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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Couches123 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:21 am

Lolerskates wrote:In-game name:Lolerskates
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Im a martial artist who plays games as a profession. I used to be a semi professional gamer on the xbox 360 and have fallen in love with Pkhonor. Ive been lokking for a good group for a while and would like to join a good group of people
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:Yes without hesitation
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:none
Current Bank Wealth?:2.5 range
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.52 I generally only watch fights
Why would you like to join our clan?: I would like to join so i can have people to boss with and play with on a daily basis.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Ayeno1 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:47 pm

In-game name: ayoisno1
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):ayoisbest
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): i like to pk and stake a bit. not too much of pvm like i used to do. but irl i like to drum
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:yes i will
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:pkpkings to business
Current Bank Wealth?: 40b +
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.7
Why would you like to join our clan?: Ive been in pkp kings around 3 different times. i was in the first generation then i joined the second one when they were recruiting. also i find it a very welcoming clan.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Fungamer » Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:00 pm

Reece wrote:
Alex agnew wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: I want gen
Why do you think you deserve this rank? I'm sexy
Who will support this rank up?: Vik, Errobbie, Reece, Simon2012, Markymark couches123?

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssh keeed r u even in da clan keed
i am ur superior m8

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Couches123 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:21 pm

Ayoisno1 wrote:In-game name: ayoisno1
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):ayoisbest
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): i like to pk and stake a bit. not too much of pvm like i used to do. but irl i like to drum
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:yes i will
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:pkpkings to business
Current Bank Wealth?: 40b +
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.7
Why would you like to join our clan?: Ive been in pkp kings around 3 different times. i was in the first generation then i joined the second one when they were recruiting. also i find it a very welcoming clan.
Get your ratio up.
Denied for now.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Hope » Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:26 am

Couches123 wrote:
Ayoisno1 wrote:In-game name: ayoisno1
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):ayoisbest
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): i like to pk and stake a bit. not too much of pvm like i used to do. but irl i like to drum
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:yes i will
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:pkpkings to business
Current Bank Wealth?: 40b +
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.7
Why would you like to join our clan?: Ive been in pkp kings around 3 different times. i was in the first generation then i joined the second one when they were recruiting. also i find it a very welcoming clan.
Get your ratio up.
Denied for now.
What does ratio have to do with anything but?
there are quite a few reasons as to why someone would have a low kda.
judging on numbers isn't the way to do anything.
H1 : "shit like ur face is small thing like foggot n fag n bitch so invalid."

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Ekz ile » Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:29 pm

In-game name:ekz ile
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):
Well i like development in the games community i left due to real life issues but i came back because i missed pking and pvming with my friends :3
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:Yes, Always.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:PKP Vetern
Current Bank Wealth?:10-15b? Chaotics *all/Divine/Godarmors/AGS/Dclaw
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.63 :< sigh but look at my play time on the acc i only log in here and there
Why would you like to join our clan?:miss my friends no ones on at this time.. lol

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Brant » Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:40 pm

In-game name: Bzink00
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): N/A
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I am 13 and a big supporter of this game. When I am older I will donate, and I am on almost daily for 1-5 hours.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Yes I will. I never was banned at all and don't scam.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: None this is my first clan.
Current Bank Wealth?: 1-2 billion I know not much.
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 2-0 I don't pk.
Why would you like to join our clan?: I would like to join you guys because I never actually had been in a clan and i get bored by myself.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Pkp kings v2 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:35 pm

Bzink00 wrote:In-game name: Bzink00
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): N/A
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I am 13 and a big supporter of this game. When I am older I will donate, and I am on almost daily for 1-5 hours.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Yes I will. I never was banned at all and don't scam.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: None this is my first clan.
Current Bank Wealth?: 1-2 billion I know not much.
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 2-0 I don't pk.
Why would you like to join our clan?: I would like to join you guys because I never actually had been in a clan and i get bored by myself.
Denied, start pking more.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Not motti » Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:34 pm

What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: recruit, applying for sergeant
Why do you think you deserve this rank? Cus I rek da poosi at the pk tournament. Robbie knows. And I feel like I suit that rank.
Who will support this rank up?: F3arme and Houwuh. Probably more, I only discussed this with Vik and I said it to John. I'll ask more people later online today.
Last edited by Not motti on Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm

Post by Vik » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:08 am

What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?:3 Bananas applying for captain
Why do you think you deserve this rank? Taking into account of my loyalty and time in cc I think I deserve it, in respectful in cc always helping cc members and I do ally of things for the clan like being a forums manager for free.
Who will support this rank up?: Motti, maybe Seamz, Zerk fest, Im On Meth, Fatty Lips, Pizaroll94(Gen) I'll ask more people later
Last edited by Vik on Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:13 am, edited 4 times in total.

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