air runes + soft clay to make them.

Chaotic rapier - Much more efficient than a whip, cost 1.2pkp. When repairing it you will want to make a repair station in your house at 80 construction. Repair stand has a 60% chance of saving your kits. Kits can be bought for 138m or 150 pkp at shops.

Crafting - Gems are the fastest method on Ironman.

Bonecrusher - Will make prayer much more efficient.

Before starting combat I suggest getting a ring of wealth for easier lower level drops. Make a ring of wealth by cutting a dragonstone and using a ring mould + gold bar at a furnace. Enchant it with your runes.
- To get started with combat you can go to rock crabs to gain some levels and get rock shell gear. After you reach about 60 attack/strength/defence I suggest going to the trolls just east of the combat training teleport. They drop rune scimitars frequently and you can gain some levels. Once you get a rune scimitar you'll want to get a dragon scimitar which can be dropped from Hill gaints or Moss giants. Moss giants can be found inside the (monsters - dragons) teleport. Hill giants can be found in level 20 wilderness next to the black salamanders. Once you get your dragon scimitar you should then start doing slayer until 85 in which you can go to the abyssal demons for a whip. Once you achieve a whip you have some different paths you can take.
1. Farm revenants for pkp so you can buy a rapier. - You won't be able to kill the higher level revs without pots, but if you kill the lower level revs it is possible to do it without using tons of food.
2. Finish up the achievement points required to get into the KQ lair. KQ drops alchable loots very frequently, but you will need super pots or better to sustain it's attacks.
3. Do pest invasion so you can kill elves for the bows + shields. Bows alch 90m ea, shields alch 60m ea.

Getting barrows items - You can do this either manually by going into each crypt and killing the brothers, or you can do it through risky barrows. Risky barrows is much faster, but you will need to buy a cannon from the shops for 500 pkp. The cannon balls can be made by using steel bars on a furnace with a cannonball mould in your inventory. Cball moulds can be bought from the shops as well. When doing risky barrows make sure you pray melee and kill the non-melee monsters first to take minimal damage.

Getting a firecape - Jad can be done easily on here with minimal gear. dhide body + legs, dfs, neitznot, dboots or ranger boots, 1k diamond bolts, for your inventory take 13 super restores, 12 sara brews, and 3 extreme (or regular) ranging potions.

Lower level Gear to achieve: Neitznot (moss giants, supreme dagonaths) berserker ring (dagonaths) Dboots + whip (abysall demons) amulet of fury or strength (crafting) dragonfire shield (visage + 95 smithing) Fcape + barrow gloves (jad)

How to gain PKP's - The most effiecient method of gaining pkp's is by killing revanents. As a lower level ironman, you'll have to target the lower level revs, which can be found in wilderness levels 15 and below. Pick up a revenant scroll from death in edgeville and then use it to find them. Do not try to kill the higher level revs without sara brews + overloads.

Salve e: If you happen to get a salve, you can make it a salve (e) at the high level slayer master for 500m + 500pkp + 1.5k slayer points. Do not use your salve (e) in places you might die because if you die it destroys itself to save your items.

99 construction - It will cost you about 2b on your ironman, so try to have the money before starting. You can get the money from kalphite queen or by alching loots from kinglys. Only brawlers I'd suggest buying early game are melee ones.

Making cash is a must on ironman, so the best way to do it is by killing KQ. To kill KQ you need brews + overloads and a keris. Keris can be bought from the combat rack at 54 construction. At this point you will want to finish getting all your 99's, so I suggest doing that before moving on.

Buying donator + premium - They can be bought for 2b + 2pkp each from the donator NPC next to the fountain. They are a great investment, because you unlock premium skilling + corp caves. Also you unlock the premium shop.

Stockpiling potions - This is a great idea to do to make everything easier. Take some time to make atleast 100 overloads, 500 super prayers, and 500 sarabrews. You will for sure need atleast this and more, but its a good start.

Godwars dungeon - Bandos is the first boss I'd suggest doing because of the Bcp + tassets drop. For your gear you'll want to take melee barrow items + overloads, sara brews, and super prayers or restores. The normal inventory is 1 hammer, 4 super prayers, 1 overload, 1 teletab, 1 spec item (dragon dagger or halberd) and 20 sara brews. Do not take a ring of wealth as it does not help and you lose the benefits of a berserker ring.


Corporal beast - you can not leave the dungeon or it regenerates its health, so take 20 sara brews, 3 rocktails, 1 overload, 1 teletab, and super 3 restores. You will need to get a zspear from the zamorak boss before doing corp. Do not take your salve (e) because it is likely you will die. Stay above 800 hp at all times and drink your super restores when necessary.

Endless curses - They cost 3k pkp + 3b, so get the pkp from revs and the 3b from KQ loots.

Hard/Elite hunting - Mithril dragons have the best drop rates in the wilderness. It can be risky taking your best gear, so be careful and take a teletab. All hard clues drop normal Mbox items + ex-ex parrot. Elite clues drop custom whips as well as normal loots.

Credits: Yuu dai for providing me with some information.


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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Swaggit » Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:27 am

Shitty guide, resign.

Just kidding, well done. :D
Add some pictures? :)

Yuu dai
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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Yuu dai » Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:32 am

Looks good man, nicely done

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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Azu rite » Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:53 am

"Smelter"... Ever heard of a furnace mate?

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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Honor cerb » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:23 am

Love the guide, PKH COMMUNITY if you have suggestions please post them below and JOBY will add them. Thank you! :mrgreen:

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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Brandt » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:25 am

Azu rite wrote:"Smelter"... Ever heard of a furnace mate?
Lmfao. :lol:

Good one, Joby! Planning to add to this in the future? :P

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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Joby » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:32 am

Brandt wrote:
Azu rite wrote:"Smelter"... Ever heard of a furnace mate?
Lmfao. :lol:

Good one, Joby! Planning to add to this in the future? :P
Yes of course! (Fixed the little smelter problem, lmao :D )
As I think of more to add, it will be added in.


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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Brant » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:10 pm


Shop 14
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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Shop 14 » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:36 pm

Why a zspear for corp?

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Azu rite
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Re: Ironman Guide

Post by Azu rite » Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:40 pm

Shop 14 wrote:Why a zspear for corp?
It actually works like it should against corp, like on rs

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